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17 Cards in this Set

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Swine influenza diagnosin
virus isolation
viral antigen or nucleic acid detection- RT-PCR
ELISA and hemagglutination-serological test
how would you test an acutely infected pig?
lung tissue or nasopharyngeal swab from acutely infected pigs yield optimum results
when can the swine virus be detected?
in febrible animals 24 to 48 hours after onset of clincal signs
when does Swine influenze become endemic in herds?
once introduced
what time of year does swine influenza become a problem?
colder months of the year
who has an increase risk of infection with swine influenza?
young, naive pigs
what can kill the swine influenza virus?
it is an enveloped virus that can be easily killed iwth disinfectatns commonly used in vet and swine facilites
how should isolation be handeld with SI?
protocols should be rigorously applied for pigs showing signs of resp. dz
Clothing, equipment, surfaces and hands should be cleaned and disinfected after exposure to pigs suspected to be infected.
where was canine influenza first reported?
in racing greyhounds in florida in 2005
what are the clinical signs of canine influenza?
rapid onset of fever and cough, rapid respiration and hemorrhaic nasal discharge.
morbitity almost 100% mortality 5%
why would a dog die from canine influenza?
from the hemorrhagic pnemonia
how is canine influenza treated?
broad-spectrum abx can reduce the severity of the dz but cannoot control it
what is canine influenza most closey related to?
H3N8 of equines. Genome analysis: H3N8 transferred from horses to dogs and then adapted to dogs through point muations in their genome
how long is the incubation period of canine influenza?
2-5 days
is there a carrier state for canine influenza?
what signs will you see with dogs with canine influenza?
mild cough and greenish nasal discharge to severe pnemonia
what happens if dogs with CI are not treated quickly
up to 50% fatality