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51 Cards in this Set

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Auf - pay attention to

Pay attention to the AUFwiedersehen! (Snow)


Mit - To start

Dracula starts killing people with a "MITra"!


Auf - To answer

Rispondo "AUFFA" agli inquilini perché non so come mai sia gelido nell'appartamento!

Sich ärgern

Über - to resent

Ich ärgere mich über die vielen Überstunden (Outside in the cold! ✳)


Auf - To watch out

Attento alla MUFFA sull' uomo di neve! ✳

Sich aufregend

Über - be upset

I am upset about the UBER taxi driver (a snow man✳) that didn't stop! (Se ne FREGA)

Sich bedanken

Bei / Für -To say thank you

Ringrazio di cuore un Hot BI 🔥 con il FUR ✳


Mit - to start with

Dracula 👺beginnt MIT dem MITTAGESSEN

Sich beschweren

Über / Bei - to complain

BI Drakula👿is complaining about ÜBERpriced COLD ✳ blood with the waiter

Sich bewerben

Bei / Um - to apply

Drakula applies for a job in the UMWELT department the interviewer is a Snow man BI


Um - to ask for

The Snow Man ask for some silence so he can do some yoga: "UMMMM"!


Zu - to bring

Dracula finds a lost lion and brings it to the ZOO


Für - to thank

The Snow Man thanks the children that donated him a lovely FUR!


An - to think

Snow Man is thinking of her girlfriend ANNA 💓


Mit / Uber - to discuss

Drakula prende un UBER taxi guidato da SnowMan e si mette a discutere perché si ferma a prendere della MEAT in macelleria..


Zu - to invite

Bin LADEN INVITES Drakula to drink some WINE at the ZOO

Sich engagieren

Für - committed to

SNOW MAN is committed to fight agan real FUR coats!

Sich entschuldigen

Bei / Für - scusarsi

Drakula si scusa con SnowMan per il FURTO del disco di BEYONCE

Sich erinnern

An - to remember

"SnowMan remember to say hello to your wife SnowWoman ANNA!"


Nach - to inquire

Dracula is inquiring about my new NACHBARN!!!

Sich freuen

Auf / Über - to look forward to / to be pleased with

I am very please with the Überraschung ( SnowMan that says AUFWIEDERSEHEN )


Zu - to belong to

Dracula appartiene al club dei ZUZZURELLONI!

Sich gewöhnen

An - to get used to

SnowMan is getting used to live in ANTARCTICA


An - to believe

SnowMan believes in sANta!


Zu - to congratulate on

Dracula congratulates myself on this successful ZUzammenarbeit (collaboration)


Auf - to hope for

SnowMan wakes up and hopes for a beautiful SonnenAUFgang (sunrise)

Sich informieren

Bei / Über - to inform oneself of

Dracula e SnowMan leggono una rivista di gossip per informarsi sulla vita BI di Justin bÜBER

Sich interessieren

Für - Interessarsi di

SnowMan si è recentemente interessato della lettura dell' Irlando FURioso


Für/gegen/um - to fight

SnowMan and lady GAGA fight for the UMWELT price

Sich kümmern

Um - to take care of

SnowMan's new company is taking care of his UMZUG (move)


Über - to laugh about

SnowMan cannot stop laughing about a koke the UBER taxi driver said!


Über - to consider

SnowMan is considering an ÜBERRASCHUNGSGESCHENK for his wife SnowWoman 💓


Zu - to fit to

ZUCKER fits well to SnowMan's diet!🎂


Auf - reagire

SnowMan reagisce come un bambino davanti alla sua nuova AUDI


An/zu - Inviare

Dracula invia la moglie ANNA con della ZUPPA dall'amico SnowMan


Für -


Mit/Über/Von - parlare

Dracula e SnowMan parlano animatamente a tavola mentre con il Fon scaldano meat e berries


An - to participate

Dracula participates to the ANNUAL conference of vampires


Mit - to talk on the phone

Dracula talks on the phone with a big piece of MEAT in his mouth

Sich treffen

Auf/Bei/Zu - incontrarsi

Dracula e SnowMan si incontrano a ZUBAI dove AFFITTANO un attico


Von - sognare

Dracula sogna di farsi la piegacon un FON

Sich unterhalten

Mit/Über to talk to

Dracula e SnowMan talk through MANY TUBES

Sich verlassen

Auf - to rely on

SnowMan relies on the AUFZUG to go home

Sich verlieben

In - to fall in love with

SnowMan has fallen in love with abeautiful INSEL


Auf - to abstain from

SnowMan si astiene dal beccarsi la MUFFA

Sich vorbereiten

Auf - to prepare for

SnowMan prepares for the big AUFWIEDERSEHEN

Sich vorbereiten

Auf - to prepare for

SnowMan prepares for the big AUFWIEDERSEHEN


Auf - to wait for

SnowMan waits for the AUFZUG

Sich wundern

Über - to be wondering about

SnowMan wonders when l' UBER taxi will arrive

Sich wünschen

Von - desiderare

Dracula desidera un FON nuovo


An - to doubt

Dracula dubita di riuscire a mangiare un ANANAS