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28 Cards in this Set

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What are the 6 common childhood viruses?
1. Measles Virus (Rubeola)

2. Mumps Virus

3. Rubella Virus (German Measles)

4. Nonpolio Enteroviruses

5. Parvovirus B19

6. Human herpesvirus-6
What are the 4 classic childhood rashes caused by viruses?
1. Measles

2. Rubella (german measles)

3. HHV-6 (roseola)

4. Parvovirus B19
What are the common cellular properties of MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
1. ssRNA genome

2. Enveloped

3. Only 1 antigenic type

4. Humans only natural host

5. Transmission via respiratory droplets
What type of virus are Measles and Mumps?

What other viruses are in this family?

1. Respiratory Syncitial Virus

2. Parainfluenza

3. Human metapneumovirus
What is the common pathology to MMR?
- Infects nasopharynx and lymph nodes

- Viremia follows with infection of leukocytes

- During viremia, spread to other tissues

- Lifelong Immunity
What, despite vaccine, remains one of leading causes of death among young children?
What are major components of Measles symptoms?
- Incubation period of 8-10 days

- Prodrome: lasts 3-5 days.
-3 C's: cough/coryza (headcold) /conjunctivitis
- Stepwise Fever to 39.5
- Koplik's spots (exanthem)

Rash (Exanthem): lasts 6-7 days
-Begins 12-24 hours after Koplik's spots
- Erythematous (Red), discrete, and maculopapular (discolored spots)
- Progresses to confluence (merging/blending together)
What are the characteristics of the measles rash?
-"Angry" rash

- Lasts 6-7 days

- Centrifugal spread from head to feet

- Red, Discrete, Discolored Spots
What do Koplik's spots look like?
Pin-point gray-white spots on red base

- Appear on mucous membranes of cheek opposite molar teeth

- Resemble grains of sand on inflamed surface
When is measles most infectious?
Highly contagious; can be transmitted 1-2ds before rash to 4d after rash
What is one of the most serious complications of Measles?
Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (SSPE)

- 6-9 years post infection

- Rare, but serious degenerative CNS disease

- Due to persistent replication of defective measles virus in brain

- Always fatal
What are the 2 unusual presentations of measles?
1. Modified Measles - due to pre-existing Ig's from mother. Mild form of measles.

2. Atypical Measles - In those with formalin-killed measles vaccine from 1960's. Killed vaccine sensitizes to virus antigens without providing protection. Abrupt onset of fever and symptoms.
What are the symptoms of the mumps virus?
- 30% subclinical

- nonspecific prodrome (fever, headache, etc)

- Parotitis (usually bilateral, 7-10 days)
What are 2 main complications of mumps?
1. Orchitis in males (testicular inflammation)

2. Oophoritis/mastitis (inflammation of ovaries/breasts) in females
What is the treatment for Measles?

- No specific Tx

- Live Attenuated MMR Vaccine (2 doses)

- Passive immune serum globulin to prevent or modify measles following exposure of susceptible hosts
What is the Tx for Mumps?
- No specific Therapy

- MMR Vaccine
What are the symptoms of Rubella?
- 25-50% asymptomatic

- Flu like symptoms

- Rash (discrete maculopapular erythematous). Resembles mild measles rash.
What are the characteristics of Rubella Rash?
- Occurs 7-14 days after exposure

- Lasts 3-5 days

- discrete, maculopapular, and erythematous

- Begins on face, progresses downwards

- Does NOT coalesce, worse after shower
What is the most serious complication of Rubella?
Congenital Rubella Syndrome

- Infection of fetus in-utero. Worse if in FIRST TRIMESTER (100% infection)

- Usually first 12 wks of pregnancy

- Cause Congenital Malformations, Still Birth
What are the cellular characterics of Human Enteroviruses?

- How many serotypes?
- picornavirus (like Rhinovirus and Hep A)

- non-enveloped

- +ssRNA

- 102 serotypes in 4 groups
What are the most common symptoms of Enterovirus?
- 50-80% asymptomatic

- Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease (vesicular lesions on hands, feet, mouth)

- Acute Non-febrile illness in infants

- Aseptic Meningitis, causes 85-95% of cases
What are the cellular characteristics of Parvovirus B19?
- Parvovirus

- non-enveloped

- ssDNA (very RARE)

One of smallest DNA viruses
What is the pathology of Parvovirus B19?
Replicates in erythrocyte precursors in bone marrow
What causes Fifth Disease?


- See "slapped cheek" rash on face, limbs, trunk. Lace like, puritic.

- Rash may itch
What can Parvovirus cause in adult women?

Sickle Cell and Hemaglobinopathy pt's?
Arthralgia and Arthritis (both = joint pain) in women

Aplastic crisis (severe anemia) in sickle cell and hemaglobinopathy patients
What are the cellular characterisitcs of Human HerpesVirus-6 (HHV-6)?
- beta-herpesvirus

- enveloped


- dsDNA

- A and B variants
What is the pathology of HHV-6?
Infects lymphocytes. primary infection and reactivation
What symptoms does HHV-6 cause?
Exanthem subitum - erythematous maculopapular rash lasting for hours to days

- spreads from face/trunk to extremities

Also can cause febrile seizures