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68 Cards in this Set

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visceral sensations
sensations such as hunger and thirst
tactile senses
touch and pressure
the detection of the position of the feet and body.
taste buds
a type of chemoreceptor that lines the sides of small raised bumps called papillae.
sensory organ that detects chemical stimuli
gustatory sense
the sense of taste is reffered to as
small raised bumps embedded into the tissue of the tongue and are surrounded by a moatlike trough.`
olfactory epithelium
lines the nasal cavities.
auditory sense
external ear
funnels sound toward the inner ear and composed of three parts, pinna, external auditory canal, and tympanic membrane (eardrum)
part of the external ear, shaped like a cone composed of auricular cartilage.
ear wax
middle ear
lined with soft tissue, contains three tiny bones called auditory ossicles.
auditory ossicles
tiny bones in the middle ear.
outermost of the three auditory ossicles in the middle ear and only one that contacts the eardrum.
incus (anvil)
the bone upon which the malleus hits. it is located in the middle ear.
stapes (stirrup)
the third bone in the middle ear shaped like a stirrup.
vestibular window (oval window)
opening in the temporal bone of the skull at the medial side of the middle ear that leads to the inner ear.
auditory tube (eustatian tube)
keeps the air pressure inside the ear consistent with that outside the body.
cocchlear window (round window)
another opening in the temporal bone leading to the inner ear.
tympanic bulla
round normally hollow cavity surrounded by a thin layer of bone.
a liquid inside the inner ear
responsible for detection of sound shaped like a snail,
semicircular canals
help maintain balance
a hollow oval organ that communicates with the cocchlea rostrally and the semicircular canals caudally. helps maintain balance
the end of the cochlea
cochlear duct
along the outer edge of the cochlea, contains a fluid called endolymph
fluid inside the cochlear duct
organ of corti
consists of supporting epithelial cells.
conduction disorders
caused by a physical interruption in the transmission of sound to the cochlea. May be caused by obstruction of the external ear canal, infammation of the cochlea, trauma to the tympanic membrane, or damage to the ossicles of the middle ear.
Nerve Deafness
the result of damage to the cochlea or cochlear nerve, or poor development of the cochlea or cocchlear nerve.
transparent layer of tissue that allows light to enter th eye.
opaque white part of the eye surrounding the cornea and pupil.
junction between the sclera and the cornea.
middle layer of the eye that contains large numbers of blood vessels and contains three parts, ciliary body, choroid, and iris.
ciliary body
encircles the outer edge of the lens and is attached to the lens via the suspensory ligament.
contains a highly reflective area called the tapetum that aids in night vision.
highly reflective area that aids in night vision.
retina (nervous layer)
last and innermost layer of the eye, contains the neurons responsible for detection of light stimuli.
optic disk
place where axons of the neurons in the retina gather together.
optic nerve
formed by the optic disk.
aqueous chamber
small anterior chamber of the eye
vitreous chamber
larger posterior chamber of the eye.
iris (pupil)
contains smooth muscle cells and opens and closes to let more or less light in.
anterior uveitus
infection or inflammation of the anterior chamber of the eye.
severe constriction of the pupil.
name for the enire eye.
a layer of epithelium that secretes mucus and lines both the inner surface of the eye and the cranial surface of the sclera.
lacrimal gland
secretes tears that moisten the eye
nasolacrimal duct
a tiny tube where the tears drain into the nasal cavity.
lens fibers
thin epithelial cells arranged to be transparent.
when the lens fibers are altered to become opaque blocking light from reaching the retina.
aqueous fluid
water fluid similar to cerebrospinal fluid. supplies nutrients to the corneal cells.
canal of schlemm
duct located at the angle of the cornea and the iris. reabsorbs aqueous fluid.
intraocular pressure
constant pressure in the aqueous chamber that helps support the cornea from within.
disease of the eye in which the drainage of aqueous humor is obstructed or decreased causing increased intraoccular pressure and pain.
vitreous body
inside the vitreous chamber that helps support the retina, lens, and cilliary body from within.
vitreous humor
a mass of gelatinous material.
rods (cones)
receptor neurons
light absorbing pigment
pigment sensitive to various colors
optic nerve fibers
axons sent by ganglion cells to form the fibers of the optic nerve.
optic chiasm
a bundle of nerve fibers that lies at the base of the cerebrum just cranial to the hypothalmus and pituitary gland.
binocular vision
gives humans 3-D vision. helps determine depth and distance.
monocular vision
animals whose eyes are set on the side of the head have monocular vision.
occipital cortex
an area of the brain where signals travel.
visual cortex
an area of visual interpretation inside the occipital cortex.