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167 Cards in this Set

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estar que no tenerse
to be tired out
no tener cuidado
to not worry
no tener nada que ver con
to have nothing to do with
no tenerlas todo con(sigo)
to not have it all together, to have the jitters
to have
tener ... de ancho/largo/altura
to be .... wide/long/tall
tener ____ años
to be ____ years old
tener a (alguién) por ...
to consider (someone) to be
tener a bien (hacer algo)
to see fit (to do something)
tener calor
to be hot
tener cariño
to be fond
tener celos
to be jealous
tener cuidado
to be careful
tener derecho
to have the right
tener en cuenta
to bear in mind
tener éxito
to be successful
tener frío
to be cold
tener ganas de + infinitive
to be in the mood for
tener hambre
to be hungry
tener ilusión
to be enthusiastic
tener la culpa
to be guilty or at fault
tener lugar
to take place
tener miedo
to be afraid
tener miedo a + noun
to be afraid of
tener para (sí)
to think
tener por seguro
to rest assured
tener prisa
to be in a hurry
tener que + infinitive
to have to
tener razón, no tener razón
to be right, to be wrong
tener sed
to be thirsty
tener sobre (algo)
to lean on (something)
tener sueño
to be tired or sleepy
tener suerte
to be lucky
tener un(a} niño/niña/hijo/hija/bebé
to have a baby
tener vergüenza
to be embarassed
tenerse en pie
to stand
tenerse firme
to stand upright or firm
llevar (algo)
to carry (something)
llevar, llevar encima
to have on one's person
llevar (algo)
to take or move (something)
llevar (algo)
to tolerate, cope or deal with (something)
llevar (algo or a alguién)
to transport (something or someone)
llevar (ropa o otro estilo)
to wear (clothing or another style), to sport (a type of clothing or other style)
llevar (ingrediente)
to have or include (an ingredient)
llevar a (algo)
to lead to (something)
llevar (un vehículo)
to drive (a vehicle)
llevar (una organización o una empresa)
to direct, run or lead (an organization or business)
llevar (un nombre)
to bear (a name)
llevar cuenta
to keep account
llevar (tiempo)
to last (time)
llevar (dinero)
to charge (money)
para llevar
"to go" (as in takeout food)
to get along with
llevarse (algo)
to take (something)
llevarse (algo)
to receive or win (something)
echar un vistazo a
to glance at
echar de menos a alguien
to miss someone
echar abajo
to pull down
echar la llave
to lock
echar el freno
to put the brakes on
echar a perder
to ruin or demolish
echarse atrás
to back out
echarse un novio
to get oneself a boyfried
echar ganas
to put forth much effort
echar a suertes
to make a decision by random means
echar el alto
to order someone to stop
echar un ojo
to watch or look at
echar balones fuera
to sidetrack
echar las campanas al vuelo
to shout out the news
echar el cierre
to close or shut down
echar algo en falta
to miss something
echar la buenaventura
to tell a fortune
echar la vista atrás
to look back
echar por tierra
to ruin or spoil
echar una siesta
to take a nap or siesta
echar sapos y culebras
to rant and rave
echar una mirada
to take a look
echar sal
to salt
echar en saco roto
to do something in vain
echar el resto
to go for broke
echar un pulso
to challenge someone, to armwrestle
echar pestes de alguien
to run somebody down
echar una película
to show a film
echar la primera papilla
to vomit
echar una mano, echar un capote
to help out, give a hand
echar leña al fuego
to add fuel to the fire
echar el guante a alguien
to catch somebody
echar una cana al aire
to let one's hair down
echar una cabezada
to nap
echar chispas
to give off sparks, to rant
echar una bronca a alguien
to tell off someone
echar agua al vino, echar agua a la leche
to water down
dar a alguien la bienvenida
to welcome someone
No me da la gana
I don't want to. / I don't feel like it.
dar un paseo
to go for a walk
dar una vuelta a la manzana
to go round the block
Le va a dar un ataque cuando lo vea
he'll have a fit when he sees it, he'll go mad when he sees it
dar patadas a algo / alguien
to kick something / someone
dar asco
to sicken / revolt
Me da asco
It revolts me.
Le dan asco las cebollas.
He can't stand onions.
dar de comer a
to feed
dar en el blanco
to hit the target, to get a bullseye
dar la vuelta al mundo
to go round the world
dar un consejo a alguien
to give someone some advice
dar ánimo(s) a alguien
to encourage someone, to urge someone on
darse cuenta de algo
to realise something
No me di cuenta.
I didn't realise.
dar una entrada para algo
to put down a deposit on something
dar un examen
to take an exam
dar fe de algo
to testify to something.
dar la lata
to be a nuisance, to bother someone
dar voces
to shout, scream
dar a luz
to give birth
dar cosa
to feel uncomfortable, awkward about something
en un momento dado
at a given moment / time
dado que
given that / since
dado por ...
presumed to be ....
me da hambre
It makes me feel hungry
dar pena / lástima
to make sad / to upset / to feel sorry
dar guerra
to cause trouble / to hassle
me da igual
it's the same to me or I couldn't care less
tuve que darle la razón
I had to admit he was right
dar saltos de alegría
to jump for joy
dar señas / señales de
to show signs of
dar buena / mala suerte
to bring good / bad luck
dar a alguien las gracias por algo
to thank someone for something
dar una vuelta a la manzana
to go round the block
dar clases
to give classes (teacher), to have classes (student)
me da lo mismo
it's all the same to me
dar marcha atrás (sobre algo)
to go back (on something)
(dar las uvas a alguien)
We'll be here until the cows come home
Nos van a dar las uvas
We'll be here all day / night
No nos da ni la hora
He won't even given us the time of day
¡Esa no da ni la hora!
You won't get anything out of her
No podía dar crédito a mis oídos
I couldn't believe my ears
dar oídos a algo
to take notice of something
dar lidia
to be a handful/a struggle
dar la hora / las cinco
to strike the hour / five o'clock
dar una cabezada
to have a nap
dar un calambre en
to get cramp in
dar en el clavo
to hit the nail on the head
dar refugio a alguien
to take someone in
dar algo por supuesto
to take something for granted
dar por sentado
to take for granted
darle caña a alguien
to have a go at someone / to attack
¡dale caña!
give it some stick (turn up the sound)
dar refugio a alguien
to take someone in
dar (hasta) las entrañas
to give one's all
dar una pataleta
to throw a tantrum / to have a fit
deja de dar el peñazo
stop hassling me
dar algo por perdido
to give something up as lost
dar el visto bueno a algo
to approve something
¡Como se entere su madre le va a dar un infarto!
If his mother finds out, she'll go mad!
darse un resbalón
to slip (lit), to put one's foot in it,
dar vía libre a algo
to give something the go-ahead / green light
dar un volantazo
to swerve
dar una voltereta
to do a somersault
dar un vuelco
to change drastically
dar en la tecla
to hit the nail on the head
dar un telefonazo a alguien
to give someone a buzz / a call
dar los últimos coletazos
to be on its last legs
darse por aludido
to take the hint
dar una paliza a alguien
to beat someone up
dar una guantada a alguien
to slap someone
dar una leche
to crash (car, etc.)
dar palos de ciego
to lash out blindly (in a fight), to grope around (in the dark)