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50 Cards in this Set

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side effects of atypical antipsychotics, like olanzapine
weight gain, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, and HTN
pt with foul smelling sputum after upper GI edoscopy must be suspected of having what?
an anaerobic infection, treatment must have anaerobic coverage, like clindamycin
OCPs cause what in 5% of pts?
look to d/c OCP to correct the BP
treatment of a-fib
lone AF without other risk factors treat just with aspirin

if they have any risk factors treat with warfarin, these include previous TIA/stroke, DM, HTN, HF, age >75, or valve disease
live vaccines generally not given in HIV pts
BCG, anthrax, oral typhoid, intranasal influenza, and oral polio
live vaccines that can be given to HIV pts
MMR and varicella, as long as CD4 > 200 and no history of AIDS defining illness
S/S of malignant otitis externa
severe pain, otorrhea, and granulation tissue in the ear canal

MCC is Pseudomonas aeruginosa
what is suspect in a pt with anemia and vitiligo
pernincious anemia
suspect this in any pt with anemia and other autoimmune disorder (vitiligo, autoimmune thyroid, MS, etc)
treatment of refractory hepatic hydrothorax
transudative effusions in pts with cirrhosis and no cardiopulm disease

refratory is treated with TIPS (transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt)
polyuria and polydipsia with dilute urine and elevated serum osm
diabetes insipidus

usually from defective ADH production
polyuria and polydipsia with both plasma and urine diluted
primary polydipsia

previously called psychogenic polydipsia
polyuria and polydipsia with low serum osm and inappropriately high urine osm
1st step in treatment after strong alkaline ingestion (like lye)
early upper GI endoscopy to access damage

neutralization, vomiting, or charcoal are contraindicated as they do NOT improve outcome and complicate mgmt
hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state
seen in Type 2 DM
S/S are AMS, decreased consciousness, blurry vision, fatigue

can be precipitated by stressors that increase cortisol and catecholamine lvls, examples are stress and infection
how to diff peritonsilar abscess from epiglotitis
peritonsilar abscess can have a deviated uvula and unilateral lymphadenopathy

treatment includes aspiration, drainage, and IV antibiotics
diabetic neuropathy effect on urination
diabetic neuropathy leads to denervated bladder and therefore detrusor weakness

this causes urinary retetnion and overflow incontinence
cauda equina syndrome (CES)
secondary amyloidosis
frequently from chronic systemic inflammation seen in autoimmune disorders, chronic infections, IVDU

caused by deposition of acute phase reactants like serum amyloid A

can cause nephrotic syndrome, hepatomegaly, cardiomegaly, and/or peripheral neuropathy
in a study, selecting pts with same age, race, or other demo is called what and reduces what problem
it is called matching and reduces confounding
portion of the spine most commonly affected by RA
cervil spine

can result in C1-C2 instability subaxial subluxation
things that increase warfarin activity
P450 inhibitors

EtOH, Vit E, garlic, ginko biloba, St Johns Wort
p450 inducers
p450 inhibitors
use of BAL (bronchoalveolar lavage)
samples cell during bronchoscopy, used in eval of malignancy or opportunistic infection of interstitial lung disease

NOT useful in other forms of interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, sarcoid, or other connective tissue diseases
leukemoid rxn
a marked increase in leukocytes due to severe infection or inflammation

looks a lot like CML blast crisis, but the luekemoid rxn will have a HIGH LAP (leukocyte alkaline phosphatase score) and it will be low in CML
reaction formation
transformation of unwanted thoughts or feelings into their opposite
best way to evaluate chronic pancreatitis
US in pts with jaundice

CT of abdomen has a higher sensitivity in suspected pancreatic cancer
presentation of cavernous sinus thrombosis
often headache, low grade fever, periorbital edema, and cranial nerve palsies

usually secondary to infection, treat with IV antibiotics then possible anticoag, glucocorticoids, or surgery
prophylaxis of malaria is sub-saharan Africa and India
these areas have endemic choroquine resistant falciparum

prophylaxis is with mefloquine
PAP smear guidelines
start at 21 and have one every 2 years until 30

after 30 have a PAP every 3 years as long as they are neg
HPV guidellines
males and females aged 9-26, most effective if given prior to the start of sexul activity
next step after suspected squamous cell carcinoma of head or neck
a panendoscopy needs to be done to detect the primary tumor

panendoscopy is a triple endoscopy including esophagoscopy, bronchoscopy, and laryngoscopy
HSV esophagits description and treatment
seen in HIV, HSV esophagitis has multiple, small and well circumscibed ulcers that are small and deep "volcano-like"
cells have ballooning degen and esosinophlic intranuclear inclusions

treat with acyclovir
CMV esophagitis description and treatment
CMV esophagitis is seen in HIV and has large, irregular, linear, shallow, superficial ulcers

cells have intranuclear and intracyto inclusions

treat with ganciclovir
HSV vs CMV lesions in esophagous
HSV is multiple, small, deep, well circumscribed with intranuclear inclusions

CMV is large, irregular, shallow ulcers with intranuclear and intracyto inclusions
1st, 2nd, and 3rd line treatment of SIADH
1st line: fliud restriction

2nd line is hypertonic saline

3rd line is democlocycline that reduces ADH response at the collecting tube
treatment of symptomatic hypercalcemia
saline hydration
spinal cord compression
has s/s of UMN dysfunction of weakness, hyperreflexia, and babinski

it is a medical emergency dx with spinal MRI
treatment of dermatitis herpetiformis
dapsone is first line

as it is associtated with Celiac's, prevention is glutten free diet
pulsus paradoxus: description and causes
diff of >12 mm Hg in SP during inspiration

caused by cardiac tamponade, tension pneumo, and severe asthma
1st step in eval and mgmt of ARK or AKI due to retention
foley catheterization

post-op urinary retention is common in men > 50 and seen as oliguria (less than 250 mL in 12 hr), and increase in BUN and Cr
use of dihydroppyridine ca channel blockers in STEMI
dihydropyridien ca chanel blockers are CONTRA in STEMI as they cause peripheral vasodilation and reflex tachy worsening pt. These include nifedipine and nicardipine
organ effects in amyloidosis
as the amyloid can deposit in various organs, you can see:
restrictive cardiomyopathy with symmetrical thickened vents
proteinuria leads to edema from kidney deposits
easy bleeding from decreased coag factors from liver involvement
S/S of cor pulmonale
isolated right heart failure usually due to pulmonary disease
has JVD, S3, right vent heave, hepatomegaly, ascites, and dependent edema

NO signs of pulmonary congestion
treatment of WPW
when in a-fib with rapid vent rate, treat with cardioverion or procainamide

other AV blockers like beta blockers, ca channel blockers, digoxin, or adenosine are CONTRA because they increase the conductance through the accessory path
precipitating factors in PACs
tobacco, alcohol, caffine, and stress
treatment for uncomplicated UTI
treatment of hordeolum (aka: stye)
it is a staph abscess of the eyelid and painful

treat with warm compress, if no resolution in 48 hours, then I&D
cause of UTI with alkaline urine
Protues, as it makes urease which alkalizes the urine