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46 Cards in this Set

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fundamental ignorance that leads to all worlds problems
everything in the world is impermanent and the reason none of it can bring you happiness. fundamental distinction between hinduism and buddhism
dependent arising
everything comes into being in dependence upon causes and conditions
beings lack an enduring eself or soul
Buddha's Hinayana followers who had eradicated mental afflictions and transcended all attachment to mundane things
ideal is the bodhisattva- one whose goal is awakening so that he/she can help others find happiness. much more communal. large raft.
a school that develped in East Asia which emphasized meditation aimed at a non-conceptual, direct understanding of reality
completion stage
tarntric practice in which one visualizes oneself as being transformed into a buddha
deity yoga
the tantric practice of visualizing oneself as a buddha
buddhist doctrince and practice
eightfold path
4th of Noble Truths. 1) right views 2) right aspiration 3)right speech 4)right conduct 5)right livelihood 6)right effort 7)right mindfulness 8)right concentration
five aggregates
components of the psycho-physcial personality and the factors on the basis of which unawakened being impute the false notion of a "self" 1 form 2 feelings 3 discriminations 4 consciousness 5 compositional factors
Generation stage
tantric practice of visualizing a vivid image of a buddha in front of one self
matching concepts, a translation style adopted for early chinese versions of buddhist texts, which involved using indigenous Chinese terms for Sanskrit words
Middle Way School. one of the most influential systems of indian buddhism
Pure Land
A school of Buddhism popular in East Asia whos adherents strive for rebirth in the realm of Buddha Amitabha.
Sage of the Shakyas. An epithet of the historical buddha whos name was Siddhartha Gautama
Emptiness, the lack of inherent existence that characterizes all persons nad phenomena
Skill in Means
the abilty to adapt buddhist teachings and practices to the level of understanding of one's audience
discourses attributed to the historical buddha
discourses attributed to the historical buddha, which appeared sometime artound the seventh century and that advocate principles involving visualizing oneself as a buddha
yogic practice school. a system of indian buddhism whose main early exponents were the brothers Asanga and Vasubandhu
Amaratasu Omikami
Shinto. The Sun Goddess believed to be the divine progenitor of the imperial line
Folk Shinto
a term for popular practices connected with the kami
the most prominent shrine of shinto, dedicated to the sun goddess
the indigenous gods of Japan, often associated with particualr places. Natural elements,animals and ancestors
Makoto no kokoro
Heart of Truth. an attitude of reverance toward the natural world and pure moral character
Sectarian Shinto
Distinctive schools of Shinto thought and practice
Way of the Gods. believed by many traditional Japanese to be the native religious tradition of Japan
Shrine Shinto
A form of Shinto that centers on ritual activities connected with shrines
clan deity of Shintoism
mercuric sulfide, believed by Daoist alchemists to be the key to an elixir of immortality
The Way. impersonal force that sustains all life and dictates patterns of growth and development
The Way and Virtue. a classic work of Daoism attributed to Laozi
the power or virtue of Dao, which enables it to influence the movements of natural systems
Daoist sages and alchemists who have discovered the secrets to physical immortality
the legendary founder of Daoism, said to have lived during the sixth century bc
Philosophical Daoism
a term coined by western scholars to designate the strand of Daoism represented by Laozi and Zhuangzi, which is concerned the nature and activities of Dao
The Uncarved Block. a metaphor for human beings in their natural state before society distorts their true nature through training and education
vital energy or life force that sustains living beings
religious daoism
a term coined by western scholars to designate the strand of daoism tht was concerned primarily with the quest for immortality
Not acting. the attitude of the daoist sage which involves allowing events to happen naturally in accordance with the movements of the dao
the actice and aggressive aspect of Dao
the passive aspect of dao
one fo the most influential figures of early philsophical daoism
Sitting and Forgetting. a method of daoist meditation involving dropping off the accumulated training that interferes with understanding of Dao