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51 Cards in this Set

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Wallenberg's Syndrome
1. Ipsilateral vertigo, vomiting, nystagmus (vestibular nucleus)
2. Ipsilateral limb ataxia (inf cerebellar peduncle)
3. Ipsilateral loss of pain and temperature from face (spinal trigem tract)
4. Ipsilateral Horner's syndrome
5. Ipsilateral dysphagia, hoarseness (nucleus ambiguus)
6. Contralateral loss of pain and temperature sensation from trunk and limbs (lat spinothalamic tract)
Lateral pontine syndrome
1. Ipsilateral tinnitus or deafness (cochlear nerve)
2. Ipsilateral ataxia (inf cerebellar peduncle)
3. Ipsilateral paralysis of conjugate gaze (parabducens nucleus)
4. Ipsilateral vertigo, vomiting, nystagmus (vestibular nerve)
5. Ipsilateral Horner's syndrome
6. Ipsilateral facial anesthesia (sensory root of V)
7. Ipsilateral jaw weakness (motor root of V)
8. Ipsilateral facial paralysis (VII)
9. Contralateral loss of pain and temp from trunk and limbs (spinothalamic)
Lateral pontine syndrome
Foville's syndrome
Medial pontine syndrome
1. Ipsilateral lateral rectus paralysis (abducens nucleus)
2. Ipsilateral facial paralysis (facial nerve)
3. Ipsilateral ataxia (transverse pontine fibers)
4. Contralateral loss of pain and temperature sensation from face (trigeminothalamic tract)
5. Contralateral loss of joint position sense (medial lemniscus)
6. Contralateral hemiplegia (pyramidal tract)
Medial pontine syndrome
Millard-Gubler syndrome
Dorsal midbrain syndrome
1. Ipsilateral diplopia, dilated pupil (CN III)
2. Ipsilateral Horner's
3. Contralateral loss of pain and temp from trunk and limbs (spinothalamic tract)
4. Contralateral loss of pain and temp from face (trigeminothalamic tract)
5. Contralateral loss of limb position sense (medial lemniscus)
6. Contralateral resting tremor (red nucleus)
7. Contralateral ataxia (dentatothalamic tract, after crossing)
8. Contralateral monoplegia (pyramidal tract, leg fibers)
Dorsal midbrain syndrome
Claude's syndrome
Ventral midbrain syndrome
1. Ipsilateral diplopia, dilated pupil (CN III)
2. Ipsilateral ataxia (R dentatothalamic tract before crossing, may be absent)
3. Contralateral hemiplegia, mainly upper limb and face
Ventral midbrain syndrome
Weber's syndrome
Benedikt's syndrome
Claude's syndrome + Weber's syndrome
Gerstmann's syndrome
1. Difficulty with calculations
2. Right-left confusion
3. Finger agnosia
4. Difficulty with written language
Lesion location?
Gerstmann's syndrome
Inferior parietal lobule in dominant hemisphere
Inability to recognize colors
Persistence or reapperance of an object viewed earlier
What is the frequency of different cerebral aneurysm locations?
- AComm 30%
- PComm 25%
- MCA 20%
- Vertebrobasilar 15%
Clinical sign?
Pcomm aneurysm
Aneurysm location?
Third-nerve palsy
Risk factors?
Intracranial aneurysm
1. Atherosclerotic disease
2. Congenital anomalies in cerebral blood vessels
3. Polycystic kidney disease
4. Connective tissue disorders (i.e. Marfan's)
Risk factors?
Aneurysm rupture
1. HTN
2. Cigarette smoking
3. EtOH consumption
4. Situations causing elevated BP
Rebleeding risk?
SAH 2/2 aneurysmal rupture
4% in the first day, 20% in the first two weeks
Most common locations (in descending order of frequency)?
Hypertensive ICH
1. Basal ganglia (usually putamen)
2. Thalamus
3. Cerebellum
4. Pons
Most common cause?
Lobar ICH
Amyloid angiopathy
Symptoms? (5)
Stroke in Left MCA superior division
Stroke location?
1. Right face weakness
2. Right arm weakness
3. Broca's aphasia
4. Possible right face sensory loss
5. Possible right arm sensory loss
Symptoms? (5)
Stroke in Left MCA inferior division
Stroke location?
1. Wernicke's aphasia
2. Right visual field deficit
3. Right face sensory loss
4. Right arm sensory loss
5. Possible mild right-sided weakness (although often no motor symptoms)
Symptoms? (2)
Stroke in Left MCA deep territory
Stroke location?
1. Right pure motor hemiparesis
2. Possible aphasia
Symptoms? (5)
Stroke in Left MCA stem infarct
Stroke location?
1. Right hemiplegia
2. Right hemianesthesia
3. Right homonymous hemianopsia
4. Global aphasia
5. Possible left gaze preference
Symptoms? (5)
Stroke in Right MCA superior division
Stroke location?
1. Left face weakness
2. Left arm weakness
3. Left hemineglect
4. Possible left face sensory loss
5. Possible left arm sensory loss
Symptoms? (5)
Stroke in Right MCA inferior division
Stroke location?
1. Profound left hemineglect
2. Left visual field deficit
3. Left somatosensory deficit
4. Possible mild right-sided weakness
5. Possible right gaze preference
Symptoms? (2)
Stroke in Right MCA deep territory
Stroke location?
1. Left pure motor hemiparesis
2. Possible leg hemineglect
Symptoms? (5)
Stroke in Right MCA stem
Stroke location?
1. Left hmiplegia
2. Left hemianesthesia
3. Left homonymous hemianopsia
4. Profound left hemineglect
5. Right gaze preference
Symptoms? (5)
Stroke in Left ACA
Stroke location?
1. Right leg weakness
2. Right leg sensory loss
3. Frontal lobe abnormalities
4. Possible transcortical aphasia
5. Possible right hemiplegia (if large)
Symptoms? (5)
Stroke in Right ACA
Stroke location?
1. Left leg weakness
2. Left leg sensory loss
3. Frontal lobe abnormalities
4. Possible left hemineglect
5. Possible left hemiplegia (if large)
Symptoms? (5)
Stroke in Left PCA
Stroke location?
1. Right homonymous hemianopsia
2. Possible alexia without agraphia (if splenium of corpus callosum)
3. Possible aphasia (if thalamus)
4. Possible right hemisensory loss (if thalamus)
5. Possible right hemiparesis (internal capsule)
Symptoms? (3)
Stroke in Right PCA
Stroke location?
1. Left homonymous hemianopsia
2. Possible hemisensory loss
3. Possible left hemiparesis
"alien hand syndrome"
Semiautomatic movements in an arm out of voluntary control
Location of lesion?
"alien hand syndrome"
Contralateral supplementary motor area
Common Lacunar syndromes?
1. Pure motor hemiparesis (or dysarthria hemiparesis)
2. Ataxic hemiparesis
3. Pure sensory stroke
4. Sensorimotor stroke
5. Basal ganglia lacune
Symptoms? (2)
Pure motor hemiparesis (or dysarthria hemiparesis)
1. Unilateral face, arm, and leg weakness
2. Dysarthria
Possible lesion locations?
Pure motor hemiparesis (or dysarthria hemiparesis)
1. Posterior limb of internal capsule
2. Ventral pons
3. Corona radiata
4. Cerebral peduncle
Symptoms? (3)
Ataxic hemiparesis
1. Unilateral face, arm, and leg weakness
2. Dysarthria
3. Ataxia on the same side as the weakness
Possible lesion locations?
Ataxic hemiparesis
1. Posterior limb of internal capsule
2. Ventral pons
3. Corona radiata
4. Cerebral peduncle
Symptoms? (3)
Pure sensory stroke
Sensory loss of all modalities in contralateral face and body
Lesion location?
Pure sensory stroke
Resulting syndrome if stroke occurs in?
VPL of thalamus
Lesion location?
Sensorimotor stroke
Resulting syndrome if stroke occurs in?
Posterior limb of internal capsule and either VPL or thalamic radiation
Symptoms? (3)
Sensorimotor stroke
Stroke syndrome?
1. Contralateral sensory loss
2. Contralateral motor loss
3. Dysarthria
Basal ganglia lacune
Stroke syndrome?
1. Usually asymptomatic
2. May cause hemiballismus
Possible lesion location? (4)
Basal ganglia lacune
Resulting syndrome if stroke occurs in?
1. Caudate
2. Putamen
3. Globus pallidus
4. Subthalamic nucleus
Possible vessels involved? (3)
Stroke in posterior limb of internal capsule
Blockage results in a stroke where?
1. Lenticulostriate arteries
2. Anterior choroidal artery
3. Perforating branches of posterior cerebral artery
Possible vessels involved?
Stroke in VPL
Blockage results in a stroke where?
Thalamoperforator branches of the posterior cerebral artery
Possible vessels involved? (2)
Sensorimotor stroke
Blockage results in what type of stroke?
1. Thalamoperforator branches of the PCA
2. Lenticulostriate arteries
Possible vessels involved? (4)
Basal ganglia lacune
Blockage results in what type of stroke?
1. Lenticulostriate arteries
2. Anterior choroidal artery
3. Thalamoperforator arteries
4. Heubner's arteries
Risk factors? (7)
1. HTN
2. DM
3. Hyperlipidemia
4. Cigarette smoking
5. Family history
6. Cardiac disease
7. Prior history of stroke or other vascular disease