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14 Cards in this Set

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What considerations should be made when booking a puppy or kitten visit?
-longer appt to establish rapport & answer questions
-handouts (housetraining, feeding, parasite control, etc) can be helpful
During the PE of a puppy or kitten, what should be checked for that differs from an adult animal PE?
-retained deciduous teeth
-stunted growth/runt of litter
-umbilical hernia
-cryptorchid (testicles should descend within first few days in cats and by 8wks in dogs)
-heart murmur (physiologic vs. pathologic)
If a heart murmur is detected, what should you tell the client?
-may be harmless
-owner can choose to recheck in 4wks or have echo done now
How can you tell if a heart murmur is physiologic vs. pathologic?
-grade I-III/VI
-may resolves at higher HR or with repositioning
-no clinical signs
Describe feeding recommendations for puppies and kittens.
Growth or lg. breed puppy formulas. Feeding frequency minimum 2-3x daily
What advice should you give new owners regarding housetraining?
-crate training
-take puppy outside after feeding; praise for appropriate elimination and never punish
-small puppies need to go out more frequently due to the small size of their bladders
What advice should you give new owners regarding dog training?
-firmness & consistency; esp. important with breeds w/ dominance tendencies
-consider obedience classes
What other things should new owners "work on" with their new puppy?
Habituate to handling
-trimming nails
-brushing teeth(?)
How should parasites be addressed during a puppy or kitten visit?
-check for fleas
-do fecal flotation
-routine deworming for roundworms (pyrantel pamoate PO)
-discuss w/ owner: heartworm prophylaxis, flea/tick control
What advice should be given to new owners of kittens regarding the litter box?
-one box/cat
-clean daily
What tests can be run in newly acquired kittens/cats?
FeLV antigen test (advisable for strays)
--False -ve: cat still incubating dz.
--False +ve: cat may fight off infxn
FIV Ab test: not recommended prior to 6mos old due to interference by maternal Ab's
What issues require special attention while taking the history of a geriatric animal?
-wt gain/loss
-activity/comfort level-->are analgesics needed?
What should you pay special attention to while doing a geriatric PE?
-compare body wt. to previous visits
-teeth/periodontal health
-check joints for OA: hip arthritis=pain on hip extension; old crutiate lig. rupture=medial fibrosis
-heart murmurs
-thyroid nodules in cats
-cutaneous nodules-->document/map; FNA
What routine diagnostics should be included in a geriatric PE?
-fecal flotation
-heartworm testing (endemic areas)
-T4 in cats
-renal health (UA, UPC/microalbuminuria, serum urea & creatinine)
-liver health (ALP, ALT)