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64 Cards in this Set

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refractive media of eye
mostly cornea
pathway of light from outside
light enters eye thru cornea, aqueous humor, lens, vitreous humor, retina (transudction on photoreceptor cells)
optic nerve formation
reticulogeniculate fibers from ganglion cells of retina
optic tract formation
fibers continue w/out interruption behind chiasm
visual pathway from photoreceptors
1) receptors (rods/cones) 2) N1 (bipolar neurons) 3) N2 (ganglion cells of retina) 4) N3 (LBG)- optic radiation 5) primary visual cortex
course of meyers loop
fibers form lat LGB directed downward and formard then bend back in sharp loop passing thru temporal lobe in lat wall of inferioir horn of lat ventricle n sweep posteriorly to occiptal lobe
visual association areas
ba 18 and 19, where interpretation occurs
visual cortex
ba 17, calcarine coretx, striate cortex
where do fibers from lowermost part of optic radiation project?
lingual gyrus at lower lip of calcarine fissue
where do fibers from upper retinal field project to?
cuneus, the gyrus above calcarine fissue
where do most fibers of LGB terminate?
cortical layer 4 of upper and lower lips of calcarine fissure on medial aspect occipital lobe
what is scotoma?
area of lost function in visual field
contralateral homonymous hemianopsia
/ total destruction of structures behind chiasm on one side caused by lesion of middle part opt
what do lesion in front of chiasm like optic nerve cause?
visual field losses in both eyes
bitemporal hemianopsia
defect in temporal visual field of each eye, lesion in middle part optic chisam caused by tumor of pituitary. dcussating fibers injured and visual impules from nasal halves blocked
booth temporal fields are affected
homonymous hemianopsia w/ macular sparing
caused by small lesion in occiptal lobe bc of large representation of macular vision @ occipital
upper left quadrantic defect
loss of vision in one quadrant bc cuneus recieves visual impules above, and linual recieves below, lesion @ right lingual gyrus or involving meyers loop cuts off visual impules from lower part of each right half each retina
optical projects to retina cause this image
inerverted and reversed
upper visual field projected to?
lower hemiretina
where do horizontal and vertical lines that divide visual fields ass thru?
macula lutea
what is monocular crescent?
lateral peripheral area of visual field w/out changing fixation of eye
where is physiological blind spot?
temporal side of macular area in each visual field corresponds to optic disc area w/ no rods of cones
where is edinger-westphal nuc?
preganglionic parasyma
pupilllary light reflex pathway
1) Ganglion cells of retina (project bilaterally to pretectal nuclei) 2) pretectal nucleus of midbrain (crossed in post commisure and uncrossed in rostral edinger) 3) edinger-westphal nucleus of midbrain (gives rise to preganglion parasympathetic fibers, exit midbrain w/ oculomotor nerve, synapse w/ postganglionic parasympathetic neruons of ciliary ganglion 4) ciliary ganglion of orbit gives rise to postganglionic parasympahetic fibers- innervates sphincter muscle of iris
pupillary dilation pathway
hypothalamus, ciliospinal center spinal cord, superior cervical ganglion
afferent and efferent limbs pupillary light reflex pathway
afferent CN II, efferent CN III
3 reflex change sin accomodation reflex
mitosis, thickening of lens, ocular convergence
accomodation reflex pathway
visual impusles arrive at area 17, pass to 18 and 19, descend thru optic radiation to superioir colliculus and pretectal area and relayed to 3 different areas
where accomodation reflex relayed to?
1) edinger-westphal nuc-> ciliary ganglion -> spinchter pupillae ms to produce pupillary constriction and to ciliary ms to produce thickening of lens 2) edingerwestphal nuc, no synapse at ciliary ganglion, episcleral ganglion where synapse occurs and to ciliary ms for thickening of lens 3) oculomotor nuc (perlia) to emdial recti ms to produce ocular convergence
alternate pathway for accomodation reflex
impulses from areas 18/19 go to motor cortex frontal lobe thru superior longitudinal fasciculus; corticobulbar or citrcomesencephalic fibers go to oculomotor nuc
pupilary dilatation reflex due to severe pain or emotion
impulse from retina - optic tract -> sup colliculus thru tectobulbar tract 1) to nuclei of facial n to supply orbicularis oculi ms to close eyes 2) from sup colliculus to ret. formation via tectospinal tract to ant horm of cervical spinal cord for arm musculature
consensual light reflex
influences unstimulated eye by fibers that cross in optic chiasm and post commisure of midbrain
light reflex direct
1) neurons in retina 2) optic nerve, chiasm, tract, bypass LBG, to brachium of sup colliculus to end in pretectal nuc 3) 2 halves pretectum interocnnected by pas thru post commissure 4) fibers pretectal project to edinger-wesphal nuclei 5) preganglionic parasym fibers pass thru oculomotor nerve synapse in ciliary ganglion w/ postganglionc neurons 6) postganglionic parasym fibers (via short ciliary n) innervate spihincter pupillae muscles
levator palpebrae superiororis
CN III elevation of upper eyelid
lateral rectus
CN 7 abduction
medial rectus CN III
inferior oblique
CN III abduction, evelvation , extorsion
superior oblique (SO)
CN IV abduction, depression, intorsio
inferior rectus (IR)
CN IIII, depression, adduction, extorsion
superior rectus SR
CN III elevation, adduction, intorsion
oculomotor nuclear complex
paired nuclei (lat nuc supply, edinger-wesphal ), midline nuclei (nuc perlia, caudal centra nuc) and association nuclei (nuc Darkscheqitsch and interstitial nuc cajial)
what are the paired nuclei?
lat nuc to supply SR, IR, MR, IO, edinger westphal nuc- supply sphincter pupillae and ciliary
what are midline nuclei?
caudal cenral nuc to supply levator palpebrae superiorirs, nucleus of perlia- convergence nuclues
what are association nuclei?
nucleus of darkschewitsch and interstitial nuc of cajial- vertical eye mvmts
supranuclear mechanism of ocular mvmt?
centers located in cerebral hemispheres and brainstem b4 imuplses reach nuclei of CN III, IV, VI
what is frontal eye field?
broadman area 8, center for voluntary rapid eye mvmt- move voluntarily on command-saccadic
occipital gaze center
located in areas 18/19 of occipital lobe- center for smooth pursuit mvmt for following slow moving objects (tracking)
pontine gaze center
PPRF- neurons in retc formation jus lat to abducens nuc- center for lateral gaze
extraocular mvmt at nuclear level
oculomotor nuc in midbrain, trochlear nuc in midbrain, abducens nuc in pons
extraoc mvmt in infranuclear level
oculomotor nerve cn3, trochlear n (cn 4) abducens n (cn 6)
rostral interstitial nuc of MLF- ocated in pretectal region near sup colliculus- cetner for VERTIcal eye mvmt
vertical axis for?
transverse axis for?
elevation and depression
what is antero-posterior or sagittal axis for?
introsion and extorsion
what is needed to permit accurate conjugate mvmts?
12 extraoc ms, six craial nerves + nuclei, and MLF
oculomotor nerve and eye mvmt
loc @ midbrain @ level of sup colliculus- has oculomotor nuc complex
trochlear n and eye mvmt?
located @ midbrain @ level of inf colliculus- axons supply sup oblique
abducens n and eye mvmt?
abudcens nuc located below floor of 4th ventricle @ jnct pons/medulla- supply lateral rectus
saccadic system fxn
for horizontal voluntary rapid eye mvmt or vertical voluntary rapid eye mvmt
saccdic system pathway- horizontal
impulses frm area 8 -> corona radiata and ant limb internal capsule to reticular formation; fibers cross @ level of midbrain, proceeds to pons @ PPRF (on opp side)
-axonal outflow goes to adj abducens nuc to supply ipsilateral lateral rectus via MLF to contralateral oculomotor nuc to supply contralateral medial rectus to produce conjugate deviation of eyes
lesion in frontal eye field
impossilbe for patient to move eyes volitionally to opposite side
saccadic sys pathway- vertical eye mvmt
impusles frm area 8 on both side-> corona radiata and ant limb of internal capsule -> pretectal region @ RiMLF, some fibers do not cross, some do -> oculomotor nuclei to supply SR, IR, IO and torhclear nuc to supply SO
smooth pursuit system fxn
for vertical and horizontal movement