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13 Cards in this Set

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ambiguous (adj)
unclear in meaning
What the Heck?
The teacher's explanation of the America economy was ambiguous and didn't help to understand it at all.
obscure (adj)
not easily understood; indistinct
What the Heck?
The french exchange student had an obscure accent which was uncomprehendable.
equivocal (adj)
deliberately ambiguous or misleading
What the Heck?
Many SAT questions are equivocal and are confusing to the test taker.
convoluted (adj)
intricate and hard to follow
What the Heck?
Our group's leader had a convoluted plan that we all rejected become of its level of difficulty.
cryptic (adj)
enigmatic; mysterious
What the Heck?
Gatsby was a cryptic charcter who many knew little about.
unfathomable (adj)
impossible to comprehend
What the Heck?
Geometry is an unfathomable subject and as a result I get bad grades in the subject.
nebulous (adj)
vague; indefinite
What the Heck?
Her explanation was very nebulous and leaved me with a lot of questions.
enigma (n)
a mystery or riddle
What the Heck?
Nancy Drew loved to solve enigmas.
esoteric (adj)
difficult to understand
What the Heck?
The Chinese language is very esoteric because it is often hard to translate.
ramble (v)
to wander aimlessly, either verbally or physically
What the Heck?
Her speech had a tendency to ramble off topic, making it longer then required.
desultory (adj)
aimless; prone to random digressions
What the Heck?
My teacher is very desultory and seldom focuses on the task at hand.
digress (v)
to go off topic
What the Heck?
dis-, gradi
In our class discussions, we tend to digress and talk about completely different topics.
profound (adj)
deep; insightful
What the Heck?
Native American culture has had a profound impact on my life as I continue to study their traditions.