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43 Cards in this Set

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what complications can STDs lead to in females?
PID, infertility
20 yr old college kid comes to office with penis lesions. he had them few yrs ago but went away until recently following stressful test. What is it?
Herpes w classic latent/active phases
What family subfamily and genus is herpes in
herpesviridae, alphaherepes viridae, simplex virus
Characteristics of virus
Linear ds DNA
lytic/productive infection
latent infection hides in neurons
what kind of chromosome does herpes have?
linear dsDNA inside enveloped virus
where does the lytic infection occur
epithelium of exposed area
where does latent herpes hide
Can u always tell by looking who has herpes
No, It can be asymptomatic or latent
What are the two ways to spread
Sex, birth
mom must have active HSV-2 at birth
how long does it take for symptoms to show
5 days post infection
and 5-15 days it ulcerates and starts leaking fluids
how does herpes hide
enters neuron via retrograde transport up the axon and produces Latency Associated Transcripts
what does herpes virus do when it enters cell
causes transcription of many proteins to help out the virus
herpes life cycle
herpes-->cytoplasm-->nuke-->transcribe IE genes(genome replication)-->rolling circle DNA replication-->transcribe late gamma structural genes-->viral mRNA moves to cytoplasm for translation-->structural proteins migrate back into nuke-->virus buds via exocytosis
How does herpes integrate into host DNA
it DOESN'T! it stays episomal in plasmid form
how long after clearance of lesions is herpes completely gone from body
how does herpes reactivation occur?
stress-->prodrome(tingle or burn at original site) few days before lesions appear
Is reactivated infection worse or weaker than initial herpes infection
reactivated is weaker symptoms
neonatal herpes
from mom with active HSV-2 at birth
enters baby liver, lung, CNS-->sepsis, skin lesions, death, MR,
how to prevent neonatal herpes?
give mom Herpes drugs during birth.
herpes evades immune response
latent in neurons, move cell-to-cell, replicate in epithelia
Herpes Tx:
no vaccine
acyclovir, valacyclovir, penciclovir, famciclovir
acyclovir works best in rapid growth cells
how does acyclovir work?
inert by itself, must be activated by phosphorylation by thymidine kinase, incorporates into viral DNA and messes it up
doesnt help latent virus
resistant herpes evolving(mutants are less virulent)
Px; of Herpes
no sex until lesions clear
health care workers wear gloves
C-section birth for herpes mom
future vaccine??
HSV-1 vs HSV-2
both similar but HSV-2 is genital and HSV-1 more commonyl cold sores
sex active 18yo comes for pap smear. had gonorrhea 2 yrs ago. abnormal pap smear. cervical warts. what is it?
What kind of chromosome is HPV
dsDNA circular 8 kb in non-enveloped virus
100 serotypes based on DNA sequence
What two syndromes can HPV cause
cutaneous-types 1-4 cause warts that self-resolve in 3-4 months

Mucosal-types 16 and 18 cause warts and cervical dysplasia, asymptomatic, soft flesh colored warts--cancer in 1 to 4 years
How common is HPV
Scary common-most prevalent STD in USA WRAP IT UP

cervical cancer is 8 leading cancer killer in US women
HPV lifecycle
infect squamous epithelium or mucus membranes-->induce epthelial proliferation-->warts in 3-4 months-->can regress spontaneously
how hoes HPS cause cancer?
drives cells falsely into S phase and grow rapidly

screws with E6 and E7. E6 prevents p53 from regulating growth of DNA damaged cells
cells grow lots and eventually poke through basement membrane and keep growing
caused by type 16 and 18
Dx: Type 16 and 18 HPV
visual warts
histology: hyperkeratosis of epithelium and papanicolaou stain causes clear staining nuke
PCR/DNA probes
what does abnormal pap smear look like?
malformed cells, enlarged nuclei
Tx: Px: and control of HPV
self limiting
cryotherapy, chemicals, excision
HPV Vaccine:Gardasil(women)
what is gardasil?
quadrivalent recombinant protein vaccine
L1 coat proteins from 6, 11, 16, 18
must be given before infection
Hep B virus
hepatocyte specific
partially dsDNA circular
What is common between all types of Hepatitis viruses
site of infection
Weird Hep Life cycle
virus binds liver via HBsAg-->DNA goes to nuke and becomes fully dsDNA-->integrates into liver genome but remains latent-->host regulates transcription-->RNA packed into virion-->(-) DNA made by RT in core-->RNA degraded-->(+) DNA made
what does immune system do to Hep B
clears it 90% of time
10% of time it becomes fulminant, primary and cirrhotic
Spread of Hep B
sex, blood, dirty needle
move from enrty poitn to liver and multiply in liver
patient symptom free for up to 45 days
can be acute, chronic, symptomatic, asymptomatic
Hep B sydromes
acute-long incubation, insidious onset, fever, malaise, jaundice, nausea, ab discomfort, dark pee, pale stools

hypersensitive rxns due to Ab-HBsAg complex
Dx: Hep B
liver enzymes high
HBsAg and HBcAg in blood
BEST: anti HBc IgM
Tx Px and control of Hep B
IFN and anti herpes drugs??
screen transfused blood
vaccinate early with recombiannt HBsAg