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32 Cards in this Set

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Three theories on Violence

Social Learning Theory

Hegemonic Masculinity

Masculinity in Crisis

Opposition Masculinity

Dominance, control Minority, lower class tries to accomplish this in order to fit the cultural representation.

Issues with Hegemonic Masculinity

Empirical evidence, not a predictor fails too however shows if more likely.

Modus Vivendi

Civilizing Process in which used to describe informal and temporary arrangements in political affairs. For example, if two sides reach a modus vivendi regarding disputed territories, despite political, historical or cultural

Perception changes for women

1.1970s feminist Activision

2.Political- Women refugees (abuse and disregard) made visible from the private to the open

3. Organizations towards women's aid grew in part from women refugees

4. Feminist Scholars and activists researching and pressing action in form of change.

Percentage of Male criminals


Mostly 17

4 triggers of violence

Not obeying husband

Arguing back

Food not ready on time

Not caring adequately for children and home

Domestic violence and IPV

Domestic is traditional was ment for marriage of men and wife

Ipv is broader and any personal relationship

Contemporary society

Part of civilizing process where decline in domestic and acquaintance violence.

4 2 percent

Both men and women been assaulted the same

But women are 2x more likely get injured, repeated violence, and threatened

Ipv is symmetrical or asymmetrical

Asymenetry since women more violent in using self defense and threats


Common couple violence where it's more symmetrical, occasional and outburst due to every day stimuli


Patriarchal violence where it is rooted in Male ownership ends with serious injury and Male perpetuating


Recognize factors such as historical and occupational, culture social aspects that approve male violence

They also argue men that do violence have personality characteristics of lack of empathy, narcistic, above others

Non violent men gain because they receive affirmation from others.

Duluth Model

Re education for males because Male violence is socially constructed and not individualized.

Class is key to what


Civilizing process to describe IPV

2 characteristics

1. Historical pacification and sensitization of women. Privatization of violence on women from upper to lower classes

2.informalization - locations of deprivation, men find identity based on possession. 3x violence if women employed

Heise ecological model

Individual, relationship, community, society


Intimat murder victims steadily rising.

Second most important trend

Homicide and Civilizing Process

Decline in homicide linked to moral individualism and reduction of honor cultures.

Coong and Gaid

Emphasizes decline of homicide due to rule of law

Black theory of law

Poor, marginalized unconventional are largely outside legal system and result in violence. Violence concentrated in statelessness

Equipment of emotional control

Disciplinary arrangements, growth of moral individualism, and more central administration and judicial systems

Pseudo Pacification

Internal pacification of population due to a shift of economic methods of production that which cause a temporary spike in violence


Dissolution of public and private boundaries

Violence biggest predicter

Inequality however there are independent effects that are unknown.

Sacrificial killing

Ritual purpose, eternal values and resestablishing order.

Hate Crime Elias

Laws and regulations addressing racial, cultural hate driven crimes through labeling puts these crime from open from private

Perpetrators of hate crime

Thrill seeker- display power

Defensive- protect from outside

Mission- hater who seeks rid of evil

Retaliation- following rumer or attack

Civilizing process in nutshell

HABITUS which is the personality characteristic that people share with other members of group

4 enablers of pyschological changes

1. State formation of very wealthy lords and the poor. This led to pacification due to violent warrior is unproductive.

2. Manners. Led go mutual identification and caring of others.

3. Coined money. Specialization and greater dependency of classes.

4. Division of labour. More restrainmemt for need for each other

Counter arguments

Civilized society is not free from violence since mitigated not eradicated.

Because we live in modern times doesn't mean we reached end.