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90 Cards in this Set

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Hanoi Government estimates for civilian casualties in the 21 years of fighting.
four million civilians were killed across North and South Vietnam,
Amount of communist fighters deaths
1.1 million communist fighters died
Ho Chi Minh
leader of N. Vietnamese
US figures covering the American phase record
200-250,000 South Vietnamese soldiers killed and 58,200 US soldiers dead or missing in action.
In the late 1950s, a communist guerrilla force – the Vietcong – emerged in the south
Troops in Vietnam by end of 1964 compared with the 1950s.
23,000 US military advisers in Vietnam – up from 800 in the 1950s -
South Vietnamese Army
End of 1967 figures for soldiers in Vietnam
Feb 1972
Nixon visits China
US Military Assistance Command Vietnam
9,000:-a tenfold increases over Eisenhower
22nd November 1963
Kennedy Assassinated
Johnsons escalation-Anderson quote
The commitment to sustain S.Vietnam was undertaken by Truman and renewed by Eisenhower, continued in full force by Kennedy
Why Escalate the War?
Assisting was not enough
Fear of losing
June 1965-since Diem's gov
There had been 5 governments since Diem's death
Feb 1965
Operation Rolling Thunder
October 1967
large anti-war demonstrations-initiate public relations campaign.
End 1967 troops
485,000 troops in Vietnam
He believed importance of the 'Third World' in the Cold War era.
Gulf of Tonkin
Johnson won from Congress on August 7, 1964, passage of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which allowed the president to "take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States and to prevent further aggression."
27th January 1973
After a bloody military stalemate and long negotiations, the US and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam signed the Paris Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam
Kennedy quote on staying in vietnam - 1962
We are going to win in Vietnam. We will remain here until we do win.
Where became the locus of anti-war movements?
uni and colleged campuses
21st May 1965
Gathering more than 10,000 students and faculty members on Uni of Califronia at Berkely for Vietnam.
Sept 20th 1967
LBJ discontent exploded
How many Americans relied on TV as their principle source of news in 1965?
more than half a million
Early 1967 polls..
for the first time critics outweighed the supporters
Robert McNamara
Sec of defense
Dean Rusk
Sec of State
John McCone
Director of CI
McGeorge Bundy
Presidents special assisstant for National Security
Maxwell Taylor
remained chairman of Joint CDheif of Staff (left to beome ambassador to the republic of Vietnam)
Moise on LBJ and escalation
less enthusiastic than any of his top advisors
Moise on evidence for Johnson and not wanting to escalate
The way Johnson postponed escalation and the strengthening of the military...reflects lack of enthusiasm
Moise on Kennedy
committed and wanted escalation
Buzzanco on revisionism
revisionists are correct. revisionism is that the war was lost in washington (press and politicians) rather than vietnam.
Positives of Vietcong
-dedicated and impressive
-tactical integrity
-maneuvered in the Jungle
Quagmire theory
successive administrations had inadvertently led America deeper and deeper into a bog.
''tradgedy without villains''
no president had ever imagined the mess that might eventually reults from the incremental decisions
when were the pentagon papers leaked
What did the pentagon papers show?
far from being unaware of their decisions, the author sof the PP argued the successive presidents knew full well their efforts might fail to bring victory in vietnam
Why did revisionist seem appealing/come about?
By 1975-conditions in Vietnam worsened-economic problems, etc...tarnished image of the Vietnamese communists
Traditionalist view
war was wrong and unwinnable
Sharp-revisionist on losing the war
It was lost in Washington...fighting with one hand behind its back.
Summers-revisionist.why lost war
US fought the wrong kind of campaign-counterinsurgency campaign. US should of waged a more conventional war against N Vietnam.
Kaiser - on war
neither necessary nor winnable:miscalculation.
why have their been changes in scholarship
the people who fought are still around but those who did not, or did not live through it are starting to approach the subject.
records released such as PP
Johnson and Nixon...media
obssessed...polls were taken, cared about what was reported.
Small on media and opinion
the media creates opnion by reporting opinion. When they say the country are in a conservative mood, those who do not know what mood they are in suppose they are in a conservative mood.
Logevall on kennedy
would escalate, knew of the commitments. 'deep and unquestiningly commitment'
Logevall on Johnson...
-saw the failures of his allies to stop Hitler...
he would be finished politically if Vietnam was to fall to communism
Logevall on Johnson and withdrawal
might have had the opporutnity but realistically was never going to take that step
Longevall on Media
newspapers declared opposition to expanded military action.
Longevall on why America fought
-said it was defend free people-wrong
wanted to stop communism-self-determinsim
MacNamara and Mc G Bunday on idea of world prestige and stopping communism (Longevall)
worried about the implications of world position of a defeat in vietnam...highly effective exponents of a staunch us commitment to the war
Longevall on advisers/president
no president is a prsioner to his advisers
Johnsons personality according to Longevall
America and his credibility were synonymous
Humphrey in early 1965 expressed concern about escalation-Johnson banned him from Vietnam policy discussions
Longevall offers three themes for Vietnam...
1)contingency-1965-fluid-several options
2)rigidity-american decision making
3)failure of opponents of escalation to fully commit to preventing it
contingency-theme one-Longevall
nothing inevitable about the slide into Vietnam.
Gelb and Betts
too much commitment in vietnam...
weakness to the commitment meant cant pull out-no alternatives argument
Long 1964-could always choose where to go
at home they were not confonted by all powerful anti-communism,
problem with south vietnam
had not kept to their side of the bargain-unwillingness of southern leaders to work to rectify the dismal situation in the south.
noo hope dfor american intervention on any scale unless the S>V leaders and people become fully committed.
three months after the 1965 election...
Johnson deceived the nation and Congress about the state of the war and plans for it...escalated without telling (McNarama condemns)
McNamara on Johnson and escalation
'if LJ had in mind a plan to escalate the war, he never told me... and he had no such plan
Speech by Johnson
go to vietnam for moral purpose
Anti-war Movement
fifty and 75 thousand been gathering Oct 20 1967. On 21st when the media left, soldiers advanced without warning on the remaining demonstrators. Most media afterwards devoted little attention to the political arguments to the demonstrators.
Small on newspapers covering the 1967 oct anti-Vietnam protests
several major newspapers not only denied the authorities had used tear gas but claimed the demonstrators used the weapon
Small's conclusions on the anti-war movement
never very cohesive,
did not see how media could affect it..chicago riots again reported negatively by the press.
5th -6th April 1969
150,000 turned out in more than forty cities. Chicago-30,000 people, their largest anti-war campaign.
Small on why media did not really report in 1969
The mass anti-war demonstrations had become too routine to be interesting. Media uniterest
Small on problem of anti-war movement
never really took off-mass demonstrations retarded growth of nti-war sentiment of majority of American people.
How much airtime was dedicated to Vietnam between when and when?
25% between 1968 and 1973
Hunt on Kennedy and escalation
agreed to more advisers, and resources.
Hunt on Kenneday and withdrawal
clung to idea in 1963-''APPARANTLY'' privately indiciated wanting to pull out of the war.
Hunt on MacNamara
obviosuly in favour of escalation
Hunt on Johnson
loss to the president was unacceptable. preceded deliberately.
Policy dilemmas:- Lexington (11)
-As stakes grew, the leverage shrunk-defending communism. American goals made bargainning hard
-hard pressure on S.Vietnam but pressing could lead to complete collapse
-Saigon gov was so weak-needed America
-war unwinnable..nationalism, but could fail without involvement
-increase involvement-increase domestic criticism
-damned if they do, damned if they dont
-not learned of limited success-wanted power, wanted to employ it-corrupted by it
-trying to save America from McCarthyism
-did not understand cultrual differences-thought they could treat Vietnam like any other western country
-slippery slope-piled on commitment after commitment.
-international policy of communism.
1966-anti war was at grass roots level-local rallies, small meetings etc
Hess:- on why Vietnam was impotant
domino theory-containment was crucial
Winnable school of thought
revisionist, won all battles but lost the war, overiding strategy should of been to stop N inflitrating the S.
unwinnable school of thought
fundamentally doomed, traditionalists, America supporting losing cause, limited war-domestic/international constraints.
27th January 1973
Bloody military stalemate ended-Paris agreement
US official explanation
-Vietnam was not vitally important to national interest-prevent communist take over.
domino theory, obligation to an ally-france.
Stalemate theory
promoted by Ellsberg and Gelb- tw former advisers to gov during Vietnam years:escalated not for victory but to avoid defeat.
McNamara on Kennedy
would of pulled out had he not been assassinated.
MacNamara's 11 reasons to why America failed.
-exaggerated dangers to US
-treated leaders in s.Vietname from own culture
-underestmiated nationalism
-not expert in Vietnam like Kennan
-failed to adapt military technique
-failed to discuss the war with people-lost support
-failed to maintain unity between s.v and america
-no god given right to shape countries
-should of worked with international community
-not always immediate solutions to problems
-organizational problems like cost
kaiser on advisers and Johnson
in light of their experience, Johnson, MCN, R, T seemed to feel they had no other option,
example of contingency...fighting
1961-1964 - vast majority of American opertaions like the majority of ARVN operations, never made contact with the enemy.
July 26th 1965
Johnson announced officially and for the first time that US was in a war with Vietnam