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42 Cards in this Set

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Mayo Scissors:

- Available straight and curved

- Used for soft tissue dissection and cutting

(Most bog standard scissors there is, think of a bog standard sandwich, need a bit of mayo)

Bone Holding Forceps:

- Many types available, this is Fergusson Bone Holding Forceps

- Used to secure bone and prevent movement during orthopaedic procedures

(Too sharp to put on a bone(r))

Bone cutters:

- Many types available, this is Liston bone cutters

(Big, industrial and sharp)

Rush Pin:

- Use being replaced by arthrodesis and K wire

(You can't bend round corners if you're rushing around)

Arthrodesis Wire:

- A small Steinmann pin with trocar points at both ends

(Arthritis hurts both sides of the joint)

Steinmann Intramedullary Pin:

- Available in various diameters

- Trocar (Pointed) end to both ends, possible that might also be threaded

Monofilament Wire:

- Also referred to as Orthopaedic wire

- Used as Cerclage wire

(Made from one continuous filament)

Wire Twister/Shear Cutter:

- Used to twist wire to secure in place and cut

Sherman Screw:

- Screw head either cruciate as this one or single slot

Cancellous Screw:

- Coarser thread than cortical screw

- ASIF Screw head

(Longer name so longer pin)

Cortical Screw:

- Finer thread than Cancellous Screw

- ASIF Screw head

Kirschner Wire:

- Available in various lengths and diameters

- One end bayonet then other blunt

Venables Plate:

- Rectangle plate with round holes

Sherman Plate:

- Plates narrows between the holes

(Sherman the sailor on the wavy sea)

Dynamic Compression Plate:

- Rectangle plate with oval holes

(Compressed circles are shaped like ovals)

Olsen Hegar Needle Holders:

- Used to hold the needle during suturing and cutting sutures

Mayo Needle Holders:

- Used to hold needle during suturing

(Bog standard needle holders, no cutters or anything fancy)


- Used for holding needles and cutting sutures

- Left and right handed available

Metzenbaum Scissors:

- Available straight or curved and in different lengths

- Used for fine soft tissue dissection, recognised by longhandles, short bladethem

Iris Scissors:

- Available straight or curved

- Used for ophthalmic surgery

- General purpose conjunctival scissors

(Very small and pointy, poke your eye out)

Cross-action towel clip

(Crossed over)

Backhaus towel clip

(Scratch your back)


- Bevelled on only one side to allow instrument to sit flush with the bone

- Used to "shave" bone

Langenbeck retractor:

- Hand-held instrument used for temporary retraction of soft tissue

(Shaped like an L)


- Bevelled on both sides

- Used to make precise bone cuts e.g. Excision arthroplasty

(Osteo for bone, very large so can affect the bone)

Travers Retractor:

- A self restraining retractor used to hold back soft tissue

(Sounds like Train Track)

Periosteal Elevator:

- Used to raise the periosteum from bone before plating or drilling

Gelpi Retractors:

- Self retaining retractors used for muscle and joint retraction


- Used to nibble pieces of bone

Hohmann Retractor:

- Handheld retractor used for retraction of a joint

(Hoh mann, you a hoh with two holes)

Doyen Bowel Clamp:

- Used for a traumatic clamping of the intestine

Babcock Tissue Forceps:

- Used to firmly grasp tissues

- Don't grab viscera as they are to traumatic

(Hey bab, the circle at the end is how wide your brummy boyf's cock is)

Allis Tissue Forceps:

- Used to firmly grasp tissues

- Don't grab viscera as they are too traumatic

Halstead Mosquito Artery Forceps:

- Available straight or curved

- Used for clamping small blood vessels

(Small and bitey like an insect)

Spencer Wells Artery Forceps:

- Used for clamping blood vessels

- Available in straight or curved and various lengths

(The grooves have wells between them)

Cerclage Wire:

-Monofilament stainless steel wire

-Supplements the use of intramedullary pins, plates andexternal fixators

-Compresses large fragments of bone


– no cutting edge,traditionally have copper inserts in the tip.


– available with plain end andtoothed end, used for fine handling of soft tissues

Standard (EndToothed):

– narrow rat toothed tips, used to handle skin

Debakey- Atraumatic handling of viscera. Useful forabdominal and thoracic surgery
Balfour– Abdominal wall and liver retraction
Volkmann –Retraction of tendon and muscle to expose other structures, tip looks like arake.