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42 Cards in this Set

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What type of blood do arteries in the systemic circulation carry?
O2 blood to body tissues
As an artery's diameter decreases, there is a corresponding what?
DECREASE in the amount of elastic fibers and a relative INCREASE in the amount of smooth muscle (tunica media)
How many types of arteries are there and what are they?
3: elastic, muscular arteries, and arterioles
Which type of artery is the largest artery w/ diameter ranging from 2.5 to 1 cm?
Elastic arteries
What do elastic arteries contain?
lg proportion of elastic fibers throughout all 3 tunics, especially in the tunica media
The abundant elastic fibers in the artery allow the fiber wall to do what?
stretch when a heart ventricle eject blood into it
What do the elastic arteries do that hlep it so the pressure of the arterial blood equalizes slightly as it reaches the smaller arteries and capillaries?
The elastic arteries are able to withstand the srong pulsations of the ejecte blood as well as reduce the force of the pulsations
What are some examples of elastic arteries? What is a distinguishing characteristic of them?
aorta, pulmonary, brachiocephalic, common carotid, subclavian, common iliac arteries

What do elastic arteries branch into?
muscular arteries
Unlike elastic arteries, where are the muscular arterie's elastic fibers?
confined to one laminar ring between the tunica intima and the tunica media and to a second laminar ring between the tunica media and the tunica externa
Which type fo artery have a large proportion of elastic fibers throughout all 3 tunics?
Elastic arteries
Which type of artery has laminar rings between the tunica media and the tunica externa and between the tunica intima and tunica media?
muscular arteries
Where are the elastic fibers confined in the muscular arteries?
To the laminar rings
Which type of artery have a proportionately thicker tunica media, with multiple layers of smooth muscle?
Muscular arteries
Why do muscular arteries have a proportionately thicker tunica media?
give them better ability to vasoconstrict and vasodilate
most of the named arteries except for the elastic arteries, are which type of artery?
muscular arteries
What do muscular arteries branch into?
What are the smallest arteries?
When will an artery have fewer than 3 tunics?
When it is a small arteriole
What regulates blood flow through the capillaries?
vasoconstriction and vasodilation of arterioles
What can happen by vasoconstricting or vasodilating the arterioles?
Increase or decrease the arterial bp and regulate blood flow through the capillaries
What are the smalles bv's?
What connects arterioles to venules?
What is slightly larger than a single erthrocyte?
What do capillaries connect?
arterioles to venules
What are erthrocytes?
blooc cells
What is sickle cell disease?
Causes blockages and infarctions in body organs (i.e.-spleen and brain from deflated bc's
What causes sickle cell disease?
Inheritance of a gene for abnormal hemoglobin (hemoglobin-S)
What is hemoglobin-S?
gene that causes abnormally shaped hemoglobin and cause RBC's to be rigid, causing infarcts and the cells to break causing enemia
What preforms the most important role of the nervous system? How?
capillaries: delivery of O2 and nutrients and removal of waste, gas exchange
What is every cell in the body close to?
A capillary
What do most capillaries consist soleley of?
Tunica intima, composed of a very thin, single layer of endothelium and a basement membrane
The thin wall and narrow vessel diameter of a capillary are optimal for what?
exchange of nutrients and wastes between the blood in the capillaries and the fluid (interstitial fluid) surrounding the tissues.
What are the functional units of the cardiovascular system?
What are the most common structural types of capillaries?
continuous capillaries, endothelial cells from a complete, continuous lingin and are connected by tight junctions.
Which structural type of capillary has endothelial cells that form a complete, continuos lining and are connected by tight junctions?
continuous capillaries
What are fenestrated capillaries?
Have fenestrations within each endothelial cell and are seen where a great deal of fluid transport occurs between the blood an intersitial fluid of the tissue
What type of capillaries will you see near intestines, endocrine glands, and kidneys? Why?
fenestrated capillaries, so exchange of nutrients between blood in capillaries and the fluid can happen
Which type of capillary tend to be wider, larger vessels with openings that allow for transport of larger materials, such as proteins or cells (blood cells)?
Where are sinusouids found?
bone marrow, the spleen, the anterior pituitary, the LIVER, and at several other locations in the body
What type of capillary is found in the liver?
Why are sinusoids wider with bigger openings?
Allow for transport of larger materials, such as proteins or cells