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94 Cards in this Set

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Subclavian artery branches
Vertebral a.
Costocervical a.
Internal thoracic a.
Superficial cervical a
Axillary artery branches
External thoracic a.
Lateral thoracic a.
Subscapular a.
Cranial circumflex humeral a.
Subscapular artery branches
Thoracodorsal a.
Caudal circumflex humeral a.
Brachial artery branches
Deep brachial a.
Bicipital a.
Collateral ulnar a.
Superficial brachial a.
Transverse cubital a.
Common interosseus a.
Median artery branches
Radial a.
Superficial palmar arch
Deep antebrachial a.
Common interosseus branches
Ulnar a.
Cranial interosseous a.
Caudal interosseus a.
The subclavian artery runs from the
right brachicephalic artery, and aorta on left, to the first rib.
The axillary artery runs from the
first rib to the conjoined tendons of the teres major m.and latissimus dorsi m.
The superficial cervical artery branches from the _____ and runs to the _______.
subclavian, inside thoracic inlet
runs dorsocranially between the scapula and neck. Supplies the superficial mm. of the base of neck, sup cerv. ln. muscles of scapula and shoulder
The superficial cervical lymph nodes lie
on the serratus ventralis and scalenus cranial to the supraspinatus, covered by the omotransversarius and brachiocephalicus.
The superficial cervical lymph nodes receive the afferents from
the superficial part of the lateral surface of the neck, caudal surface of the head including the ear and pharynx and thoracic limb.
The external thoracic artery leaves
the axillary near its origin,
curves around deep pectoral to superficial pectorals and supplies the super. pectoral m.
The lateral thoracic artery runs
caudally across the axillary ln and dorsal border of the the deep pectoral ventral to latissimus dorsi
The lateral thoracic artery supplies the
latissimus dorsi, deep pectoral, and cutaneous trunci muscles and thoracic mammae
The subscapular artery is larger than
the continuation of the axillary. It is short at its origin but is subQ near caudal angle of the scapula.
The thoracodorsal branches from the
subscapular near its origin and supplies the teres major and lastissimus dorsi.
The caudal circumflex humeral artery leaves the
the subscapular opposite the thoracodorsal, and travels laterally b/t the head of humerus and teres major.
The caudal circumflex humeral artery supplies the
triceps, deltoideus, coracobrachialis, and infraspinatus mm. and humeral joint.
The cranial circumflex humeral supplies the
biceps brachii and the joint capsule of the shoulder.
The cranial cercumflex humeral artery arises from the
axillary artery, near the subscapular artery.
The cranial circumflex humeral artery supplies the
biceps brachii m. and the joint capsule.
After the axillary gives off the ______ it becomes the_____.
Cranial circumflex humeral a. near the latissimus dorsi, and teres major.
Brachial artery
The brachial artery traves to the __________ surface of the elbow before it branches
The caudal branch of the brachial artery, that supplies the triceps, ulnar nerve and elbow
collateral ulnar artery
The branch of the brachial artery that loops around the biceps brachii, deep to the cephalic vein
superficial brachial artery
The superficial brachial artery continues in the forearm as the ____ and travels with the ________
cranial superficial antebrachial artery
medial and lateral branches of the superficial radial nerve
Supplies blood to the dorsum of the forepaw
cranial superficial antebrachial artery, medial and lateral branches of the superficial radial nerve
Supplies the elbow and adjacent muscles
transverse cubital artery
The brachial artery courses deep to the _______ and the ______ in the forearm.
pronator teres m. and flexor carpi radialis m.
The _____ artery gives rise to the Common ______ _____, and continues as the____
Interosseus artery
median artery
The median artery extends to the
superficial palmar arch in the paw
This short vessel travels to the interosseus space and gives off 3 branches:
Common interosseus
ulnar, caudal interosseous,
cranial interosseous aa.
This artery supplies the ulnar and humeral heads of the deep digital flexor and the flexor carpi ulnaris
ulnar artery
This artery travels through the interosseus space, passes through the lateral side of the carpal canal, joins with radial and median arteries
caudal interosseus artery
This artery passes through the cranial interosseus space and supplies the craniolateral forearm
cranial interosseous artery
The conintuation of the brachial artery beyond the _____.
median artery
common interosseous
This artery is the principal sours of blood ot the paw.
median artery
The median artery is accompanied through the carpal canal by the
median nerve
The superficial palmar arch gives rise to the
palmar common digital arteries
This artery branches from the medial sice of the median artery and follows the medial border of the radius
radial artery
The caudal branch of the median artery that supplies the flexor carpi radialis, deep digital flexor, flexor carpi ulnaris, superficial digital flexor
deep antebrachial artery
Brachial plexus is formed by the
ventral branches of the 6th, 7th, and 8th cervical and 1st and 2nd thoracic spinal nerves
The nerves of the brachial plexus are:
suprascapular, subscapular, axillary, musculocutaneous, radial, median, ulnar, thoracodorsal, lateral thoracic, pectoral nerves.
innervates the superficial pectoral muscle
cranial pectoral nerve
Supplies the supraspinatus and infraspinatus
suprascapular nerve from the 6th and 7th.
innervates the subscapularis
subscapular nerve from the 6th and 7th cervical spinal nerves
muscles innervated by the musculocutaneous nerve
Briceps brachii
skin of medial antebrachium
Muscles innervated by the Median nerve
pronator teres
flexor carpi radialis
pronator quadratus
superficial digital flexor
deep digital flexor
skin of caudal antebrachium and palmar paw
Muscles innervated by the radial nerve
triceps brachii, tensor fasciae antebrachii, anconeus, extensor carpi radialis, supinator, common digital extensor, lateral digital extensor, ulnaris lateralis, abductor policus longus, skin of craniolateral antebrachium, dorsal paw
Muscles innervated by the ulnar nerve
flexor carpi ulnaris, deep digital flexor:ulnar and humeral heads, interossei, skin of caudal antebrachium, palmar paw, 5th metacarpal, lateral surface of digit
musculocutaneous is from the
6th, 7th, and 8th cervical spinal nerves
The musculocutaneous travels through the brachium between
biceps brachii and the brachial vessels.
The axillary nerve is from the
7th and 8th cervical spinal nerves
The axillary nerve travels between the ____ and _____ and its branches are closely related to
subscapularis and teres major, caudal circumflex humeral vessels and axillobrachial vein
The thoracodorsal nerve arises from
the 8th cervical spinal nerve and supplies the latissimus dorsi m.
Radial nerve arises from the
last two cervical and first two thoracic spinal nerves.
The radial nerve travels with the ____ and ____ nerve and then sends a branch to the _______
trunk of the median and ulnar
triceps muscle
The radial nerve is motor to all the
extensor muscles of the elbow, carpal and digital joints
The radial nerve terminates in the
deep and superficial branches
The median and ulnar nerves arise from a
common trunk from the 8th cervical and 1st and 2nd thoracic spinal nerves
The common trunk of the median and ulnar nerves lies on the
medial head of the triceps between the brachial vein and brachial artery
The median nerve runs to the
antebrachium in contact with the caudal surface of the brachial artery.
The median nerve receives
a branch from the musculocutaneous nerve at the elbow
The ulnar nerve crosses the
elbow caudal to the meidal epicondyle of the humerus
The caudal cutaneous antebrachial nerve branches from the ______ and supplies the
ulnar nerve
medial surface of the triceps and olecranon
The caudal pectoral nerve arises from the
8th cervical and 1st and 2nd thoracic spinal nerves and innervates the deep pectoral muscle
The lateral thoracic nerve arises from the
8th cervical and 1st thoracic spinal nerve.
The cutaneous trunci has only one innervation the
lateral thoracic nerve
The veinous return through the forelimb begins with the
cephalic vein on the palmar side of the paw from the superficial palmar venous arch.
This vessel arises from small veins on the dorsum of the paw
the accessory cephalic and joins the cephalic on the distal 3rd of the forearm.
At the flexor surface of the elbow the ______ forms a connection between the ______ and _____ veins
meidan cubital vein
no one way valves.
From the meidan cubital vein the cephalice continues on the_______
craniolateral surface of the arm
brachiocephalicus and lateral head of the triceps
in the middle of the arm the ______ leaves the caudal aspect of the _______
axillobrachial vein
cephalic vein
in the arm the cephalic vein runs
deep to the brachiocephalicus and enters the external jugular near the thoracic inlet
The axillobrachial vein passes deep to the _______ to join the _______
caudal border of the deltoideus

axillary vein
This vessel arises from the _______ and continues subQ across the cranial surface brachiocephalicus to
axillobrachial vein
enter the external jugular vein cranially to the cephalic vein
The brachial vein becomes the
axillary vein
this nerve supplies the extensors of the elbow, carpus, and digital joints
radial nerve
The deep branch of the radial nerve crosses the
medial surface of the extensor carpi radialis
The superficial branch of the radial nerve divides into
the lateral cutaneous antebrachial nerve, and lateral and medial branches
The lateral branches of the radial nerve travel with the
cephalic vein
The medial and lateral branches of the radial nerve are sesory to the
skin on the cranial and lateral surface of the forearm and dorsal surface of the carpus, metacarpus and digits.
The median nerve runs into the antebrachium with the
brachial artery
This nerve runs caudally from the ulnar nerve and send off the ____ branch
caudal cutaneous antebrachial nerve
The ulnar nerve innervates the_____ and then sends a branch
deep digital flexor and flexor carpi ulnaris
laterally to the surface of metacarpus and fifth digit.
This branch of the ____ nerve enters the ___________ and divides into a________ and _______
palmar branch of ulnar nerve
carpal canal
superficial and deep branch
This nerve supplies the palmar surface of the forepaw
ulnar nerve
The nerve supplying the autonomous zone of the cranial shoulder is the
5th cervical spinal nerve
The nerve supplying the autonomous zone of the middle shoulder is the
axillary nerve
The nerve supplying the autonomous zone of the caudl shoulder is the
2nd thoracic spinal nerve cutaneous branch
The nerve supplying the autonomous zone of the craniolateral forearm is the
radial nerve
The nerve supplying the autonomous zone of the caudal forearm and 5th digit is the
ulnar nerve
The nerve supplying the autonomous zone of the medial forearm is the
The ____ and _____ join at the metacarpophalangeal joint to branch and form the ___ and ____
palmar/dorsal common digital vein/artery/nerve
palmar/dorsal metapodial vein/artery/nerve
axial/abaxial palmar/dorsal digital artery/vein/nerve