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48 Cards in this Set

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What does the word vitamin mean?
Vita is life. Amin is a compound containing nitrogen.
What is the function of vitamins?
Vitamins are a group organic compounds with biolgical activity which is essential to the healthy function of the living body.
What quantities of vitamins are necessary?
vitamins are necessary in tiny amounts called micronutrients.
How many vitamins exist?
Between 14 and 20 vitamins.
what do vitamins do with enzymes?
vitamins are co-factors and co-enzymes which activate enzymes in biological processes.
How many calories do vitamins have?
How do we get vitamins?
some come from our food, some are formed in the body
What are the two groups we can divide vitamins?
1. fat-soluble
2. water-soluble.
which vitamins are fat soluble?
Vitamins D A K E are all fat soluble and are stored in the body.
which vitamins are water soluble?
B vitamins and vitamin C are water soluble. C is stored in the body.
Which vitamins are necessary to intake regularly?
B1 thyamine,B2 Riboflavin, B3niacin B5 pantothenic acid, B6 pryridoxine, B7 byutine, B9 folic acid and B12 cobalamine and vitamin C all need to be taken regularly.
What will too much intake of fat soluble D A K E vitamins do?
hypervitaminosis and poisoning can occur because they do not leave the body easily and can build up and become toxic.
What is B1
what is B2
what is B3
niacin or nicotinic acid
what is B5
pantothenic acid
what is B6
what is B7
what is B9
folic acid
what is B12
Where are the water soluble vitamins found?
All the water soluble vitamins except for B12 are found in plants.
How are the water soluble vitamins, the B family and C to be found?
they all must be ingested since they are not stored in the body and are necessary as co-enzymes in the body.
which water soluble vitamins can be toxic in large amounts?
vitamins C, B6 and B12
what are some co-enzymes?
metal, zinc, vitamin can help the enzymes activate and do chemical reactions.
who needs to take muti-vitamins or supplements?
old who can't buy food regularly, anorexic who don't eat properly,
cancer patients who can't eat
vegetarians need B12
which vitamins are responsible for production of energy the body can use?
The vitamins which are responsible for the production of energy are B1 thyamine, B2 riboflavin, B3 niacine or nicotinic acid, B5panothenic acid, B7 butene.
which vitamins are anti oxidants?
vitamin A and beta carotene
vitamin C
vitamin E can prevent oxidation which copies DNA and can causes mutations.
which vitamins participate in cell hitmaynut?
Vitamins A and D participate in cell hitmaynut.
What two bodies establish guidelines and recommendations for dietary allowances?
1. The national research council
2. The FDA food and drug administration.
what are the possible causes of lack of vitamins?
1. poverty
2. anorexia
3. chronic disease (aids, cancer, chemo treatment)
4. maladsorption in the intestines due to parasites or tumors.
5. increased demand due to growth, physical activity, pregnancy, hyperthyroidism
6. drug or diahrhea caused vitamin loss.
what is hyperthyroidism?
overactivity of the thyroid which requires more vitamins for more co-factors. this is diagnosed in the blood test as a lowered TSH
what is hypothyroidism?
lowered activity of the thyroid which causes weight gain and is seen as a raised TSH, is seen in old age, may be genetic, is treated with altroxin.
what was the remedia scandal?
missing B1 in baby formula
beri beri is a lack of which vitamin?
thyamine B1 lack caused Beri Beri
pellegra is a lack of which vitamina?
B3 niacine or nicotinic acid was the cause for the disease pellegra.
tsafadena or rickets was caused by lack of what vitamin?
vitamin c lack caused rickets.
what is the vitamin A group?
vitamin A is a name of the goup of compaounds with common structure and function in the retinoid family.
how is vitamin a related to face cream?
retin A or retinol peels the skin and creates new cells for rejuvenation of the face.
what is the caratanoids family?
the caratonoids function as pro-vitamin A. the most commonly known of this family is beta-carotene which is made up of two units of vitamin A.
what is the benefit of A and beta-carotene?
1. Maintains health of tissues such as the retina; improves night vision, prevents cataracts
2 strengthens the immune system,
3 helps build bone, teeth, soft and skeletal tissue
4, arranges cell growth and division.
5 They are an anti oxidant and protect the body from the process of oxidisation
6. helps growth and healthy of skin and mucous membranes
7. prevents arthersclerosis and heart disease and disease of the heart vessels
8. anti cancerous for lungs, kidneys, bladder and breast
what are the food sources of vitamin A and beta-carotene?
Vitamin A is found in animal sources such as eggs, dairy and meat products; live sources; inner organs, cream, butter, egg yolk
Beta-carotene a precursor of vitamin A comes from plant sources; carrot, pumpkin, apricot, melon, fruit and vegetables in orange and dark green color, green leafy vegetables and intensely colored fruit and vegetables.
what are the signs and risks of vitamin A deficiency?
hypersensitivity to light and night blindness, dryness and flakiness of epitheal ceslls causing keratomalacia, the destruction of the eye and blindness.
what is the difference in the stucture of vitamin A and beta carotene?
beta-carotene is two joined vitamin As. it is a precursor of vitamin A.
what is the adult RDA of vitamin A?
1 milligram per day of fat soluble vitamin A.
what are the signs of too much vitamin A?
too much A built up may cause poisoning, resulting in headache, nausea
What does too much beta-carotene do?
causes hypercaratonosis, seen in yellow skin from buildup in the fat layer, causing no damage.
what extra protection against cancer does vitamin A give according to studies?
1. lung cancer
2. kidney cancer
3. breast cancer
4. bladder cancer
what is the daily RDA for adults?
under 1 milligram a day of retinol, 0.8