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34 Cards in this Set

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Vietnam before US involvement

- French colony

- Nationalist movement led by Ho Chi Minh, became communist and formed Viet Minh

- French are driven out after WWII

- Japan controls, but no-one recognizes

- Minh declares Vietnam independent, US supports him

Warning about Vietnam by Office of Strategic Services

Don't get involved in SE Asia!!!!!!

- There will be civil war

- Language/culture barrier

- Corruption on all sides

- We don't blend in

US Involvement Post-WWII (before war)

- Give Vietnam back to France

- Bc: containment, domino theory, truman doctrine, nsc-68

- Now, Minh is communist aggressor

Domino Theory

If Vietnam falls to communism, the rest of SE Asia will, and then all of Asia!!!!!!!!!!!!

America helps French (Eisenhower)

- We give French money, but no troops (Eisenhower)

- Dien Bien Phu - French capital overrun

Dien Bien Phu

- End of French in Vietnam

- Geneva accords - country is divided into S. & N. Vietnam (repeat of Korea) - 17th parallel

- Free elections throughout country - S. doesn't take part in it (the people are mostly communist)

- S. joins SEATO (Asian version of NATO)

Leader of South Vietnam

Ngo Dinh Diem (corrupt and unpopular)

- Ended elections, was Catholic while most were Buddhist, cracked down on dissent, rigged elections

Leader of North Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh

Kennedy in Vietnam

- Helps Diem to maintain S. independence

- Send people to Vietnam as advisors (no ground troops yet!)

- CIA stages coup against Diem bc he is corrupt

Strategic Hamlet Program

- By Diem - take peasants out of countryside so they can't be attacked by Viet Cong

- Backfires, they view it as gov taking their possessions

LBJ in Vietnam

- Increase president's power for the war

- Said he wouldn't expand the war, but he did

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

- USS Maddox attacked by N. Viet

- Congress gives president blank check to use further force in Vietnam

- but is this too much power? isnt goldwater supposed to be the war guy? hello?!

Operation Rolling Thunder

- Air raids on N. Vietnam

- First combat troops arrive in 1965

- US overwhelmingly supported deployment at this time

William C. Westmoreland

- Responsible for running Vietnam war for America

- Strategy not successful - tried to convince Viet Cong that Nixon was crazy and would nuke them if they didn't sign peace

- Tried to convince S. Vietnam their life would be awful under Viet Cong - propaganda against


destroy the jungles bc the enemy is hiding in the jungle, but high chance of civilians being attacked

Agent Orange

Leaf-killing chemical to destroy jungles

But it was cancerous & soldiers/civilians got sick

- Style of fighting war not aligned to how we wanted to win the war (Hearts and Minds Campaign)

Search and Destroy

Went village by village searching for enemy, destroyed villages infested with enemy, huge refugee problem

Viet Cong under the Jungle

Hid explosives in the jungle - land mines everywhere

They knew the land (We didn't)


Tiger traps

any pressure put on, you'd fall right in

Johnson Draft

You could get out if your religion was against it or if you were still in college

But minorities and blue-collars weren't affected by this and had to serve

Criticism of the War

- Anti-war songs

- No clear goals

- Credibility gap

- MLK: "Great Society died in Vietnam"

- Protecting a corrupt side

- Inflation & taxes increased

- High casualties

- Media coverage turned people against the war

Media in the War

- Night by night coverage

- Growth of credibility gap and negativity

My Lai Massacre

Search & kill mission - orders to kill everyone in a village they thought was Viet Cong

Mutilated ppl instead of killing them - media coverage

General Gwin photographed murdering a Viet Cong soldier

Hawks vs. Doves

Hawks - containment

Doves - SDS, Free Speech, Weathermen, war is immoral

Tet Offensive

- Week long truce

- Viet Cong surprise attacked the south


- Tactical victory but moral defeat

- "The war is unwinnable"

- Turning Point

Why Viet Cong was so powerful

- When someone died they had an unlimited supply of people to replace them with

- Sec of Defense McNamara said we should negotiate peace bc we can't win

Nixon in Vietnam

Nixon Doctrine, Vietnamization


- Universal conscription in S. Vietnam

- Phoenix Program - CIA trained S. to infiltrate villages and kill Viet Cong supporters

Paris Peace Talks

- Madman Strategy

- Country split but elections (which won't happen)

Protests of War

- DC - 250,000

- At college campuses

- Violence

- Jackson State - blacks

- Kent State - threw rocks, then tear gas


- Ho Chi Minh Trail of supplies in Cambodia

- Cam asks US for assistance

- US tries but Viet Cong blends in w/ locals

- Not successful

- Seen as escalation of war


USSR sent weapons to Vietnam through Laos, so US bombed Laos

The public and congress didn't know

Pentagon Papers

Released by Ellsberg

Exposed deception by JFK & LBJ

War Powers Act

- Limits presidential power

- Time limit, must tell congress