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14 Cards in this Set

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Transformation,a qualitative change
Learning by changing existing knowledge structures.
Learning by adding new knowledge to existing knowledge.
Cognitive Domain
Memory, reasoning, and thinking abilities.
Self centeredness, especially in very young children.
Sensor Motor
Stage 1 of Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development. Infancy through 2 years. Centered on the infant trying to mak sense of the world using reflexes caused by stimuli and ends with complex combinations of sensorimotor skills.

Boeree, C.G. (2006). Personality Theories of Jean Piaget. Retrieved 5/2/09 from http://webspace.ship.edu.cgboer/piaget.html

Van Wagner, K. Sensorimotor Stage of Cognitive Development. Retrieved 5/2/09 from
Aspect of L. Vygotsky's Social Development Theory. Where the teacher or more knowledgeable other (MKO) guides a student through their ZPD. MKO builds interest, gives a task, keeps student focused and provides models of ways to complete the task.

Clabaugh, G.K., Rozycki, E.G. (2008) The Educational Theory of Lev Vygotsky: an analysis. Retrieved 5/2/09 from http://www.newfoundations.com/GALLERY/Vygotsky.html
Zone of proximal development
Aspect of L. Vygotsky's Social Development Theory. The gap between what a learner has already mastered and what he can achieve when provided with educational support.

Coffey, H. Zone of proximal development. Retrieved 5/2/09 from http://www.learnnc.org/lp/pages/5075
Social Development theory
Vygotsky's theory that social interaction precedes development. Opposes Piaget's developmental theory where development precedes learning.

Boeree, C.G. (2006). Personality Theories of Jean Piaget. Retrieved 5/2/09 from http://webspace.ship.edu.cgboer/piaget.html

Clabaugh, G.K., Rozycki, E.G. (2008) The Educational Theory of Lev Vygotsky: an analysis. Retrieved 5/2/09 from http://www.newfoundations.com/GALLERY/Vygotsky.html

Social Development Theory. Retrieved 5/2/09 from http://tip.psychology.org/vygotsky.html
Stage 2 of Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development. 2 through 6 years. Child begins to use symbols and recognizes representation. Hallmark of this stage is the use of language and creative play.

Boeree, C.G. (2006). Personality Theories of Jean Piaget. Retrieved 5/2/09 from http://webspace.ship.edu.cgboer/piaget.html

Van Wagner, K. Preoperational Stage of Cognitive Development. Retrieved 5/2/09 from
Stage 3 of Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development. 7 through 11 years. Children begin thinking logically about concrete events, but have difficulty understanding abstract or hypothetical concepts. Hallmark is the ability to conserve number, length and volume.
Boeree, C.G. (2006). Personality Theories of Jean Piaget. Retrieved 5/2/09 from http://webspace.ship.edu.cgboer/piaget.html

Van Wagner, K. Concrete Operational Stage of Cognitive Development. Retrieved 5/2/09 from http://psychology.about.com/od/piagetstheory/p/concreteop
Formal Operation
Stage 4 of Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development. 11 through adulthood. Children develop skills such as logical thought, deductive reasoning and systematic planning.

Van Wagner, K. Formal Operational Stage of Cognitive Development. Retrieved 5/2/09 from http://psychology.about.com/od/piagetstheory/p/formaloperation.htm
Characteristic of Piaget's preoperational stage of development. A tendency of a child to focus on one aspect of an object or situation.

Boeree, C.G. (2006). Personality Theories of Jean Piaget. Retrieved 5/2/09 from http://webspace.ship.edu.cgboer/piaget.html
Characteristic of Piaget's preoperational stage of development. Child cannot imagine the reverse of an action.

Boeree, C.G. (2006). Personality Theories of Jean Piaget. Retrieved 5/2/09 from http://webspace.ship.edu.cgboer/piaget.html