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49 Cards in this Set

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what family is the rhiniovirus
small naked ichosohedral
what are the characteristics of the rhinovirus
115 serotypes, acid labile, cytopathic, optimum replciation at 33 vs37 C

limited to upper respiratory infections.
What does the high number of serotypes of rhinovirus mean
that even if u gain immunity to one ur still vulnerable to others this is why people get colds so often
what is the characteristics of the cornavirus
+ssRNA lipid enveloped
what are the two major causes of the common cold
rhino virus
corona virus
should you prescribe antibiotics for the common cold
no, the vast majority are caused by viruses

group B strep is the only one that causes cold like symptoms and only account for 10% of infection
how is the virus transmitted
human to human vir respiratory secretions
2-3 day incubation
when is the rhiniovirus most common
what about corona
rhino year round
corona winter
what is the treatment for common cold
antihistimes over the counter not very good mainly just have to live with it
is there any immunity to virus
not really secretory IgA protects but is not life long

this is why there are no vaccines for virus
what are the properties of the adenoviruses
naked icosahedral capsid
how are adenoviruses transmited
rispiratory and fecal oral
what are the symptoms of the infection in adenovirues
GI tract infection is asymptomatic but infection of respriatory tract is symptomatics
what does adenovirus cause
acute respirtitory disease
mild upper respiratory tract syndromes(tonsils and adenoids of children)
what are some characteristics of the acute respirtatory disease cause by adenovirus
two types 4, and 7
most common in winter, and military
type 14 common in young adults
causes penmonia severe and sometimes fatal in childrean
what adeno virus types cause what
acute respiratory disease-type 4,7,14
pnemonia- type 3, 7(kids) 4,7 (adults)
mild upper respiratry tract syndomes-1,2,5,6
pharyngoconjuctiveal fever-summer infection kids, types 3,7
what are the nonrespiratory adenoviral syndrome
epedimec keratoconjuctivitis: types 8, 37 and 19
acute hemorrhagic cystitis: young boys types 11, 21
cervicitis and urethritis: type 37
gastroenteritis: infants types 40, 41, and 31
pediatric transplant recipients: adenovirus infection associated with higher rate of complicasion and organ rejection
what does paramyxoviridae cause
respiratory syncytial virus
what is a unique formation in the paramyxociridae
syncytia formation
how are measle mumps rubella spread
respiratory route droplet spread and contaminated surface
when is the peak time for measles mumps rubella
can measles mumps rubella be prevented
yes there are vaccines(live attenuated) and one time getting the disease provide life long immunity
6months immunity in newborns
what are the 4 Cs of measles
coryza,-rash on face that coelese
Kopliks spots -grains of sand in mouth diagnostic
what are some complications of measles
fatal pneumonia
otitis media
post infectino encephalomyelitis
subacute scelersing panencephalitis(rare)
what are the symptoms of mumps
swollen salivary glands
what are the complication of mumps
hearing loss
acute pancreatitis
what does RSV cause
bronchiolitis pneumonia
winter spring
parainfluenza types 1 and 2 cause flue when
around fall
how is RSV, parainfluenza and adenoviruses diagnosed
antigen detection kit assay
RT-PCR and PCR based test of respiratory specimen to detect
how is measles treated
vit A
what are the properties of rubella
lipid enveloped icosahedral capsid with + ssRNA

humna to human transmission
what are the symptoms of rubella
mild measle like symptoms rash on face spotty
what is the major risk of rubella
congenital rubella syndrome
visual defects
congental heart defects
how is congenital rubella syndrome diagnosed
anti rubbella IgM antibody capture ELISA from newborn serum
what are hemaglutinin and neuraminidase
membrane glycoprotiens that are used for vaccines and constantly undergo antigenic drift
what are the 3 types of influenza
type A-(many subtypes)in human, mammals and birds causes seasonl epidemcis almost every year
Type B- only in human, causes epidemics
type C - infects human but not clinically important
what are the only types of influenzae A that are transmited human to human
what is the major cause of serious lower respiratory dieases
influenza A and B
what are the symptoms of influenza brought on by
TNF - alpha inflammatory
what are the major symptoms of influenza
fever, chills, aches, pnemonia

how is influenza diagnosed
nucleic acid specific assays
rapid antigen capture ELISA useful for defining antiviral treatment.
what is the peak month for influenza
what are the major antivirals used for influenza
amantadine and rimantadine block uncoatin and nuclear transport
neuramindidase inhibitors(prophalaxis)
block the final stages of virion budding
who should not get flu vaccine
6mo younger
egg allergy really bad
what are upper resp. symptoms

upper-sneezing, coughing,

lower- wheezing
when is the most common time for respriratory disease
dec, jan, feb

mainly RSV
6 mo URI with FEVER and wheezing ?
bronchiolitis probably RSV
two yo with barking cough URI spasmodic cough
12 yo with sudden fever headache, myalgias cough
acute influencza virus