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To develop code, you use the ___ Window
code editer
To develop a form, you use the ___
form designer window
or just the form designer
What converts MSIL into native code that can be run by the Operating System
What is VB's term for compiling
Build (into MSIL)
The Visual Studio IDE is often referred to as
Visual Studio
What is the easiest way to build a project
Simply run the project. If the project hasn't been built before, or if it's been changed since the last time it was built, Visual Studio builds it before running it.
What is the easiest way to run a project
Click the Start Debugging button which looks like a triangle pointing to the right.
How do you close a project
Select File
Close Project (or Close Solution)
A button initiates ___ when clicked
form processing
A text box lets the user . . .
enter text on a form.
A label displays . . .
text on a form.
How do you undock the Solution Explorer window
Drag its title bar to the center of the screen
How do you redock the Solution Explorer window
Double click the title of the Solution Explorer window to return it to its "docked" position.
What determines the initial files, assembly references, code, and property settings that are added to the project
The project template that you select.
What happens if the Create Directory For Solution box is checked under Tools->Options
Visual Studio creates one folder for the solution and a subfolder for the project. Otherwise, these files are stored in the same folder.
What is the easiest way to add a control to a form.
1. Click on the control in the Toolbox
2. Click the form at the location where you want to add the control.
What happens when you double click a control in the Toolbox
The control is placed in the upper left corner of the form. You can then move and resize the control.
What is displayed in the Properties window if you select more than 1 control
The common properties are displayed.
What is tab order
tab order is the order in which the controls on a form receive the focus when the user presses the Tab key.
How is the tab order initially set
It is based on the order in which you add controls to the form.
Which property indicates the control's position in the tab order
What is an Access key
It's a shortcut key that the user can use in combination with the Alt key to quickly move to individual controls on the form.
What does it mean if a button has a dark outline around it
That indicates that its function will be executed if you press the Enter key. That is done by setting the AcceptButton property of the form to the button.
Each control on a form is an object and the form itself is also an object
The operations that can be performed by an object are called
it's methods
An object's ___ are signals sent by the object to your application that something has happened that can be responded to.
The ___ of an object define the object's characteristics and data
The properties, methods, and events of an object or class are called the ___ of the object or class
What is an object
An object is a self-contained unit that combines code and data.
A ___ is the code that defines the characteristics of an object.
An object is an ___ of a class
IntelliSense displays a list of ___ that are available for that class or object after you type a class or object name and a period.
What does the Me keyword refer to
Me refers to the current instance of the active form.
Describe what is happening in the following line of code:

txtTotal.Text = 10
Assigns the value 10 to the Text property of the text box named txtTotal.
Describe what is happening in the following line of code:

txtTotal.Readonly = True
Assigns the True value to the ReadOnly property of the text box named txtTotal so the user can't change its contents.
Describe what is happening in the following line of code:

Uses the Select method to move the focus to the text box named txtMonthlyInvestment.
Describe what is happening in the following line of code:

Uses the Close method to close the form that contains the statement. In this example, Me is a keyword that is used to refer to the current instance of the form class.
When using IntelliSense, what is the difference between pressing the Tab key and the Enter key
The tab key will insert the member into your code. The Enter key will insert the member and start a new line of code.
Describe what is happening in the following line of code:

Refers to the Click event of a button named btnExit.
What is the purpose of IntelliSense
It makes it easier for you to refer to the members of an object or class by displaying a list of the members that are available for that class or object after you type a class or object name and a period.
What does the Select() method of a text box do
It moves the focus to that text box.
When writing code, is it necessary to add the parenthesis after a method
No. If a method requires parentheses, they're added automatically when you press the Enter key after entering the method name.
Although you'll frequently refer to properties and methods as you code an application, you'll rarely need to refer to an event.
IntelliSense will provide lists of
What can you do to see the code behind an IntelliSense list ie, the list is blocking the code
press the Ctrl key and the list will become semi-transparent.
When you highlight an item in an IntelliSense list, what helpful thing does IntelliSense provide
a tool tip is displayed with information about the item.
How do you continue a statement in Visual Basic
code a space followed by the line-continuation character, which is an underscore.
Operators must be separated from the words on each side by a space
A = B
False, although Visual Basic adds spaces for you by default
You start a comment with
an apostrophe
What color are comments displayed in the code editor
How can you tell if you have a syntax error in your code
VB will display a wavy line under the code with an error. You can hover over the wavy line an VB will display a description of the error.
How can you view the Error List window if it isn't displayed
Error List
Visual Studio is able to detect all coding errors as you enter code
Some syntax errors aren't detected until the project is built.
What is the best way to get help when working in the form designer or the code editor
press F1 when the insertion point is in a keyword or an object is selected.

Another way is to use Visual Studio's Help menu using the Search, Contents or the Index command.
What is the difference between Build and Rebuild
When you build a project for the first time, all of the components of the project are built. After that, only the components that have changed are rebuilt. To rebuild all components whether or not they've changed, use the Build->Rebuild Solution command.
When a runtime error occurs, Visual Studio enters
break mode.
How do you get out of break mode
click the Stop Debugging button in the Standard toolbar or press Shift F5.
an uninitialized numeric type will be equal to
An uninitialized Boolean type will have a default value of
An uninitialized type Char will have a default value of
binary zero
A number that doesn't contain decimals (a whole number) is called ___
An Integer
How is the ASCII character set releated to the Unicode character set.
The ASCII character set is the first 256 characters.
Does Visual Basic support the two-byte Unicode set.
What are the implications of VB supporting the Unicode character set
That means it can store practically any characters from any language around the world.
What will most likely be used, the Unicode character set or the ASCII character
The ASCII character set.
What is camel notation
Start the names of variables with a lowercase letter, and capitalize the first letter of each word after the first word. It is normally used for variable names.
What kind of naming convention is used for constants.
Capitalize the first letter of each word of a constant name.
You must ALWAYS assign an initial value to a constant.
What would the longhand equivalent be of:
total += 100
total = total + 100
What would the longhand equivalent be of:
total -= 100
total = total - 100
What would the longhand equivalent be of:
price *= .8D
price = price * .8D
Why is it a good idea to use parentheses to dictate the sequence of operations whenever there's doubt.
You don't have to worry about order of precedence.
What is the order of precedence for arithmetic operations
1. Exponentiation
2. Positive and Negative
3. Multiplication, division, integer division, and modulus
4. Addition and subtraction..
What is casting
Casting refers to the process of converting an expression from one data type to another.
What is a widening converson
one that casts data from a data type with a narrower range of possible values to a data type with a wider range of possible values.
What is a narrowing conversion
one that casts data from a wider data type to a narrower data type.
By default, Visual Basic also does narrowing conversions through ___
implicit casts
What data type is considered the most accurate non-integer data type
It is typically used to store monetary values.
The Unicode character set provides for over ___ characters
In the ASCII character set, how many bytes are used for each character
one byte
In the Unicode character set, how many bytes are used for each character
two bytes
What is the difference between a value type and a reference type
A value type means it stores it's own data. A reference type stores a reference to the area of memory where the data is stored. (pointer)
What is a "single" data type
A non-integer number with approximately 7 significant digits.
What is a "double" data type
A non-integer number with approximately 14 significant digits.
What is a "decimal" data type
A non-integer number with up to 28 significant digits (integer & fraction) that can represent values up to 79,228 x 10^24
What is a "char" data type
A single Unicode character
What is a "Boolean" data type
A True or False value
A constant stores a value that can't be changed as the program executes
What is a shared method
Shared methods are called from a class, not an object.
eg: Math.Round(23.75)
result 24
What is banker's rounding
if a number that's midway between two whole numbers is being rounded to a whole number, it's always rounded to the even number.
eg: 23.5 would round to 24
24.5 would round to 24
Math.Round(23.75) would round to
Math.Round(23.5) would round to
Math.Round(24.5) would round to
Math.Round(23.754, 2) would round to
Math.Round(23.755, 2) would round to
What is precision
the number of significant decimal digits.
eg Math.Round(23.754, 2), the
2 specifies to two significant digits after the decimal.
By default, VB uses permissive type semantics
What happens when permissive type semantics are in effect
Narrowing conversions are done automatically and you don't get error messages when you compile an application that requires implicit narrowing conversions.
What are strict type semantics
When these are in effect, the compiler forces you to do code explicit casts for all narrowing conversions. However, you still get casting exceptions when an explicit cast can't be done.
What can a string consist of
any letters, numbers, and characters.
What operator do you use to concatonate strings
Dim name As String = firstName & " " & lastName
To assign a null value to a string, you can use the ___ keyword
A ___ defines a value type, which stores its own data
a ___ defines a reference type. A reference type doesn't store the data itself. Instead, it stores a reference to the area of memory where the data is stored.
Unlike other .NET languages, Visual Basic provides ___ for a variety of common tasks
What would be some examples of "structures"
Byte, Int16(Short), Int32(Integer), Int64(Long), Single, Double, Decimal, Boolean, Char
These are considered Value Types
String and Object would be considered .NET ___
These are considered Reference Types
What does the following code do:
Dim message3 As String = Nothing
It assigns a null value to a string named message3.
What does the following code do:
Dim message2 As String = ""
It assigns an empty string to the string named message2.
What causes a cast exception to be thrown
When the receiving data type can't hold the original data.
What can you use to override implicit narrowing casts.
You can code explicit casts.
eg CInt, CDec.
What is a widening conversion
When you code an arithmetic expression, Visual Basic does widening conversions implicitly so all operands have the widest data type used in the expression.
What is Casting
Casting is the process of converting an expression from one data type to another.
What do you gain by coding explicit casts
You eliminate the chance that an implicit cast won't work the way you want it to.
Which does the Murach book recommend using:
-permissive type semantics
-strict type semantics
strict type semantics
What happens if you try to refer to a variable outside of its scope
It will cause a build error
What kind of scope does a variable have if you declare it within a procedure such as an event handler
procedure scope
What is the lifetime of a variable
the period of time that it's available for use.
When is a variable with procedure scope available
only while the procedure is executing
When is a variable with module scope available
While the class is instantiated.
What kind of scope does a variable have that was declared within a class but not within a procedure
Modular scope
a ___ defines a set of related constants.
Each constant is know as a ___ of the enumeration
Given the following code, what are the constant values set to:

Enum Terms
End Enum
Net30Days = 0
Net60Days = 1
Net90Days = 2
Given the following code, what are the constant values set to:
Net30Days = 30
Net60Days = 60
Net90Days = 90
Why do you declare a variable as a Nullable type
Typically, you use a null value to indicate that the value of the variable is unknown.
What is a nullable type
a value that can store a null value.
What do you use to reset the value of a nullable type to null
the Nothing keyword
If you compare two numeric operands with different data types, Visual Basic will cast the ___ precise operand to the type of the ___ precise operand.
What is a short-circuit operator
These operators only evaluate the second expression if necessary.
Which is more efficient: And or AndAlso
It only evaluates the second expression if necessary.
Which is more efficient: Or or OrElse
It only evaluates the second expression if necessary
What is the order of operation:
And operations
Or operations
Not Operations
Not operations
And operations
Or operations
Note: these operations are performed after arithmetic operations and relational operations.
What is block scope
If you declare a variable with, let's say, and If...End if, the variable is only available to other statements within that block of code.
When an object is instantiated, a ___is executed to initialize the data that makes up the object.
If an object variable doesn't refer to an object, it's said to contain a ___ reference
A class defines a ___ type.
That means that the variable that's used to access an object instantiated from a class contains that address of the object,not the actual object.
By default, an object variable has a value of
This means that it doesn't refer to an object.
An object variable with a value of Nothing is also called a
null reference,
When you add a class to a project, Visual Studio automatically generates the class declaration.
Then, you can complete the class by adding fields, constructors, properties, methods, and whatever other members the class may require.
What does a class declaration look like
Public Class nameofclass

End Class
A class file will appear in the Solution Explorer window with the extension of
What are access modifiers
What is the difference between a read-only field and a constant
The value of a constant is set when the class is compiled, but the value of a read-only field is set at runtime.
How many classes can a VB class inherit
Although the application software is run on the client, it uses data that is stored on the server. To make this communication between the client and the data source possible for a VB application, the client accesses that database via a
data access API such as ADO.NET 3.5
Once the software for both client and server is installed, the client communicates with the database server by passing
SQL queries to the DBMS through the data access API.
The processing that's done by the client software is typically referred to as ___ processing and the client is typically referred to as the ___
front end.
By using a relational database, you can reduce ___, which saves disk storage and leads to efficient data retrieval.
data redundancy
What is a composite primary key
a key that consists of two or more columns
What is a foreign key
one or more columns in a table that refer to a primary key in another table.
When an application requests data from a database, it receives a ___
Result set.
In the following line of code:
Select * From Customers

What does the * signify
Give me all of the columns from the Customers table
What is an SQL dialect
Although SQL is a standard language, each DBMS is likely to have its own dialect, which includes extensions to the standard language.
Microsoft's SQL Server's dialect is called
What happens if you omit the Where clause from a query
You will retrieve all rows from a table
What is the purpose of the Where clause in a query
It provides a condition that specifies which rows should be retrieved.

Select Name, City
From Customers
Where State = 'WA'
Order By Name
What is the purpose of a join
let's you combine data from two or more tables into a single result set.
What statements are used to maintain the data in a database table
Insert, Update, and Delete
What is the primary data access API for the.NET Framework
ADO.NET stands for
ActiveX Data Objects.NET
What is a .NET data provider
a set of classes that enable you to access data that's managed by a particular database server.
What are the 4 .NET data provider core objects
Data reader
Data adapter
What is a dataset
Data from a database that is used by the application is stored in the dataset. I think this is similar to Working Storage in Cobol
A ___ contains one or more tables that store the data from a database
The data in a database is independent of the database that the data was retrieved from
In fact, the connection to the database is typically closed after the data is retrieved from the database.
What is a schema
It is a file that defines the structure of the dataset, including the tables it contains, the columns in each table, the data types of each column, and the constraints for each table.
What is a structure
A structure is similar to a class, but it defines a value type rather than a reference type. Although structures require less memory and instantiate faster than classes, it's generally considered a good programming practice to use them only for objects that contain a small amount of data and for objects that you want to work like the .NET values types,such as Integer, Decimal, and Date types.
The dataset schema file has an extension of
What is the purpose of a field
A field is used to store data for Properties.
What is the purpose of the AndAlso operator
Returns a True value if both expressions are true. This operator only evaluates the second expression if necessary.
What is the purpose of the OrElse operator
Returns a True value if either expression is True. This operator only evaluates the second expression if necessary.
When you code the name and parameter list of a procedure, you form the ___ of the procedure
The signature must be unique within a class
What makes up a signature of a procedure
A signature is the name of procedure and the parameter list
What is the distinguishing quality of a Sub procedure
A sub procedure executes one or more statements, but doesn't return any data to the calling procedure
What statement allows you to exit prior to the last statement in a Sub
Exit Sub
Visual Studio makes it very easy to code a procedure
Visual Studio doesn't provide an easy way to start the code for a new procedure. So you just start the procedure by typing the code into the class and using the IntelliSense feature whenever it's available.
What statement is used to call a procedure
The Call statement, which is optional.

Call Me.DisableButtons()
What is the difference between the terms parameter and argument
Both are often used interchangeably but in the Murach book, the term parameter refers to the variables of a procedure declaration and argument refers to the values that are passed to a procedure.
When should you use the Me keyword
When the procedure is in the same class or module as the Call statement, we recommend that you omit the Call keyword and use the Me keyword.
If you pass an argument by value, the value of the variable in the calling procedure can't be changed by the callingh procedure.
Because the value of the variable is passed, not the variable itself.
If you pass a reference type and the called procedure changes the value of the argument, the value of the variable in the calling procedure is changed.
Because the passed argument provides a reference that points to the variable in the calling procedure.,
What does Visual Studio do if you omit the ByVal or ByRef keyword
Visual Studio inserts the ByVal automatically
What is a Function Procedure
a procedure that returns a value
How should a function name be put together
Each word within the function name should start with a capital letter, including the first word.
e.g. FutureValue
What function can be used to check whether you have a valid numeric

If Not IsNumeric(txtSubtotal.Text) Then ...

Alternate method:
Not IsNumeric(txtSubTotal.Text) =True
What is an easy way to display a simple dialog box
Use the Show method of the MessageBox class

MessageBox.Show("This appears in box","This appears in title of box")
What is the difference between a combo box and a list box
A combo box let's the user select from a list but can also let user enter text into the text portion of the combo box. A list box only lets the user select one or more options from a list of items.
Does Visual Studio 2008 provide a Web Server
Yes, previous versions did not which necessitated installing IIS. You do not need IIS to test ASP.NET pages, however, IIS is still required for running ASP.NET web pages in production.
What is the main purpose of AJAX
It reduces the amount of data that must be transferred from the server to the client.
AJAX is relatively new technology that relies on
What does AJAX stand for
Asynchronous JavaScript AND XML
What is the purpose of the garbage collector
it collects the garbage memory and then makes it available for use again.
What is a Web Service
It's a Web Application, however, it has no user interface. Web Services aren't intended to be used by end users directly. Rather, Web Services are consumed b other applicaitons.
Code written using languages of .NET such as C# and Visual Basic is compiled into .NET ___
What is managed code
Code that takes advantage of services of the common language runtime (CLR)
What is a solution
The entire application, which can include one or more projects.
What does IIS stand for
Internet Information Services
What is the difference between a red and green squiggly
a red squiggly indicates an error whereas a green squiggly indicates a warning.
By default, arguments are passed to a procedure by ___
How do you know whether to pass a variable to a procedure By Value or By Ref
Depends on whether or not you want the value to change in the calling procedure.
A return statement ends the function
What can you do if you want a procedure to return two or more values instead of one.
The best way is to return one object that contains those values.
How can you view a list of all the event for a form or control
Select the form or control and click the events button in the properties window to display the events list. You can then double clik on any event to generate and event handler for that event.
What do you need to do if you want to create an event handler with a name other than the default.
Enter the name net to tyhe event i the Properties window.
How many event are available for a form
More than 70 event.
Show() is a __ of the MessageBox class
What happen when Visual Studio encounters an exception that hasn't been handled
It enters break mode,
All exceptions are ___ of the exception class
The following code is known as:
End Try
An exception handler
Given the following code:

What does the Try block contain
the code that is to be teste for exceptions
Given the following code:

What does the Catch block contain
the code that handles the exception.
What does the following code accomplish:

dim numbers(99) As Integer
Declares an array named numbers. It provides for 100 numbers
A 1-dimensional array is declared similar to a variable except
You code parentheses after the variable name.
Index values for an array always start with
When declaring an array, you can code a number in the parentheses that indiccates the ___ of the array
upper bounds
If an array can hold 50 elements, the upper bound would be
The lower bound of an array is always
The length of an array refers to the
# of elements in the array
An array can hold how many elements
1 or more
What is the purpose of a class library`
it provides a central location for storing classes that are used by two or more applications
What are some of the benefits of a class library
1. Reduces size of projects
2. Simpliefies Maintenance. Only have to make changes to in one place.
3. allows you to create reusable code
Are the following equivalent:
Dim titles (0 to 49) As String
Dim titles(49) As String
Yes, they are equivalent.
What kind of file do you refer to when you need to use a class library
When you modify a class in a class library, the changes are immediately available to all aplications that are using that library
The members of a class include
___ lets the programmer hide some of the data and operations of a class while exposing others
What are the two types of fields a class can contain
-Instance variables
-Shared variables
An ___ is a field taht's defined in a class and is allocated when an object is instantiated
instance variable
What happens when an aplication encounters an exception that isnt' handled
It will enter break mode
What is the purpose of LINQ
Let's you query a data source using the Visual Basic language.
XML can be used to exchange data between different systems, especially via the Internet
Why was XML designed
as a way to structure data that's sent over the world wide web
In .NET, when you retrieve data from a database, the .NET framework converts the data to ___
___ are the building blocks of XML
XML names are not case sensitivie
What does .NET provide to read an XML document
XMLReader class
What does .NET provide to write XML
XMLWriter class
What do you use to write XML in Visual Studio 2008.
the XML editor
What is used to create a toolbar in .NET
ToolStrip control
The following would be classified as ___ declarations:
Private m_Quantity As Integer
Public Price as Decimal
Public ReadOnly Limit As Integer = 90
What is the difference between a field and a regular variable
Fields must be declared within the class body(at the beginning of the class), not inside properties, methods, or constructors. That way, they're available throughout the entire class.
Public and Private are known as
Access Modifiers
In Murach book, given the following:
Private m_Quantity As Integer

What does the m_ prefix indiciate
That the field is a module-level variable. This naming convention is typically used for a field that can only be accessed within the class, particularly if it stores a value of a property.
What is an instance variable
a field that's defined in a class and is allocated when an object is instantiated.
Each object instance has a separate copy of each instance variable
You use a ___ to get and set data values assocaited with an object
Typically, each property has a corresponding private ___ that stores the property's value.
instance variable
A ___ is used by anotyher class to get the value of a property.
get procedure
A ___ is used by another class the st the value of a property
set procedure
A ___ property has only a get procedure
a ___ property has only a set procedure
Visual basic generates the starting code for a property depending on whether you include the ReadOnly keyword, the WriteIOnly keyword, or neither keyword.
What does the following code do:
Public Property Code() As String
Return m_code
End Get
Set (ByVal value As String)
m_code = value
End Set
End Property
The get procedure returns the value of an instance variable, and the set procedure assigns the value that's passed to the property to an instance variable.