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42 Cards in this Set

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steep (V)
to soak
importune (V)
Ask (someone) pressingly and persistently for or to do something
- if he were alive now, I should importune him with my questions
august (ADJ)
Respected and impressive
- she was in august company
ruffian (N)
aa bully
disquietude (N)
A state of uneasiness or anxiety
vivisection (N)
act if dissecting living animals
wax (V)
(of the moon between new and full) Have a progressively larger part of its visible surface illuminated, increasing its apparent size
adventitious (ADJ)
repast (N)
A meal
- a sumptuous repast
ferret (V)
Look around in a place or container in search of something
- he went to the desk and ferreted around
precarious (ADJ)
Not securely held or in position; dangerously likely to fall or collapse
- a precarious ladder
expedient (ADJ)
(of an action) Convenient and practical, although possibly improper or immoral
- either side could break the agreement if it were expedient to do so
unbridled (ADJ)
Uncontrolled; unconstrained
- a moment of unbridled ambition
- unbridled lust
cogitate (V)
Think deeply about something; meditate or reflect
- he stroked his beard and retired to cogitate
proselytize (V)
Convert or attempt to convert (someone) from one religion, belief, or opinion to another
- the program did have a tremendous evangelical effect, proselytizing many
amalgam (N)
A mixture or blend
- a curious amalgam of the traditional and the modern
swill (V)
Wash or rinse out (an area or container) by pouring large amounts of water or other liquid over or into it
- I swilled out the mug
chastise (V)
Rebuke or reprimand severely
- he chastised his colleagues for their laziness
effulgent (ADJ)
Shining brightly; radiant
lode (N)
A vein of metal ore in the earth
Elysium (N)
place of bliss
vicar (N)
A representative or deputy of a bishop
ken (N)
One's range of knowledge or sight
- such determination is beyond my ken
upshot (N)
corpuscle (N)
red/white blood cell
espouse (N)
Adopt or support (a cause, belief, or way of life)
- he turned his back on the modernism he had espoused in his youth
sylvan (ADJ)
Consisting of or associated with woods; wooded
- trees and contours all add to a sylvan setting
sluice (N)
A sliding gate or other device for controlling the flow of water, esp. one in a lock gate
wrangle (N)
A dispute or argument, typically one that is long and complicated
- an insurance wrangle is holding up compensation payments
proscribe (V)
to banish, prohibit
recumbent (ADJ)
(esp. of a person or human figure) Lying down
- recumbent statues
draconian (ADJ)
(of laws or their application) Excessively harsh and severe
garner (V)
Gather or collect (something, esp. information or approval)
- the police struggled to garner sufficient evidence
resurge (V)
rise again; "His need for a meal resurged
dogmatic (ADJ)
Inclined to lay down principles as incontrovertibly true
- he gives his opinion without trying to be dogmatic
equivocate (V)
Use ambiguous language so as to conceal the truth or avoid committing oneself
- “Not that we are aware of,” she equivocated
grudging (ADJ)
Given, granted, or allowed only reluctantly or resentfully
- a grudging apology
bromide (N)
any of the salts of hydrobromic acid; formerly used as a sedative but now generally replaced by safer drugs
fulsome (ADJ)
Complimentary or flattering to an excessive degree
- they are almost embarrassingly fulsome in their appreciation
guy (N)
A rope or line fixed to the ground to secure a tent or other structure
subsistence (N)
The action or fact of maintaining or supporting oneself at a minimum level
- the minimum income needed for subsistence
tenacity (ADJ)
The quality or fact of being very determined; determination
- you have to admire the tenacity of these two guys