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37 Cards in this Set

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filial (ADJ)
Of or due from a son or daughter
a display of filial affection
doddering (ADJ)
Tremble or totter, typically because of old age
spent and nerve-weary, I doddered into the foyer of a third-rate hotel
juxtapose (ADJ)

black-and-white photos of slums were starkly juxtaposed with color images
Place or deal with close together for contrasting effect
brackish (ADJ)

brackish water
Slightly salty, as is the mixture of river water and seawater in estuaries
pontifical (ADJ)

a pontifical commission
(in the Roman Catholic Church) Of or relating to the pope
dirge (N)

singers chanted dirges
A mournful song, piece of music, or poem
patina (N)

statue of liberty is covered in this
A green or brown film on the surface of bronze or similar metals, produced by oxidation over a long period
effigy (N)

coins bearing the effigy of Maria Theresa of Austria
A sculpture or model of a person
bacchanal (N)

the teens had a wild bacchanal
An occasion of wild and drunken revelry
wheedle (V)

you can contrive to wheedle your way onto a court
Employ endearments or flattery to persuade someone to do something or give one something
menagerie (N)

some other specimen in the television menagerie
A strange or diverse collection of people or things
subaltern (ADJ)

the private tutor was a recognized subaltern part of the bourgeois family
Of lower status
parity (N)

parity of incomes between rural workers and those in industrial occupations
The state or condition of being equal, esp. regarding status or pay
incontrovertible (ADJ)

incontrovertible proof
Not able to be denied or disputed
ebullient (ADJ)

she sounded ebullient and happy
Cheerful and full of energy
insidious (ADJ)

sexually transmitted diseases can be insidious and sometimes without symptoms
Proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmful effects
esoteric (ADJ)

esoteric philosophical debates
Intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest
corpulent (ADJ)

she was corpulent and needed to diet
(of a person) Fat
continence (N)

virgins practice continence
the exercise of self constraint in sexual matters
fete (V)

They were feting the patriarch of the family
celebrate: have a celebration
humus (N)

soil rich in humus
The organic component of soil, formed by the decomposition of leaves and other plant material by soil microorganisms
defer (N)

they deferred the decision until February
Put off (an action or event) to a later time; postpone
disaffected (ADV)

a military plot by disaffected elements in the army
Dissatisfied with the people in authority and no longer willing to support them
errant (ADJ)

he could never forgive his daughter's errant ways
Erring or straying from the proper course or standards
rake (ADJ)

the seats of the auditorium were raked
Set (something, esp. a stage or the floor of an auditorium) at a sloping angle
assay (V)

stepping inside, I quickly assayed the clientele
Examine (something) in order to assess its nature
enclave (N)

an french enclave within germany
A portion of territory within or surrounded by a larger territory whose inhabitants are culturally or ethnically distinct
bedraggled (ADJ)

we got there, tired and bedraggled
Dirty and disheveled
mawkish (ADJ)

a mawkish poem
Sentimental in a feeble or sickly way
matriculate (V)

he matriculated at the University of Vermont
Be enrolled at a college or university
tutelage (N)

the organizations remained under firm government tutelage
Protection of or authority over someone or something; guardianship
adjutant (N)

he is the sergeant's adjutant
A military officer who acts as an administrative assistant to a senior officer
callow (ADJ)

earnest and callow undergraduates
(esp. of a young person) Inexperienced and immature
heckler (N)

her student is a heckler to all her lessons
someone who tries to embarrass you with gibes and questions and objections
misogamy (N)
hatred of marriage
dais (N)

she gave a lecture from the dais
A low platform for a lectern, seats of honor, or a throne
privy (ADJ)

he was no longer privy to her innermost thoughts
Sharing in the knowledge of (something secret or private)