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19 Cards in this Set

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(v.) accede

to yield to; to assume an office or dignity

syn. consent, concur, comply, assent

ant. demur, balk at

(v.) brandish

to wave or flourish in a menacing or vigorous fashion

syn. swing, shake

(v.) comprise

to include or contain; to be made up of

syn. compose, constitute, encompass

ant. exclude

(adj.) deft

skillful, nimble

syn. dexterous, adroit, proficient, clever, masterful

ant. clumsy, awkward, bungling, inept

(adj.) destitute

deprived of the necessities of life; lacking in

syn. wanting, devoid, penniless

ant. rich, luxurious, bountiful, full, replete

(adj.) explicit

definite, clearly stated

syn. distinct, forthright, unambiguous, clear

ant. vague, ambiguous, implied, implicit

(v.) extirpate

to tear up by the roots; to destroy totally

syn. uproot, eradicate, wipe out, excise

ant. implant, sow, foster, nourish

(adj.) inopportune

coming at a bad time; not appropriate

syn. ill-timed, inconvenient, inappropriate, unsuitable

ant. timely, convenient, felicitous, opportune

(adj.) ironic

suggesting an incongruity between what might be expected and what actually happens; given to irony, sarcastic

syn. incongruous, satiric, sardonic, wry

ant. straightforward, unequivocal

(adj.) musty

stale, moldy; out-of-date

syn. hackneyed, antiquated

ant. sweet-smelling, up-to-date, brand-new

(adj.) officious

meddling; excessively forward in offering services or assuming authority

syn. meddlesome, prying, impertinent, obtrusive

ant. reserved, diffident, timid, aloof

(adj.) ominous

unfavorable, threatening, of bad omen

syn. unpropitious, inauspicious, portentous

ant. propitious, auspicious, promising

(n.) pinnacle

a high peak or point

syn. apex, acme, summit, apogee

ant. nadir, perigee, low point

(adj., part.) premeditated

considered beforehand, deliberately planned

syn. preplanned, rehearsed, prearranged

ant. unplanned, spontaneous, impromptu

(adj.) rampant

growing without check, running wild

syn. widespread, unrestrained, extravagant, prevalent

ant. controlled, restrained

(n., v.) solace

comfort, relief; to comfort, console

syn. soothe, reassure, cheer up

ant. vex, aggravate, upset

(adj.) stately

dignified, majestic

syn. grand, magnificent, imposing

ant. lowly, humble, servile, abject

(adj.) supple

bending easily; bending with agility; readily adaptable; servile

syn. flexible, limber, pliable, pliant

ant. rigid, unbending, hidebound

(v.) suppress

to stop by force, put down

syn. subdue, crush, stifle, squelch, quash, silence

ant. provoke, spur, arouse, incite, instigate