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120 Cards in this Set

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ac'quis'itive (adj.)
-able to get and retain info.
-concerned with getting wealth or knowledge
'a'rrogate (verb)
-to claim or take without right
ba'nal' (adj.)
be'la'bor (verb)
-to work on excessively
-to thrash soundly
'car'ping (adj.) (n.)
-tending to find fault
co'her'ent (adj.)
-making a logical whole
con'geal' (v.)
-to change from liquid to solid
-to thicken
'em'ulate (v.)
-to imitate
en'co'mium (n.)
-formal expression of praise
-lavish tribute
es'chew' (v.)
-to avoid; shun
ger'mane' (adj.)
in'sa'tiable (adj.)
-so demanding as not to be satisfied
in'tran'sigent (adj.)
-refusing to compromise
in'vid'ious (adj.)
-offensive; hateful
-tending to cause bitterness & resentment
lar'gesse' (n.)
-generosity in giving
-lavish contributions
re'conn'aissance (n.)
-a survey made for military purposes
'tac'iturn (adj.)
-silent or quiet
-inclined to talk very little
'tem'porize (v.)
-to stall or act evasively in order to gain time.
-avoid confrontation; postpone a decision
--to compromise
'ten'able (adj.)
-capable of being held or defended
sub'stan'tiate (n.)
-to establish evidence
-to prove
a'ccost' (v.)
-to approach & speak first
-to confront in an aggressive way
animad'ver'sion (n.)
-a comment indicating strong criticism or disapproval
'av'id (adj.)
-desirous of something to the point of greed
-intensely eager
'brack'ish (adj.)
-having a salty taste
ce'ler'ity (n.)
-rapidity of motion
'de'vious (adj.)
-straying from a direct course (deviating)
-acting in a shifty or underhanded way
'gam'bit (n.)
-an opening move that involves sacrifice in order to gain a later advantage
(used in chess)
halcyon (n.) (adj.)
--a legendary bird
--calm; peaceful; happy
histri'on'ic (adj.)
-pertaining to actors
-theatrical; melodramatic
in'cend'iary (adj.) (n.)
-setting fires
-designed to start fires; or to stir up strife
'mael'strom (n.)
-a whirlpool of great size & violence
-a destructive and whirlpool-like situation
my'op'ic (adj.)
-lacking a realistic view; or foresight
o'vert' (adj.)
-open; not hidden
pe'jor'ative (adj.)
-tending to make worse
-derogatory; belittling
pro'pri'ety (n.)
-the state of being proper
-standards of what is proper or socially acceptable
'sac'rilege (n.)
-improper or disrespectful treatment of something holy
su'mmar'ily (adv.)
-without delay
-briefly; concisely
'supp'liant (adj.) (n.)
-asking humbly & earnestly
-one who makes a humble request
'tal'isman (n.)
-an object that serves as a charm or is believed to have magical powers
'un'dulate (v.)
-to move in wavelike motions
ar'tic'ulate (v.) (adj.)
-to express well in words
-expressed clearly
ca'vort' (v.)
-to romp or prance
-to make merry
'cred'ence (n.)
-belief; mental acceptance
de'cry' (v.)
-to condemn
-to express strong disapproval
di'ssem'ble (v.)
- to disguise
-to deliberately give a false impression
dis'traught' (adj.)
-very agitated or upset
'eu'logy (n.)
-a formal statement of praise
e'vince' (v.)
-to display clearly; make evident
-to provoke
ex'hume' (v.)
-to remove from a grave
-to bring to light
'feck'less (adj.)
-lacking in spirit & strength
-weak; unreliable
'mur'ky (adj.)
-dark & gloomy
-lacking in clarity
ne'far'ious (adj.)
-wicked; depraved
-devoid of moral standards
'pi'quant (adj.)
-stimulating to the taste or mind
-spicy; pungent; appealing
pri'mor'dial (adj.)
-created at the beginning
pro'pin'quity (n.)
-nearness in place & time
un'won'ted (adj.)
-not usual or expected
-not in character
u'to'pian (adj.)
-idealistic; ideal world
'ver'biage (n.)
-language that is too wordy
'ver'dent (adj.)
-immature in experience or judgment
'vis'cous (adj.)
-gelatinous or gooey
-lacking in easy movement
'a'trophy (adj.) (v.)
-wasting away
-to waste away
'bas'tion (n.)
-fortified place; stronghold
'con'cord (n.)
-a state of agreement; harmony
-a treaty; pact
'con'summate (adj.) (v.)
-complete to the highest degree
-to bring to the state of completion
disa'rray' (n.) (v.)
-disorder; confusion
-to throw into disorder
'ex'igency (n.)
-urgency; pressure
'flot'sam (n.)
-debris; wreckage
-homeless; poor people
fre'net'ic (adj.)
-highly agitated
glean (v.)
-to gather bit by bit
-to gather leftover grain
grouse (n.) (v.)
-a type of game bird
-to complain
in'car'cerate (v.)
-to imprision; to jail
in'cum'bent (adj.) (n.)
-one who holds office @ a specific time
'joc'ular (adj.)
-humorous; joking
'lud'icrous (adj.)
'mor'dant (adj.)
-sharply or bitterly harsh
'nett'le (n.) (v.)
-a stinging plant
-to agitate or annoy
pe'cu'niary (adj.)
-consisting of or measured in money
-related to money
pusi'llan'imous (adj.)
re'cum'bent (adj.)
-in a reclining position; lying down
'strat'agem (n.)
-a scheme to outwit or deceive an opponent
a'cu'ity (n.)
-sharpness (usually of the mind)
de'lin'eate (v.)
-to portray or describe in accurate detail
de'praved' (adj.)
-marked by evil & corruption
'en'ervate (v.)
-to weaken
eso'ter'ic (adj.)
-private; secret
'fec'und ((adj.)
-fruitful; productive
fiat (n.)
-a random order or decree
'fig'ment (n.)
-a fabrication of the mind
'gar'ner (v.)
-to acquire from effect
-to gather & store away
'hall'ow (v.)
-to set apart as holy; consecrate
-to revere
idio'syn'crasy ( n.)
-a peculiarity that serves to distinguish
'ig'nominy (n.)
-shame and disgrace
mun'dane' ( adj.)
-earthly; worldly
-concerned with what is ordinary
'nu'ance (n.)
-a subtle variation
-delicate gradation
over'wee'ning (adj.)
'pen'chant (n.)
-a strong attraction or inclination
re'put'ed (adj.)
-according to reputation
-having widespread acceptance
'soph'istry (n.)
-reasoning that seems plausible but is false
'sump'tuous (adj.)
u'biq'uitous (adj.)
-existing everywhere
'ab'ject (adj.)
-degraded; contemptible; servile
ag'nos'tic (n.) (adj.)
-one who believes nothing can be known about God
-without faith; skeptical
com'plic'ity (n.)
-involvement in wrongdoing
-the state of being an accomplice
'der'elict (n.) (adj.)
-something abandoned
-left abandoned or neglected
'di'atribe (n.)
-a bitter and prolonged attack
'eff'igy (n.)
-a crude image of a despised person
'eq'uity (n.)
-the state of being just or equal
-the money value of a property
in'ane' (adj.)
-empty of meaning or value; retarded
in'dict'ment (n.)
-the act of accusing
-a formal accusation
in'du'bitable (adj.)
-not to be doubted
inter'mitt'ent (adj.)
-stopping & beginning again
moot (adj.) (v.) (n.)
-open to discussion and debate
-to bring up for discussion
-a hypothetical law case by students
mo'tif' (n.)
-a principal theme or element
-a repeated figure in a design
'ne'ophyte (n.)
-beginner; novice
perspi'cac'ity (n.)
-keenness in observing and understanding
'plen'ary (adj.)
-complete or absolute in all aspects
-attended by all members
sur'vei'llance (n.)
-a watch kept over a person
-close observation
'syl'van (adj.)
-pertaining to forests
'tes'ty (adj.)
-easily irritated
'trav'esty (n.) (v.)
-a grotesque imitation
-a disguise
--to ridicule by imitating