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27 Cards in this Set

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How to manage HTN in gout patient?

What to avoid?

ARB (losartan)

-avoid HCTZ (increases uric acid), lasix

Which drugs cause a photosensitivity reaction?

HCTZ (thiazides) and sulfas

Risk of lyme dz in pregnancy?

no risk to fetus, only spreads via tick no other fluids

When should antiarrhythmic meds be used for afib?

When rate cannot be adequately controlled, recurent episodes of palpitations

-if no other heart dz->flecainide

-if LVH or hear failure: amiodarone (or dronedarone)

-if CAD w/o CHF: sotalol

-refractory: radiofreq cath ablation

TMT of prolactinoma?

Cabergoline vs. bromocriptine (don't need transphenoidal surgery unless it is a pituitary adenoma)

Nurse stuck with needle: testing for hep B?

First check titer of HBsAb (indicates prior immune status if vaccinated): if >10, then no postexposure ppx. If <10 or no h/o vaccination->

check HBsAg: if positive: hepB IG and revaccination w/in 12 hours exposure

Pregnant women (prior baby was born preterm at 32wks), she had LEEP before then for CIN=?


Cervical insufficiency in pregnancy

-serial u/s to evaluate cervical lenght and cerclage placement if short in 2nd trimester

Mgmt of post-stroke patient with HTN?

HTN <185/105 but >140/90 if received TPA (and strict control w/ iv labetalol/nicardipine)

-if no tpa: HTN <220/120 if acute ischemic stroke

Remember TPA w/in 4.5hrs after CT head w/o contrast

After triple drug therapy for h. pylori, what is followup

rpt fecal antigen or urea breath test after 4 weeks (not serology since ab will be present for a logn time)

differentiate baby diaper rash/dermatitis vs. candidal diaper rash?

Candida invlves crural folds and has tomato-red plaques w/ satellite papules->give clotrimazole cream



rpt PAP in 1 year->if negative or same->rpt pap in 1year->if same coloposcopy, if negative->two more pap smears x2 years->once both negative return to normal screening (if ASC-H or HSIL->colpo)

IF 25 or greater:

reflex HPV DNA testing->if negative rpt pap and HPV in 3 years (if+->colpo)

Differentiate Serotonin syndrome from NMS from anticholinergic tox

Serotonin: AMS, autonomic dysreg (tachy, sweat, febrile, diarrhea, mydriasis), neurmusc hyper (hyperreflexia, rigidity, tremor, ocular clonus): when mix SSRI w/ MAO (phenelzyine, tanylcypromine)

NMS: from dopamin agonists: NO hyperreflexia, bradykinesia, lead pipe

Antichol: dry skin, flushing, mydriasis, AMS, fever, urinary retention, slow bowels, tachy

11mo girl w/ erythematous blanching scaly rash on abdomen and back and face, family hx similar chronci pruritic rash and allergies=?


Atopic Dermatitis (eczema)

-causes by heredity, low humidity)

-tmt with topical emollients and/or steroid top

53yo F w/ 6mos pain/tightness in neck, posterior shoulders, butt worse with exertion, stress, and lack of sleep, has point tenderness and symmetric, normal strength/reflexes=?



Fibromyalgia (must have sx >3mos, normal inflamm markers)


1. lifestyle change w/ aerobic exercise and sleep hygeine

2. TCA or SNRI

Patient with asx pulm sarcoidosis


No therapy (even if has erythema nodusum and hilar adenopathy) since high rate of spontaneous remission (only if sx then treeat with steroids to prevent dz progression)

What are the findings of a cardiac tamponade?

Beck's Triad: JVD, hypotension, diminished heart sounds/muffled, pulsus paradoxus (inspiratory decrease systolic bp >10)

-EKG low voltage QRS complex, electrical alternans

-CXR: enlarged cardiac silhouette, water bottle shape

-echo w/ RA and RV collapse in diastole

What are the guidelines for HTN?

if Age >60: start tmt at >150/90 w/ goal less than that

if age <60, CKD, or DM: start at >140/90 w/ goal less

-if black: thiazide or CCB alone or in combo

-all others: ACEi or ARB first line

What does strict glycemic control do?

no change macrovascular complications (MI, storke), possible decrease in long term

-decrease in microvasc: nephropathy and retinopathy

-no change in mortality a1c 6-7, but increase mortality <6

TMT of hyponatremia?

If symptomatic or severe (<115): correct at 1.5-2mEq per hour for first 3 hrs w/ hypertonic 3% NS (don't let is raise more than 12 in 24hrs though)

-oetherwise do 0.9NS

Meconium ileus is pathomnenomic for?

Findings on XR


Cystic fibrosis (will see dilated gas filled SB loops w/ absent air fluid levels, and GROUND GLASS MASS in R abdomen

-Autosomal recessive

ask for family hx of recurrent infxns

What is unique history in pyloric stenosis?

they are usually firstborn males

Duodenal atresia is associated with what?

Down's syndrome and polyhydramnios

What counseling to patient with Marfan's?

Avoid strenuous exercise, cross country running

Define hypoglycemia?

glucose <60


1. IV adenosine or vagal maneuver (carotid sinus massage/vasalva) to unmask the p wave and determine cause of SVT (since can include sinus tach, AVNRT, afib, aflutter)

What SPF when?

SPF 15 for regular daily use

SPF 30 for outdoor activites/recreation/constant work

22yo M w/ swelling mass on neck in front of hyoid that moves with protrusion of tongue=?

Thyroglossal duct cyst

-do CT scan to delineate it or u/s or thyroid nuclear scan

-then excise/surgery