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34 Cards in this Set

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Chordata Subphyla
"Urochordata-Sea squirts
Phylum Chordata
Notochord, complex jointed skeleton, dorsal hollow nerve chord, pharyngeal slits or clefts, muscular post-anal tail
Subphyla of Chordata. Resemble chordates during larval stage. Adult-works like sponge but has specialized tissues. Primitive.
Subphyla of Chordata. Have striated muscles. Ex. Lancelets-marine suspension feeders, sessile. Primitive.
Subphyla of Chordata. Have a head (skull), brain, eyes, sensory organs. This allowed for active predation. Neural crest.
Neural Crest
collection of cells that appears near the dorsal margins fo the closing neural tube in an embryo. Helps to form bones and cartilage of skull.
Class Myxini
Hagfishes-craniate, not vertebrates. Jawless, w/ cartilaginous skull & axial rod of cartilage derivved from the notochord. Lack vertebrae. Scavengers.
Sub-phylum Vertebrata
Have backbone, elaborate skull, fin rays (in aquatic forms). Arose during Cambrian period.
Ancestral vertebrates. Small (40mm) vertebrates from Cambrian. Had dentine-barbed hooks made of dental tissues that were mineralized.
"Ancestral vertebrates. Jawless ""fish"" with gills for respiration w/ no tru endoskeleton or scales."
Class Cephalaspidomorphi
Oldest living lineage of vertebrates. No bone, no jaw, just cartilaginous segments surrounding the notochord & arching partly over the nerve chord. Ex. Lampreys
Class Cephalaspidomorphi. Jawless vertebrates. Aquatic. Parasites of fish. Plague Great Lakes.
Origins of Bones and teeth
Mineralization of cartilage (started in mouth). Vertebrate endoskeleton became fully mineralized later.
Vertebrates w/ jaws. (Sharks, rays, fish, mammals). Skeletal supports of the pharyngeal slits. 1st and 2nd gill arch migrated to mouth to make up lower jaw & upper jaw (1st arch) & hyoid (2nd arch).
Gnathosomes characteristics
Enhanced sensory systems (including lateral line system), mineralized endoskeleton, paired appendages. All used (along w/ jaws) to find prey.
Teeth first develop. Share common ancestor w/ osteichthyes.
Sharks, rays, etc. Cartilagenous skeleton (helps provide buoyancy in water) evolved from an ancstral mineralized skeleton (intermediate form). 2 lineages-sharks & rays, ratfishes or chimearas(rare, cartilagenous, jawed, not a true fish)
Streamlined body, swift swimmers, acute senses, Ampullae of Lorenzini (electromagnetic detection device)
Chondrichthyes Reproduction
Bony Fish w/ scales, fins, LUNGS. Respiration-4 or 5 pairs of gills protected by operculum (bony flap that allows passive water transport)
Class Actinopterygii
Ray-finned fishes. Fins supported by long, flexible rays modified for maneuvering, defense, & otehr functions. Analogous to finger bones.
Class Sarcopterygii
Lobe-fins (rare) have muscular & pectoral fins. Includes coelacanths, lungfishes, & tetrapods
Have limbs & feet. Terrestrial, some 2ndary aquatic. 4 limbs & feet w/ digits, ears for detecting airborne sounds (some highly reduced)
Origin of Tetrapods
Progression-Bigger hip joint, pelvic girdle, flattened skull (allowed for binocular vision), ribs, well developed teeth
Class Amphibia
"""2 lives"" aquatic larva & terrestrial adult. Young are omnivores & adult are carnivores. Moist skin complements lungs in gas exchange. Dependent on standing water for reproduction."
Order Urodela
"Keep tail. Salamanders, live similar lives to frogs, & Newts, almost totally aquatic.
Order Anura
No tail. Frogs and toads. Toads have an enlarged defensive gland on back of head.
Order Apoda
Tropical. Rare. Includes caecilians, legless and resemble worms.
Group of terrestrial tetrapods. Named for the amniotic egg-contains specialed membranes that protect the embryo. They also have impermeable skin & a rib cage which allows for lung ventilation (less energy expense, protects, changes air pressure in lungs to allow breathing)
Reptile Clade
Tuatara, lizards, snakes, turtles, crocodilians, birds, extinct dinosaurs. Scales that create a waterproof barrier (Includes feathers). Lay shelled eggs on land. Ectothermic (absorb external heat) except for birds (endothermic).
Some terrestrial, some aquatic & marine. Shell made of upper (carapace) and lower (plastron) shields fused to vertebrae. Diff. skull structure. Predate diapsids, but not unique enough for own clade.
Diapsids Clade
Named for pair of holes on each side of the skull, behind the eye socket.
2 lineages-2 species of tuatara (lizard-like) & squamates.
Dinosaurs. Includes a vast range of shapes & sizes. Includes birds (all reptilian features have been modified to adapt to flight).