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27 Cards in this Set

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49. Louisiana Purchase-
land purchased from the French for $15 million; stretched from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains.
50. Who are Lewis and Clark?
Explorers who were hired by Thomas Jefferson to explore and map out the Louisiana Purchase territory.
51. Who is Sacajawea?
Indian woman (Shoshone Indian tribe) who served as a guide and translator for the expedition.
52. Why did we fight the war of 1812 and who did we fight?
War between Britain and the United States; U.S. accused Britain of arming Indians in the west to attack U.S. settlers, Britain was impressing American sailors, and War Hawks (Henry Clay, group of U.S. Congressmen who wanted to fight Britain to gain possession of Canada).
53. What is impressment?
Kidnapping and forcing soldiers to be in the British Navy.
54. Monroe Doctrine-
issued from U.S. President Monroe to European countries; stated Europeans countries were to make no more attempts to start new colonies in the American continents, the two hemispheres were different, U.S. would not interfere in European affairs, European colonies in the western hemisphere were a threat to U.S. security.
55. Adams- Onis Treaty-
treaty with Spain in which gave the United States Florida in 1819.
56. Oregon Compromise-
In 1846, a treaty with Britain was signed, giving the United States the lower half of the Oregon territory after the War of 1812; “Fifty-Four Forty or Fight.”
57. Manifest Destiny-
belief that many held that the United States should stretch from the Atlantic Coast to the Pacific Coast.
58. What did Eli Whitney invent?
Cotton Gin.
59. Battle of the Alamo-
most famous battle in the Texas War with Mexico where Texans lost at the Alamo.
60. What territories did we gain in the Mexican-American war?
California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, and Utah.
61. How did Texas become a part of the U.S.?
The territory of Texas went to war with Mexico to win its independence after Mexico refused to allow slavery; therefore Americans assisted Texas and they won their independence in 1845. Texas then wanted to be a part of the United States.
62. Trail of Tears-
most famous forced march, involving the Cherokee Indians.
63. Andrew Jackson-
national hero at the Battle of New Orleans in the War of 1812; he eventually became president.
64. Spoils system-
practice of giving nice public jobs to people who assisted a candidate get elected to office.
65. Missouri Compromise-
first new state ready for admission to the country. Missouri was admitted as a slave state, Maine would be admitted as a free state, and an imaginary east-west line would exist across the Louisiana Purchase. Any new state above the line would be free while below would be slave.
66. Compromise of 1850-
Involved land from the Mexican Cession, specifically California. California would be admitted as a free state while other territories from the Mexican Cession were allowed to be slave states. The Fugitive Slave Act was passed to help south recover escaped slaves who made it to the north.
67. What is nullification?
To invalidate acts of national legislature; was done by states seceding from the Union in defense of slavery.
68. Who is Nat Turner?
Slave who led a massive slave revolt by going from plantation to plantation, murdering 60 whites.
69. Who is Gabriel Prosser?
Slave who planned a slave revolt in Richmond where slaves would gain all the weapons in Richmond and make Virginia a state for blacks.
70. Who was William Lloyd Garrison? What newspaper did he publish
“The Liberator;” northern abolitionist who wrote a newspaper in order to show people how slavery violates Christian principles.
71. Seneca Falls Declaration-
declaration to get people involved in women’s suffrage movement; written at the Seneca Falls Convention, a women’s rights convention.
72. Who was Elizabeth Cady Stanton?
Helped write the Seneca Falls Declaration; founded the Nation Women’s Suffrage Association (NWSA).
73. Who was Susan B. Anthony
Helped write the Seneca Falls Declaration; founded the Nation Women’s Suffrage Association (NWSA).
74. Dred Scott case-
stated that all slaves born in the United States are citizens according to the Constitution.
75. What was Uncle Tom’s Cabin? Who wrote it?
A book that showed how cruel slavery was and that slaves were real people; written by Harriet Beecher Stowe.