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34 Cards in this Set

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species of vibrio
Vibrio cholerae

Vibrio parahemolyticus

Vibrio vulnificus
what disease does vibrio cholerae cause?

how is it carried around
cholera; it's a waterborne pathogen
what does vibrio genus like? (environment)
warm seawater
shape of vibrio
curved, like a COMMA
What is the major pathogenic characteristic of V. cholerae?

-What 2 main symptoms result?
Exotoxin, aka enterotoxin.
1. Diarrhea (rice water stools)
2. Severe dehydration
symptoms of cholera
diarrhea (rice water stools)

-severe dehydration
What 4 features are used for diagnosing V. cholerae?
1. Curved gnb
2. Growth/color on TCBS agar
3. Biochemical sugars
4. String reaction
4 points included in lab diagnosis of V. cholerae:
-if we know it's a curvy gnbacillus

-if it's hard to grow on normal enteric media, but grows well on TCBS.

-biochemical rxtns
-string reaction
What is the purpose of TCBS agar?
Allowing growth and differentiation of Vibrios; inhibiting enteric bugs.
what sugars does v. cholera ferment?
all of 'em: gluc, lact, and sucr
what's the string reaction?
when you mix vibrio cholerae with .5% sodium desoxycholate it makes a mucousy string. not very technical tho
which vibrio is associated with shellfish/raw fish/seafood and in the far East?
vibrio parahemolyticus
what are the symptoms of vibrio parahemolyticus?
Enteritis from shellfish; self-limiting, but severe sometimes bloody diahrrea.
Which two vibrios are halophilic
How is this feature used to identify them?
Parahemolytic and Vulnificus
-Makes them turn green-blue on TCBS agar.
what does NaCl do to vibrio cholera?
inhibits its growth.
how many other species of vibrio are there? characteristics?
9; nonpathogenic; oxidase positive GNB
What disease is caused by Vibrio vulnificus:
Wound/ear infections following exposure to seawater.

Boating accident...
List 4 basic characteristics of Campylobacter:
1. GNBacillus - CURVED like S
2. oxidase +
3. obligate microaerophile (blw srfc)
4. non-fermenter - no carbs
what is the main pathogen of the campylobacters?
campylobacter jejuni
-How is C.jejuni transmitted?
-What disease/sx does it cause?
-Via ingestine of uncooked poultry.

-ENTERITIS: diahrrea, fever, bloody stools
2 Virulence factors produced by campylobacter jejuni:
selective media for campylobacter: contains:
campy BA

brucella agar base + blood + antibiotics

inhibits normal flora from intestines
what are the conditions necess for incubating campylobacter jejuni?
42 degrees C
microaerophilic environment

Campy BA
What 5 features of Campylobacter jejuni allow presumptive ID?
Gram stain = gnb, curvy
Oxidase = positive
Catalase = positive
Motility = darting
Wet/moist colonies
what bacteria is campylobacter jejuni very similar to?
e. coli

both cause diahhrea
have similar biochemistries
treat w/ same drug
what is campylobacter fetus ss. fetus?
what does it cause?
a subspecies of campylobacter;
causes septicemia, is a very rare pathogen;
what bug is know for causing gastritis and peptic ulcers?
helicobacter pylori
what does helicobacter pylori prolificly produce?
urease; causes gastritis and peptic ulcers.
what type of flagella does helicobacter have?
3 specimens used to identify helicobacter pylori:
-gastric mucosal biopsy
what 3 key biochemical rxtns of helicobacter pylori allow rapid id?

-All three are POSITIVE
what is helicobacter pylori treated with?
ampicillin and bismuth salicylate
Strategy of Helicobacter pylori I.D.:
-endoscopy - biopsy specimen
-histology w/ special stains
-culture the bug
-urease test
-PCR to i.d. nucleic acid
-Serology to test for Ab in serum or whole blood.
how does the urea breath test work? what organism is it for?
helicobacter pylori.

the bug produces urease; give the host urea w/ labeled C; if the bug is there, it'll break down the urea and labeled CO2 will be exhaled.