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68 Cards in this Set

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abituarsi a
to get used to
assistere a
to attend
assomigliare (somigliare) a
to resemble
badare a
to pay attention to
contravvenire a
to go against
credere a
to believe in
dare noia a
to bother
dare da mangiare a
to feed
dare fastidio a
to bother
retta a
to listen up
dare torto a
to blame
dare la caccia a
to chase
dare un calcio a
to kick
dare un pugno a
to punch
fare attenzione (caso) a
to pay attention to
fare bene (male) a
to be good (bad) for
fare piacere a
to please
fare vedere a
to show
fare visita a
to visit
fare un regalo a
to give a present to
giocare a
to play ( a game or a sport)
interessarsi a
to be interested in
mescolarsi a
to get mixed with
partecipare a
to participate in
pensare a
to think about
raccomandarsi a
to ask favours of
ricordare a
to remind
rinunciare a
to give up
servire a
to be good for
stare bene a
to look good on
stringere la mano a
to shake hands with
tenere a
to value, to care about
abituarsi a (+inf)
to get used to
affretarsi a (+inf)
to hurry
aiutare a (+inf)
to help
cominciare (incominciare) a (+inf)
to begin
condannare a (+inf)
to condemn
continuare a (+inf)
to continue
convincere a (+inf)
to convince
costringere a (+inf)
to compel
decidersi a (+inf)
to make up one's mind
divertirsi a (+inf)
to have a good time
fare meglio a (+inf)
to be better off
fare presto a (+inf)
to do (something) quickly
imparare a (+inf)
to learn
incoraggiare a (+inf)
to encourage
insegnare a (+inf)
to teach
invitare a (+inf)
to invite
mandare a (+inf)
to send
mettersi a (+inf)
to start
obbligare a (+inf)
to oblige
pensare a (+inf)
to think about
persuadere a (+inf)
to convince
preparare a (+inf)
to prepare
provare a (+inf)
to try
rinunciare a (+inf)
to give up
riprendere a (+inf)
to start again, to resume
riuscire a (+inf)
to succeed
sbrigarsi a (+inf)
to hurry
servire a (+inf)
to be good for
volerci a (per) (+inf)
to take, require
andare a (+inf)
to go
correre a (+inf)
to run
fermarsi a (+inf)
to stop
passare a (+inf)
to stop by
stare a (+inf)
to stay
tornare a (+inf)
to return
venire a (+inf)
to come