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50 Cards in this Set

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Word: Numerous

Stems: numer - number; ous - full of

Literary Context: "Among the numerous advantages promised by a well constructed Union, none deserves to be more accurately developed than its tendency to break and control the violence of faction."(Federalist 10)

Dictionary Definition:

-very many; being or existing in great quantity

-consisting of or comprising a great number of units or individuals

Definition in Context:

very many; being or existing in great quantity

Word: Construct

Stems: con - together; struct - build

Literary Context: "Among the numerous advantages promised by a well constructed Union, none deserves to be more accurately developed than its tendency to break and control the violence of faction."(Federalist 10)

Dictionary Definition:

-to build or form by putting together parts; frame; devise

-to draw (a figure) fulfilling certain given conditions.

Definition in Context:

to build or form by putting together parts; frame; devise

Word: Tendency

Stems: tend - stretch

Literary Context: "Among the numerous advantages promised by a well constructed Union, none deserves to be more accurately developed than its tendency to break and control the violence of faction."(Federalist 10)

Dictionary Definition:

-a natural or prevailing disposition to move, proceed, or act in some direction or toward some point, end, or result

-an inclination, bent, or predisposition to something

-a special and definite purpose in a novel or other literary work

Definition in Context:

a natural or prevailing disposition to move, proceed, or act in some direction or toward some point, end, or result

Word: Faction

Stems: tion - act or state

Literary Context: "Among the numerous advantages promised by a well constructed Union, none deserves to be more accurately developed than its tendency to break and control the violence of faction."(Federalist 10)

Dictionary Definition:

-a group or clique within a larger group, party, government, organization, or the like

-party strife and intrigue; dissension

Definition in Context:

a group or clique within a larger group, party, government, organization, or the like

Word: Restoration

Stems: Re - again, tion - act or state of

Literary Context: "For the poor, life is always hard, but during the Restoration and the eighteenth century, the poor lived in deplorable conditions, without the aid of doctors or police, and beyond the reach of education, religion, and charity."(Elements of Literature 478)

Dictionary Definition:

- the action of returning something to a former owner, place, or condition

- the return of a hereditary monarch to a throne, a head of state to government, or a regime to power

Definition in Context:

the return of a hereditary monarch to a throne, a head of state to government, or a regime to power

Word: Deplorable

Stems: De - down, able - able

Literary Context: "For the poor, life is always hard, but during the Restoration and the eighteenth century, the poor lived in deplorable conditions, without the aid of doctors or police, and beyond the reach of education, religion, and charity."(Elements of Literature 478)

Dictionary Definition:

deserving strong condemnation

Definition in Context:

deserving strong condemnation

Word: Tenements

Stems: Ten - hold

Literary Context: "Overcrowding in London's tenements and workhouses reached a all-time high during the period."(Elements of Literature 478)

Word: Overcrowding

Stems: Over - past the limit

Literary Context: "Overcrowding in London's tenements and workhouses reached a all-time high during the period."(Elements of Literature 478)

Word: Surpass

Stems: Sur - over

Literary Context: "During the first part of the eighteenth century, the overall death rate surpassed the birth rate." (Elements of Literature 479)

Word: Conjecture

Stems: Con - together, Ject - throw

Literary Context: "In the meantime, I felt at least forty more of the same kind (as I conjectured) following the first."(Elements of Literature 488)

Word: Exigencies

Stems: ex : out, gen : origin

Literary Context: "In this document, Burke outlines the dangers for a democracy at war: how exigencies of a national emergency..."(The Democracy Reader 51)

Dictionary Definition: Urgent needs or demands

Definition in Context: Urgent needs or demands

Word: Presentment

Stems: Pre - before

Literary Context: "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces..." (Bill of Rights)

Dictionary definition:an act of presenting, especially to the mind, as an idea, view, etc;the state of being presented;a presentation;the manner or mode in which something is presented;a representation, picture, or likeness;the presenting of a bill, note, or the like, as for acceptance or payment; the written statement of an offense by a grand jury, of their own knowledge or observation, when no indictment has been laid before them.

Definition in context: the written statement of an offense by a grand jury, of their own knowledge or observation, when no indictment has been laid before them.

Word: Syntagma

Stems: syn - together

Literary Context: "It is their own pride and ignorance which causes the disturbing, who neither will hear with meekness, nor can convince, yet all must be suppressed which is not found in their syntagma."(The Democracy Reader 28)

Dictionary Definition: an element that enters into a relationship among linguistic elements that occurs sequentially in the chain of speech or writing.

Definition in Context: an element that enters into a relationship among linguistic elements that occurs sequentially in the chain of speech or writing.

Word: conversion

Stems: Con- together; Sion- act of

Literary context: “Temperature conversion: Fahrenheit to Celsius”(Zumdahl 67).

Dictionary definition: the act or an instance of converting or the process of being converted.

Definition in context: The act of changing a number to another number

Word: assumption

Stems: As- as; Tion- state of

Literary context: “Again, the assumption here might very well be debatable…”(Shea).

Dictionary definition: a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.

Definition in context: a thing that has no evidence, but considered to be correct

Word: Utilitarianism

Stems: ism - doctrine

Literary Context: "The precocious son of a famous theorist of utilitarianism, James Mill, John Stuart Mill earned his living as an examiner of the East India Company, but his intellectual life dwarfed this career."(The Democracy Reader 65)

Dictionary Definition: the ethical doctrine that virtue is based onutility, and that conduct should be directed toward promoting the greatest happiness of the greatest number of persons.

Definition in Context: the ethical doctrine that virtue is based onutility, and that conduct should be directed toward promoting the greatest happiness of the greatest number of persons.

Word: Intricate

Stems: intra:within

Literary Context: "The Gunner pulled George to a halt in the intricate tracery of the shadows cast by a neon light above a spreading plane tree."(Fletcher 41)

Dictionary definition: having many interrelated parts or facets; entangled or involved; complex; complicated; hard to understand, work, or make

Definition in Context: Having many interrelated parts or facets

Word: Excavated

Stems: Ex:out

Literary Context: "He found his hand had excavated the lump of Plasticine in his pocket and was kneading it nervously." (Fletcher 62)

Dictionary Definition: to make hollow by removing the inner part; make a hole or cavity in;form into a hollow, as by digging; to make (a hole, tunnel, etc.) by removing material; to dig or scoop out (earth,sand, etc.); to expose or lay bare by or as if by digging; unearth

Definition in Context: to dig or scoop out (earth,sand, etc.); to expose or lay bare by or as if by digging; unearth

Word: Triplicate

Stems: Tri - three; ate - cause

Literary Context: "But you can't call it kidnapping when transfer papers have been signed in triplicate." (Shusterman 3)

Dictionary Definition: one of three identical items, especially copies of typewritten material.

Definition in Context: one of three identical items, especially copies of typewritten material.

Word: Confection

Stems: Con - together; tion - act/state

Literary Context: "'It's not a confection! It's not!'"(Fletcher 244)

Dictionary Definition: a medicated preparation made with the aid of sugar,honey, syrup, or the like; something, as a garment or decorative object, that is verydelicate,elaborate, or luxurious and usuallynon utilitarian; something made up or confected; a concoctiona frivolous, amusing, or contrived play, book,or other artistic or literary work; the process of compounding,preparing, or making something; a sweetpreparation of fruit or the like, as a preserve or candy

Definition in Context: something made up or confected; a concoction

Word: Precocious

Stems: pre - before; cogn - know; ous - full of

Literary Context: "The precocious son of a famous theorist of utilitarianism, James Mill, John Stuart Mill earned his living as an examiner of the East India Company, but his intellectual life dwarfed this career."(The Democracy Reader 65)

Dictionary Definition: unusually advanced or mature in development, especially mental development; prematurely developed, as the mind, faculties, ect...; of or relating to premature development; flowering, fruiting, or ripening early; bearing blossoms before leaves; appearing before leaves.

Definition In Context: unusually advanced or mature in development, especially mental development

Word: Everybody

Stems: ver - true

Literary Context: "Everybody listened attentively, raising their eyebrows and cocking their heads as they tried to understand what kind of music this was."(Beah 67)

Dictionary Definition: every person

Definition in Context: every person

Word: Infamous

Stems: in - not, ous - full of

Literary Context: "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces..." (Bill of Rights)

Dictionary definition: having an extremely bad reputation; deserving of or causing an evil reputation; shamefully malign; detestable; deprived of certain rights as a citizen, as a consequence of conviction of certain offenses of or relating to offenses involving such deprivation

Definition in context: deprived of certain rights as a citizen, as a consequence of conviction of certain offenses of or relating to offenses involving such deprivation

Word: Indictment

Stems: In - in; Dict - say

Literary Context: "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces..." (Bill of Rights)

Dictionary definition: a formal accusation initiating a criminal case, presented by a grand jury and usually required for felonies and other serious crimes; any charge, accusation, serious criticism, or cause for blame.

Definition in context: a formal accusation initiating a criminal case, presented by a grand jury and usually required for felonies and other serious crimes

Word: Philosopher

Stems: Phile : love, soph : wisdom

Literary Context: "Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) lived a long and fearful life as a political philosopher during the turbulent seventeenth century in England." (The Democracy Reader 28)

Dictionary definition: a person who offers views or theories on profound questions in ethics,metaphysics, logic, and other related fields; a person who is deeply versed in philosophy; a person who establishes the central ideas of some movement, cult,etc.; a person who regulates his or her life, actions, judgments, utterances,etc., by the light of philosophy or reason; a person who is rationally or sensibly calm, especially under trying circumstances; an alchemist or occult scientist.

Definition in context: a person who regulates his or her life, actions, judgments, utterances,etc., by the light of philosophy or reason

Word: Embryo


Literary Context: "It is curiously in embryos and childhood, and among the illiterate, we always find the groundwork and start, of this great science, and its noblest products."(The Language of Composition 722)

Dictionary Definition:

-the young of a viviparous animal, especially of a mammal, in the early stages of development within the womb, in humans up to the end of the second month.

-the rudimentary plant usually contained in the seed

-any multi cellular animal in a developmental stage preceding birth or hatching

-the beginning or rudimentary stage of anything

Definition in Context: the young of a viviparous animal, especially of a mammal, in the early stages of development within the womb, in humans up to the end of the second month.

Word: Mobilization

Stems: tion-act

Literary context: "Mass mobilization is often used by grassroots-based social movements, including revolutionary movements, but can also become a tool of elites and the state itself”(Fletcher).

Definition- process of making something capable of movement, or to have people and resources ready to move or act.

Definition in Context: people have resources ready

Word: Contributions

Stems: con-together, tion-act

Literary Context: “Campaign finance refers to all funds raised to promote candidates, political parties, or policy initiatives and referenda. Political parties, charitable organizations, and political action committees (in the United States) are vehicles used in aggregating funds to keep campaigns alive” (Fletcher).

Dictionary Definition: the part played by a person or thing in bringing about a result or helping something to advance.

Definition in Context: to help someone with their election

Word: Decentralization

Stems: de-down, tion-act of

Literary Context: “List three problems with decentralization under the Articles of Confederation and how the Constitution addressed the problem”

Dictionary Definition: the dispersion or distribution of functions and powers

Definition in Context: the dispersion or distribution of functions and powers

Word: Constitution

Stems: con-together, tion-act of

Literary Context: “List three problems with decentralization under the Articles of Confederation and how the Constitution addressed the problem”

Dictionary Definition: a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed.

Definition in Context: a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed.

Word: Tension

Stems: Ten-stretch

Literary Context: “Some have argued the tensions between centralized and decentralized government still exist.”

Dictionary Definition: a strained political or social state or relationship.

Definition in Context: a strained political or social state or relationship.

Word: Denominator

Stems: de-down

Literary Context: “It is difficult to estimate the value of a number with a radical in the denominator, and it is also difficult to combine it with or compare it to other numbers”(CPM).

Dictionary Definition: a divisor

Definition in Context: number below line of division

Word: Rewrite

Stems: re-again

Literary Context: “Rewrite both equations in “a =” form”(CPM).

Dictionary Definition: write again

Definition in Context: write again

Word: imaginary

Stems: im- not

Literary Context: “The imaginary number i is defined as the square root of –1, so i = ”(CPM).

Dictionary Definition: not real

Definition in Context: (of a number or quantity) expressed in terms of the square root of a negative number (usually the square root of -1, represented by i or j ).

Word: Complex

Stems: com-together

Literary Context: “Numbers such as these are called complex numbers and can be written in the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers”(CPM).

Dictionary Definition: consisting of many different and connected parts.

Definition in Context: denoting or involving numbers or quantities containing both a real and an imaginary part.

Word: Vertically

Stems: ver-truth

Literary Context: “Vertically translated by the value of k”(CPM).

Dictionary Definition: vertical, perpendicular, plumb mean being at right angles to a base line. Vertical suggests a line or direction rising straight upward toward a zenith

Definition in Context: vertical, perpendicular, plumb mean being at right angles to a base line. Vertical suggests a line or direction rising straight upward toward a zenith

Word: Subjected

Stems: sub-under, ject-throw

Literary Context: “...she risks being subjected to a forced abortion”(Jian 3)

Dictionary Definition: cause or force to undergo

Definition in Context: forced

Word: Expressed

Stems: ex- out

Literary Context: “Identify the expressed, concurrent or reserved powers used in the situation.”

Dictionary Definition: represent (a number, relation, or property) by a figure, symbol, or formula.

Definition in Context: represent (a number, relation, or property) by a figure, symbol, or formula.

Word: Concurrent

Stems: con- together

Literary Context: “Identify the expressed, concurrent or reserved powers used in the situation.”

Dictionary Definition: to be served at the same time

Definition in Context: to be served at the same time

Word: Situation

Stems: Tion- act of

Literary Context: “Identify the expressed, concurrent or reserved powers used in the situation.”

Dictionary Definition: a set of circumstances in which one finds oneself; a state of affairs.

Definition in Context: a set of circumstances in which one finds oneself; a state of affairs.

Word: Ideology

Stems: ideo- idea

Literary Context: “Explain how political ideology influences your view of power.”

Dictionary Definition: a system of ideas and ideals, especially one that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy.

Definition in Context: a system of ideas and ideals, especially one that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy.

Word: Realistic

Stems: re- again

Literary Context: “If none available, then state what could have been a realistic problem between the governments”

Dictionary Definition: having or showing a sensible and practical idea of what can be achieved or expected.

Definition in Context: having or showing a sensible and practical idea of what can be achieved or expected.

Word: Questionnaires

Stems: quis-search, tion- act of

Literary Context: " The voter survey is based on questionnaires completed by 24,537 voters leaving 350 voting places throughout the United States on Election Day including 4,398 telephone interviews with early and absentee voters."

Dictionary Definition: a set of printed or written questions with a choice of answers, devised for the purposes of a survey or statistical study.

Definition in Context: a set of printed or written questions with a choice of answers, devised for the purposes of a survey or statistical study.

Word: Conducted

Stems: con- together

Literary Context: "In 2012, 2008 and 2004, the exit poll was conducted by Edison/Mitofsky; in 1996 and 2000 by Voter News Services; in 1992 by Voter Research and Surveys; and in earlier years by The New York Times and CBS News."

Dictionary Definition: organize and carry out.

Definition in Context: organize and carry out.

Word: Telephone

Stems: tele-talk

Literary Context: "The voter survey is based on questionnaires completed by 24,537 voters leaving 350 voting places throughout the United States on Election Day including 4,398 telephone interviews with early and absentee voters."

Dictionary Definition: telecommunications device that permits two or more users to conduct a conversation when they are too far apart to be heard directly

Definition in Context: telecommunications device that permits two or more users to conduct a conversation when they are too far apart to be heard directly

Word: Percentage

Stems: per-through

Literary Context: "Change is shown in percentage points. When comparable data are available, this measure combines the change in Republican support and the change in Democratic support from the previous election."

Dictionary Definition: a rate, number, or amount in each hundred.

Definition in Context: a rate, number, or amount in each hundred.

Word: Republican

Stems: re- again

Literary Context: "Change is shown in percentage points. When comparable data are available, this measure combines the change in Republican support and the change in Democratic support from the previous election."

Dictionary Definition: one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States, the other being its historic rival, the Democratic Party.

Definition in Context: one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States, the other being its historic rival, the Democratic Party.

Word: Previous

Stems: pre-before

Literary Context: "Change is shown in percentage points. When comparable data are available, this measure combines the change in Republican support and the change in Democratic support from the previous election."

Dictionary Definition: existing or occurring before in time or order.

Definition in Context: existing or occurring before in time or order.

Word: Application

Stems: tion-act of

Literary Context: "Fill out the application info and Emergency Contact info on the CONTACT page."

Dictionary Definition: a form to be filled out by an applicant, as for a job or a driver's license.

Definition in Context: a form to be filled out by an applicant, as for a job or a driver's license.

Word: Enrollment


Literary Context: "Pay in full at time of enrollment"

Dictionary Definition: the act or process of enrolling.

Definition in Context: the act or process of enrolling.