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66 Cards in this Set

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The trigeminal nerve arises from the pons as two roots, what are they?
A large sensory root, and a small motor root
What foramen does V1 exit
Superior Orbital Fissure
Foramen that V2 exits
Foramen Rotundum
Foramen that V3 exits
Forament Ovale
The mandibular division (V3) innervates
the area of the mandible and temple
What are the divisions of the opthalmic nerve?
Frontal (then supraorbital and supratrochlear)

Nasociliary (external nasal and infratrochlear nerves)

What does the frontal nerve come from, and what does it branch into?
comes from V1, branches into supraorbital and supratrochlear
What does the nasociliary nerve come from and what does it branch into?
What does it supply?
V1, branches into external nasal and infratrochlear nerves

It supplies the iris, cornea, and nasal sinuses
What does the lacrimal nerve come from and what does it supply?
Comes from V1, and supplies sensory to conjunctiva and skin of upper eyelid
What are the branches of the maxillary division of trigeminal?
Infraorbital, and Zygomatic which then branches into Zygomaticofacial, Zygomaticotemporal
Where does the infraorbital nerve come from and what does it supply?
Comes from V2, supplies the palate, maxillary sinus, and posterior teeth
What are the branches of the mandibular nerve?
Auriculotemporal, Buccal, Mental
The occipital region and posterior scalp are innervated by (anterior/posterior) rami
Muscles of mastication are innervated by what?
SVE fibers from the Mandibular Nerve (V3)
The tensor veli palatini muscle is innervated by what (be specific)
Nerve to medial pterygoid (a branch of the mandibular nerve)

SVE fibers from V3
The tensor tympani muscle is innervated by what? (be specific)
Nerve to medial pterygoid (a branch of the mandibular nerve)

SVE fibers from V3
The anterior belly of the digastric is innervated by what?
nerve to the mylohyoid, (a branch of the mandibular nerve)

SVE fibers from V3
After exiting the cranial cavity through the foramen ovale the ____ nerve gives rise to ____ branch (sensory) and ____ (motor), and then divides into an anterior and posterior division
Mandibular, meningeal branch (sensory, nerve to medial pterygoid (motor)
The anterior division of V3 gives off mostly....
motor to the muscles of mastication, as well as one sensory branch: the buccal nerve

Buccal nerve (which is sensory, not motor, to the buccinator muscle)
Masseteric nerve (motor)
Deep temporal nerves (motor)
Nerve to the lateral pterygoid (motor)
The posterior division of V3 gives off mostly...
sensory fibers.
What are the branches of the posterior division of V3?
Auriculotemporal nerve (sensory)
Lingual nerve (sensory)
Inferior alveolar nerve (which breaks into nerve to mylohyoid - motor, and mental nerve - sensory)
The auriculotemporal nerve Branches from the ____ division of mandibular nerve
Splits around the ____
Carries ___ ___ fibers from the ___ ganglion to the ____.
MIddle Meningeal Artery
Postganglionic Parasympathetic from the Otic ganglion to the Parotid Gland
The chorda tympani contains ___ganglionic ____ fibers headed towards the ____ ganglion, which is suspended from the __ nerve
PREganglionic PARASYMPATHETIC fibers head towards the SUBMANDIBULAR ganglion, which is suspended from the LINGUAL nerve
The terminal branches of the inferior alveolar nerve are
the incisive nerve and the mental nerve
The nerve to the mylohyoid is a branch of the
inferior alveolar nerve
The pterygopalatine ganglion is associated with what branch of trigeminal?

It's target is what?

These fibers originate in what CN?
V2 (maxillary).

Lacrimal gland, glands of the nasal cavity, maxillary sinus and palate

The Otic ganglion is associated with what branch of trigeminal?

It runs in what nerves of CN __ ?

It's target is the ___ gland
V3 (mandibular)

Tympanic Nerve, lesser petrossal nerve of CN IX.

The chorda tympani traverses the middle ___ ___ and exits through the ___ ____ into the ___ fossa.
the chorda tympani traverses the middle EAR CAVITY and exits through the PETROTYMPANIC FISSURE into the INFRATEMPORAL fossa
Chorda tympani branches off CN ___ in the posterior wall of the ___ __ __
CN VII in the middle ear cavity
The facial nerve has the ___ ganglion at the genu of the facial nerve
The facial nerve exits the cranial cavity through what opening?
The internal acoustic meatus
The lingual nerve, depending on the location being discussed can carry different functional components. Describe them.
It can carry GSA only
It can carry GSA, GVE, and SVA only
It can carry GSA and SVA only.
The tympanic branch of IX carries what type of fibers?
Preganglionic Parasympathetic (GVE)
The tympanic branch of IX enters the ____ and forms the ____ ____ .
tympanic canaliculus, forms the tympanic plexus on the promontory of the middle ear
The __ __ nerve is the continuation of fibers from the tympanic nerve
lesser petrosal
The lesser petrosal nerve exits the middle cranial fossa through what foramen?
Foramen Ovale
The lesser petrosal nerve synapses at what ganglion?
Post ganglionic fibers from the ____ ganglion enter the main trunk of V3, travel with the ____ nerve to supply the parotid gland

___ fibers from the otic ganglion enter the main trunk of __, travel with the ____ nerve to supply the ____ gland
Post ganglionic, V3, Auriculotemporal, Parotid
What is Tic Douloureux?
extreme, sporadic, sudden, burning, stabbing, or shock-like face pain on one side of the jaw or cheek.

Caused by blood vessel pressing on the trigeminal nerve in the head as it exits the brainstem
What are the attachments and actions of the temporalis?
Attaches to the temporal fascia and coronoid process and ramus of the mandible.

If elevates and retracts the mandible
The deep temporal nerves and arteries and the zygomaticotemporal nerve are found where?
In the temporal fossa
The retromandibular vein is formed by the union of
the maxillary vein and superficial temporal vein
The anterior branch of the retromandibular vein eventually drains into which jugular vein
The posterior branch of the retromandibular vein eventually drains into which jugular vein
external jugular vein
What are the attachments of the masseter and what are its actions?
Taking origin from the zygomatic arch, inserts on the lateral surface of the ramus and angle of mandible. It elevates the mandible
What foramen connect the infratemporal fossa and middle cranial fossa
foramen ovale and spinosum
The sphenomandibular ligament develops from what
the first pharyngeal arch
What are the actions of the stylomandibular ligament?
limits extreme protrusion of the mandible,

Note: this is NOT located in the infratemporal fossa
The lateral pterygoid muscle has two heads. The ___ head attaches to the ___ ___ of the sphenoid, and the ___ head attaches to the ___ ___ plate.
upper attaches to the greater wing of the sphenoid

Lower head from the lateral pterygoid plate
The lateral pterygoid has two heads that together attach where?
What are the actions of this muscle?
capsule and disk of the TMJ and neck of mandible

Depresses and protrudes the mandible. Unilateral contraction shifts the chin to the contralateral side
What forms the mandibular sling?
The medial pterygoid and masseter muscles when they insert into the ramus and angle of the mandible
What are the attachments and actions of the medial pterygoid?
the superficial head attaches to the maxillary tuberosity, the deep head attaches to the lateral pterygoid plate, and they insert into the ramus and angle of the mandible.

It elevates the mandible. Unilateral contraction assists the lateral pterygoid in side to side movements.
The posterior division of the mandibular nerve gives off the ___ ___ and ___ nerves, which are sensory except the ___ branch of the ____
auriculotemporal, lingual, and inferior alveolar nerves

Mylohyoid branch of inferior alveolar.
Which nerve splits around the middle meningeal artery?

What fibers are carried in this nerve, from where do they come from, and where are they headed?

GVE Postganglionic Parasympathetic Fibers, from the Otic ganglion to the Parotid gland
The Lingual nerve carries ___ ___ fibers (to/from) the submandibular ganglion
Preganglionic Parasympathetic TO
After traversing the infratemporal fossa, the maxillary artery passes through what foramen?

It leads to what space?
The pterygomaxillary fissure into the pterygopalatine fossa
The maxillary artery is divided into three parts in relation to what?
The lower head of the lateral pterygoid muscle. The 2nd part may be lateral or medial to the muscle, and the 3rd is mostly in the pterygoid fossa
What are branches of the first part of the maxillary artery?
Deep auricular,
Anterior tympanic
Middle Meningeal
Inferior Alveolar
Accessory Meningeal
What arteries branch off the second part of the maxillary artery?
Muscular branches to the muscles of mastication and the Buccal artery
What are the branches off the third part of the maxillary artery?
infraorbital, greater palatine, sphenopalatine, pharyngeal, artery pf the pteryoid canal, posterior alveolar artery
The middle meningeal artery traverses the ___ ___ to supply the cranial vault and meninges
foramen spinosum
The TMJ is formed by what?
head of mandible and squamous part of the temporal bone
Depression of the mandible is performed by what muscle?
lateral pterygoid and accessory muscles of mastication (digastric, mylohyoid, and geniohyoid)
What muscle protracts the mandible?
The lateral pterygoid with some assistance from the medial pterygoid
Retraction of the mandible is performed by what muscle?
Posterior fibers of the temporalis and deep part of the masseter