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19 Cards in this Set

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What are two mammal synapomorphies?
1) Hair
2) Mammary Glands
What are four distinctive features of mammals?
(1) Precisely occluding (fitting together) cheek teeth divided into premolars & molars (HETERODONT DENTITION).
(2) Cheek teeth have 2 roots
(3) Only 1 set replacement teeth = DIPHYDONTY (some teeth only in adult)
(4) Enlarged brain capacity (mostly hearing & smell - nocturnal?)
What are the two new ear ossicles in mammals?
Malleus (from articular)
Incus (from quadrate)
What is the ONLY lower jaw bone in mammals?
What does the epiphysis and cartilage growth plate show in mammals?
Determinate Growth.
Name the five vertebrae differentiations in mammals?
1) Cervical (almost always 7)
2) Thoracic (ribs)
3) Lumbar (rib loss)
4) Sacral (fused pelvis)
5) Caudal (tail)
What is the deoxygenated blood circuit in a mammalian heart?
Right atrium, right ventricle, pulmonary arteries, Lungs.
What is the oxygenated blood circuit in a mammalian heart?
Pulmonary veins, left atrium, left ventricle, aorta, Body.
What type of lungs do mammals have?
• repeated branching to tiny chambers (alveoli) where gas exchange takes place
Where is water extraction in mammals?
Loops of Henle in nephron allow water extraction.
What are some distinctive features of mammalian brains?
• Enlarged cerebrum, frequently infolded
• Prominent olfactory (smell) region
What are some distinctive features of mammalian vision?
Usually less acute than other verts (retina has many ROD cells for light detection, only CONE cells for sharp focus in small FOVEA region)
What is the PINNA? Who has it?
The pinna is found in mammals, and it is the external ear that helps funnel sound to the ear drum.
What is the COCHLEA? Who has it?
I don't know what it looks like, but its in the mammalian ear and it helps detect sound frequency (pitch).
What are some distinctive features of early arboreal mammals?
(1) Long incisors, no canine, blade-like lower premolars, rowed cusps on molars.
(2) Early arboreal mammals (prehensile tail, reversible ankle - climb headfirst down trees).
Do platypussies have nipples?
Hells no.
What are marsupials and eutherians united by?
• Live birth (not egg laying), nipples
• Separate digestive and urogenital openings (no cloaca)
• TRIBOSPHENIC MOLARS (in basal taxa)
• New SPINE on scapula/shoulder girdle (old front edge to increase muscle attachment)
• Lose INTERCLAVICLE & bones fusing shoulder girdle across belly.
Does Paras enjoy a dick every once in a while?
Hells yeah. Nigga.
Eutherian Phylogeny is distinguished by what?
CHORIOALLANTOIC PLACENTA (vascular connection between mom & young derived from 2 extraembryonic membranes, chorion and allantois)