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10 Cards in this Set

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Why did america support south vietnam govt.?

SV Govt. corrupt and undemocratic BUT didnt want communist NV to gain power.

Who were Viet Cong?

Army in South Vietnam conducting a guerrilla war against govt.

Supplied by communist NV.

When did NK invade and defear SK govtM


What was the official American view of the war from '65 to '67?

1. US and SV forces killed lots of Viet Cong

2. Struggling against guerrilla tactics but wearing down enemy

What was the Tet Offensive?

1. Shattered American confidence in 1968.

2. Viet Cong attacked over 100cities during New Year holiday

3. Around 4500 Viet Cong tied down a much larger US and SV force in Saigon for 2 days

4. Communists wrongly thought SV people would rise up and join them

5. Viet Cong lost around 10,000 experienced fighters, weakened

What Qs did Tet Offensive raise?

1. USA spending $20bil a year, how could communists launch a major offensive by surprise?

2. Mamy civilians killed. Ancienty city of Hue destroyed. Was this right?

3. Americans reached conclusion that Vietnam War required more effort and time than it was worth.

Why did Americans become anti-war?

1. Draining money - could be spent on poverty, education...

2. Draft exposed racial inequality - greater % of blacks fought

3. Symbol of defeat, confusion and moral corruption

Students and civil rights compaigners protest. '68-'70 peak.

What was shown in the media?

1. Crying children burned by American napalm bombs.

2. Tortured, executed prisoners

3. Weeping women and children

What was the My Lai massacre?

1. March 1968, american soldiers told a viet cong hq in the My Lai area + 200 viet cong guerrillas.

2. Ordered to destroy houses, dwellings and livestock.

3. Told villagers would be gone for market

4. Killed over 300 civilians- mainly women, children and old men

5. Killed no viet cong

6. Recovered only 3 weapens

How did Vietnam war end?

1. After Tet Offensive, Johnson reduced bombing campaign against NV and begun peace negotiations w communists

2. Johnson no longer seeking re-election

3. '68 Nixon President, removed all US troops from SV by '73.