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46 Cards in this Set

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what is the biologically active coenzyme form of thiamine
TPP thiamine pyrophosphate
TPP is coenzyme used in what
oxidative decarboxylation of alpha keto acids: such as pyruvate and alpha-ketoglutarate in krebs cycle AND degradation of branched chain amino acids (by branched chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogrenase)
beriberi, wernicke's, korsakoff, are all deficiency states of what
wt loss, weakness, impaired sensory perception, symptoms of CHF - what?
beriberi - thiamine deficiency
malnourished, confused, ataxis, diplopia
wenicke's encephalopathy (thiamind def)
irreversible dementia/amnestic syndrome ; memory loss and nystagmus (rhythmic movements of eyes back and forth)
thiamine deficiency - korsakoff
bariatric surgery pt's get what in 6 months
thiamine deficiency
FAD and FMN are examples of what
vitamin B2 - riboflavin
riboflavin fn's in what
redox rxns - oxidative phosphorylatino in fatty acid synthesis/oxidation
fissuring of lips, rashes, red itchy eyes that are senstivie to light (low consumption of milk or alcoholism)
riboflavin B2
niacin deficiency ; corn is low in tryptophan
pelagra - diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia (death)
side effect: flushing ;
involved in: aminotransferases, enzymes in cystein synthesis, ALA dehydratase and also in synthesis of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and NE
pyridoxine / B6
dermatitis, glossitis (swollen tongue), depression - also in women taking oral contraceptives
def of B6 / pyridoxine
what does isoniazid do
B6 def
what is only vitamin that is toxic in massive doses
B6 / pyridoxine
what do folate enzymes do
transfer 1 C goups to other compaounds
affects dTMP synthesis - synthesis of methionine from homocystein - and purine nucleotide synthesis -> ineffective erythropoesis and a delay in RBC maturation due to insufienct DNA
folate def
megaloblastic anemia is caused by…
B12 ef due to decr DNA synthesis from lack of methyltetraydrofolate (tx with both folate and B12
what can folate def in pregnancy cause
neural tube defects
B12 comes from where
animal meat and some bacteria produce it in our gut
two enzymatic rxns req B12
methylmalonyl-CoA mutase rxn (forms succinyl CoA - occurs in disposal of odd-number fatty acids) and (synthesis of methionine from homocysteine - yeilds THF)
insufficient synthesis of IF
pernicious anemia
AR recessive disorder due to different mutation in the mehtylmalonylCoA mutase gene ; symptoms: seizures, vomiting, lethary, encephalopathy, dev delays
B12 problem
megaloblastic anemia is seen in what deficiency
B12 - if you only tx with folate --> neuro symtpoms will not go away
has gen antioxidant role to protect against damage from reactive oxygen species ; acts in formation of hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine during procollagen biosynthesis
vitamin C
capillary hemorrhage, bleeding, peeling gums, impaired wound healing
scurvy - vit C def
can lead to formation of oxalate urinary kidney stones in some ppl
large dose of vit C
11-cis retinal
changes in pigment of eye - vitamine A
night blindness --> xeropthalmia (pathologic dryness of conjunctiva and cornea)
mild --> severe vit A def
tx's actue promyelocytic leukemia
tx's acne
teratogen and can cuase major malformations in the fetus if taken during pregnancy
accutane - vit A
catalyzed by UV light
active vitamin D
upregulated plasma calcium and phosphate
rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults
D deficiency
best clinical measurement of vit D stores
serum 25-hydroxyviatmin D
most toxic of vitamins - hypercalcemia, calcium deposts in soft tissues, atherosclerosis, CV and renal system damage
D - tox
antioxidant and scavenger of free radicals - prevents lipid peroxidatio in membranes (most active alpha-tocopherol)
E (tocopherols)
important for dev of nerve and muscle function and in animal sexual develpoment (least toxic of fat soluble vitamines)
E (tocopherols)
premature infants or in adults with poor abs of fats
def of E (supplementation = no help)
produced by baceria in large int
K2 - menaquinone
enzymatic carboxylation of glutamic acid during synthesis of prothrombina nd other clotting factdors
newborns ; 50% are deficient so given to all newborns and can occur with bleeding or when anticoag warfarin is given ; abx can --> def