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96 Cards in this Set

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Continuous flow murmur in infant=?
What else might they have?
-mildly accentuated peripheral pulses
Endocardial cushion defect in newborn=?
Down's syndrome (AV septal defect)
TMT of amebic liver abscess?
Dx Test?
-trophozoites (protozoa) in stool exam, serology, liver imaging
(look for mexico trip w/ bloody diarrhea from colon infxn now w/ liver pathology)
What is seen in Charcot's Joint?
What causes it?
XR foot shows: loss cartilage, osteophyte development, loos boney fragments, may have effusion
-Neurogenic arthropathy (nerve damage): in diabetic nephropathy, syringomyelia, B12 def, tabes dorsalis, spinal cord injury
-TMT w/ mechanical device/special shoe assist in weight bearing
Use of raloxifene?
SERM (selective estrogen receptor modulator=mixed agon/antag of ER, agon in bone, antagon in breast/vag)-decreased risk breast ca/vag ca, TMT of osteoporosis (1st line, but less effective than bisphosph and estrogen)
-may cause hot flashes, leg cramps
When do you give demsopressin preoperatively?
Pt w/ mild hemophilia A, factor deficiency->increased factor VIII and vWF release
Apgar scoring?
appearance/color: 0 blue, 1 pink except extrem, 2 pink
pulse: 0 <60/asystole, 1 60-100, 2, >100
Grimace/reflex/irritable: 0 no response, 1 grimace/feeble cry, 2 sneeze/cough
Activity/tone: 0 none, 1 some flexion, 2 active moving
Resp: 0 none, 1 weak/irregular, 2 strong
Order of newborn care in delivery room:
1. suction mouth and nose
2. clamp/cut umbilical cord
3. dry and keep warm infant
4 rubb heals/stimulate to stim crying/breathing
5. assess APGAR at 1min
6. Eye Care w/ silver nitrate and erythromycin/tetracycline
7. Vitamin K IM
8. Hep B vaccine (later) and HBIG (if HBsAg+ mom)
TMT of mastitis?
What if abscess?
Most likely organism?
abx (dicloxacillin or cephalosporins), analgesics, continue breast feeding from it (decreases progression to abscess)
-I & D (if fluctuance noted)
-S. aureus
What is beriberi?
Thiamine deficiency->fulminant cardiac syndrome w/ cardiomegaly, tachy, cyanosis, SOB, vomiting in NEWBORN), in adult: dry only has peripheral neuropathy w/ sensory/motor impairment extrem, Wet has both cardiac (CHF + cardiomyop) w/ nerve findings
Findings in riboflavin def?
Either from 3rd world or have malabsorptive dz/anorexia nervosa: sore throat, cheilitis, stomatitis, glossitis, seborrheic dermatitis, hyperemic edematous OP
What is scurvy?
vitamin C (ascorbic acid def): impaired collagen synthesis and damaged connective tissue: ecchymoses, petechiae, bleeding gum, arthralgias, impaired wound hearing, coiled hair, Sjogren's syndrome!!
What are odd vit A def findings?
Bitot spots (dry silver gray plaques on bulbur conjunctiva), cloudy cornea (keratomalacia), dry skin and conjunctiva (xerosis conjunctiva), follicular hyperkeratosis on extensors/butt/shoulder
Best long-term relief tmt for duodenal ulcer?
abx (CAP) + PPI: since all duodenal ulcers are caused by H. pylori so no relief until that is taken care of (even if ETOH drinker)
What is the murmur of IV drug user endocarditis?
What other findings?
Tricuspid Regurg: holosystolic murmur increase w/ inspiration
-septic pulm emboli->cough, chest pain, hemop, round alveolar infiltrates on CXR
-immune-complex glomerulonephritis->ptnuria
-Janeway lesions (painless/flat), osler nodes (painful/raised), roth spots (eyes), splinter hemorrhage, conjunctival petechiae
-From Staph aureus (more common in HIV pts)
-Dx w/ blood cx, TTE, TEE
-empiric TMT: vanc/gent: if MSSA: ox/clox/diclox, if MRSA: vanco
parodoxical split S2=?
P2 b4 A2 during expiration= aortic stenosis, LBBB (LV outflow obstruction)
What if sulfa allergy?
-add STEROIDS if PaO2 <70, A-a gradient >35
-sulfa allergy: give pentamidine instead of bactrim
(will know PCP from low O2sat/hypoxia out of proportion to CXR findings of bilat interstitial infiltrate, hi LDH)
What is enthesitis?
Where do you get it?
What does it equal?
pain/inflammation at sites tendon/ligs attach to bone
-achilles tendon/HEEL, iliac crests, tibial tuber
-Ankylosing Spondylitis
Triad of ectopic pregnancy?
amenorrhea, abd pain, vag bleeding, esp in pt w/ hx PID
Solitary ring enhancing lesion on brain CT w/ fluid collection in L maxillary sinus, pt hving neuro sx=?
brain abscess from anaerobic bacteria and aerobes and Bacteroides from maxillary sinusitis
6mo old child w/ poor feeding, fussy, bulging anterior fontanelle, wide suturs, growth chart w/ rapid enlarging head circumference=?
Dx Test?
Hydrocephalus (may also have vomiting, decreased activity, scalp veins)
-CT scan w/ dilated ventricles or MRI (better in u/s, only U/S if <6mo since need wide open fontanelle)
-shunt from ventricle to peritoneum/pleura for CSF drainage
Differentiate tension pneumo from shift of ET tube to R main bronchus?
tension pneumo will also have hypotension, tachy from impaired RV filling (since compressing the mediastinum)
-Shift ET tube causes atelectasis L lung so will have decreased breath sound, cough, down O2sat, but no change in BP or HR
Swelling cheeck and puruelent saliva postop in pt w/ dementia=?
What could have prevented this?
Parotitis (most likely staph aureus)
-fluid intake and oral hygiene
Brocas vs Wernickes aphasia?
Brocas: expressive aphasia (difficulty forming words/speaking, frustrated by it can understand)->dominant frontal lobe

Wernickes: receptive aphasia->superior temporal gyrus
Steps for acute preterm labor 24-36wga?
Deliver if: pree/eclampsia, maternal cardiac dz, cervix >4cm, hemorrhage/abruptio/DIC, fetal death, chorioamniotis
1. betamethasone (systemic corticosteroids) to prevent RDS (resp distress synd)
2. Tocolysis (mg sulfate, CCB, terbutaline) w/ goal of stopping delivery for at least 48hrs for steroids to work
What does SVT mean?
How do they look?

What are paroxysmal SVT (PSVTs)?
any tachy that is above the His-bundle (sinus tach, afib, aflut, multifoc atrial tach, AV nodal reentrant tach, AV reentrant tach, junctional tach)
-narrow QRS <120ms, rate 160 or >, burried P waves or inverted P waves appearing as spikes on QRS
-AVNRT, AVRT, atrial tach, junctional tach
Steps: evaluate to identify by vagal maneuvers (carotid sinus massage, vasalva, eyeball pressure) or IV adenosine)->will slow conduction via AV node unmaksing "hidden" P waves in a tachy or aflut AND will terminate AV node-dependent arrythmia (AVNRT)
TMT of PVCs in clinic?
What about premature atrial beats
Observation. If sx or worens-> TMT w/ b blockers
observation (never require tmt always benign)
what is R heart failure in pt w/ COPD or pulm dz?
-what to look for?
Cor pulmonale (clear lungs w/ prominent RV and pulm artery, flattened diaphragms in copd, JVP, RV heave, hepatomegaly, ascites, edema)
Steps in caustic ingestion?
1. ensure breaths sounds/patent airways
2. upper GI endoscopy w/in 24hrs to assess injury

do NOT do NG lavage or try to neutralize it, steroids do NOT help
Child w/ steatorrhea, failure to thrive, neonatal jaundice, clubbing, wheezing=?
CF (also anemia, heat intolerance, steatorrhea from pancreatic insufficiency, rectal prolapse)
-do sweat chloride test x2 followed by gen studies
-give hi cal diet, pancreatic enzyme replacement, fat sol-vitamins
-watchout for gallstones, cirrhosis, portal htn, pancreatic fibrosis
Most common cause of hypercalcemia in ambulatory pts vs hospitalized pts?
primary hyperpth
What are physical findings in rickets and xr findings?
craniotabes (ping pong ball sensation on head bones)
rachitic rosary (enlarged costochondral junctions)
thick wrist and ankles
Harrison groove (horizontal depression lower border chest)
large anterior fontanell
XR w/ cupping and fraying of distal ends long bones, double contour along lateral outline radius
-<2mos age: vit D and sunlight, after just po vit D
Describe heme findings ALL
hi WBC, hi blast %, low plt, low hgb, blasts have PAS stain w/ TdT immunostaining
Describe histo in burkitt lymphoma
what is it associated w/
Mature B Cells: "starry sky appearnace"
-EBV mono (pt w/ mass on mandible or abd viscera)
-hi dose chemo very effective
27yo M w/ recurrent nosebleeds, ruby colored papules on lips blanch to pressure, and hi hct.
ML Dx?
Hereditary Telangiectasia (osler-weber-rendu syndrome)
-aud dom
-telangiectasias, recurrent epistaxis, discolored skin, AVMs (lung, liver, brain) that shunt blood from R to L heart (AVM in lung)->chronic hypoxemia->reactive polycythemia
Difference of Rotors Syndrome and Dubin-Johnson's?
Dx Test?
Dubin Johnsons does cause black liver (hepatocytes), Rotors does not
-Sephardic Jews!
-icterus triggered by stress, infxn, OCP, pregnancy
=Test: >50% dbili, test w/ urine coproporphyrin I hi
Most common cause of lymphadenitis (tender erythematous enlarged lymph node)?
staph aureus, 2 strep pyo
violaceous unilateral lymph node 3cm nontender=?
MAI (affects kids <5yo)
Cause of carpal tunnel in hypothyroidism?
accumulation of matrix substances from myxedema (deposition of mucopolysaccharides)
Describe back pain of metastatic dz compared to DJD?
constant and worse at night wherease DJD is better w/ rest, worse on activity
4mo old M infant w/ lethargy, poor feeding, pallow, webbed neck, shielded chest, cleft lip, systolic ejection murmur, Hgb 8, retic 0.4%, MCV 104
ML Dx?
Diamond-Blackfan Syndrome (congenital hypoplastic anemia)
-macrocytic anemia, low retic count, congenital anomalies (from defect of erythroid progenitor cells causing increased apoptosis)
-give steroids
differentiate esophageal dysmotility of scleroderma from achalasia?
Achalasia: absent/decreased peristaltic waves w/ INCREASED LES TONE
Sclero: sticking sensation throat/dysphagia, absent peristaltic waves lower 2/3 w/ DECREASED LES TONE
older person w/ dark purpurle ecchymotic skin areas over dorsum of both arms=?
Senile Purpura: ecchymotic lesion from perivascular connective tissue atrophy in old age (discoloration/brownish purple from hemosiderin deposits), benign
Infant w/ oliguria and midline palpable mass=?
-Dx test?
posterior urethral valves
-do voiding cystourethrogram
Hypospadias =?
assicated w/?
don't do what?
ventral surface opening of urethra (down)
-cryptoorchidism, inguinal hernia
Associated w/ what?
urethral opening dorsal surface (up, pee in eye)
-bladder exstrophy (is bladder outside body)
neonate w/ hyrdocele
will resolve w/in 6mos
description of actinic keratoses.
Tell me about it?
erythematous papules w/ central scale from hyperkeratosis, may start flat w/ sandpaper like texture but become elevated as "cutaneous horns" no more than 10mm
-seen in 40-60yo w/ excessive sun exposure face, ears, scalp, dorsa arms/hands
-light microscopy w/ thickened epidermis, abnormal keratinization, thickened stratum corneum/hyperkeratosis, may have atypia->premalignant w/ risk of squamous cell ca (based on how big it gets)
-must treat w/ removal or topical 5FU or imiquimod (also used for molluscum contagiosum & condyloma acuminatum/warts)
What to do before starting trastuzumab?
What is it used for?
echo for cardiac function (EF >55%) since has risk of cardiotoxicity w/ chemo
-HER 2/NEU in breast ca, is ab to that ER receptor
When to anticoagulate vs. do more dx steps for PE?
The Wells score:[13]
clinically suspected DVT — 3.0 points
alternative diagnosis is less likely than PE — 3.0 points
tachycardia (heart rate > 100) — 1.5 points
immobilization (≥ 3d)/surgery in previous four weeks — 1.5 points
history of DVT or PE — 1.5 points
hemoptysis — 1.0 points
malignancy (with treatment within 6 months) or palliative — 1.0 points
If >4: PE likely: hep infusion, then spiral CT, if 4 or less: other way around
5day old infant w/ bloody diarrhea and vomiting, stool exam w/ rbcs and eosinophils=?
Milk ptn intolerance: hypersensitivity to cow's milk ptn that usually occurs when given cow's milk but can occur if breast fed (look for hx of atopic dz in family)
Chlamydia screening guidelines?
annually in sexually active <=25 or women >25 w/ new or multiple sex partners
TMT for asymptomatic chlamydia (nucleic acid amp negative for gonorrhea)?
single dose azithromycin or doxy course.
(have to treat for gonorrhea if use gram stain to dx instead of nucleic acid amp since less sensitive)
How to dx vasovagal syncope in pt w/multiple recurrences (that 24yo white F who faints in stressful sits)?
upright tilt table testing w/ or w/out pharmacologic provocation (isoproteronol)->do if recurrent syncopal episodes
TMT of cluster headache?
1. 100% O2 (best abortive tmt, will not work on migraines)
2. subq sumatriptan
3. ergotamine

pregnant F w/ Ucx showing 150000 colonies e. coli but asx
What to do?
Concern for pyelo (>100000 midstream clean catch) that can lead to sepsis, preterm (increase risk in preg since stasis urine)
-TMT w/ amoxicillin, ampicillin, nitrofurantoin, cephalexin
Pregnant pt w/ severe vomiting.
1. ABCs w/ fluid resucitation
2. bHCG (to r/ow hydatidiform mole or chorioca/gest trophoblastic dz (triad of enlarged uterus, hyperemesis, elevated bHCG >100000))
3. U/S
Criteria for hyperemesis gravidum?
starts wk 4-10, loss of >5% pre-pregnancy weight, ketonuria, persistant vomiting (will see elevated amylase lipase from salivary gland from vomiting, and up LFTs mildly)
What are typical findings in newborns?
mammary gland enlargment and nonpurulent vaginal discharge (may be blood-tinged)
When do you do a buccal smear?
dx Turner's Syndrome
What can cause pna and diarrhea in immunocompromised pop?
CMV (pneumonitis + GI ulcers->diarrhea and abd pain, arthralgias, myalgias, esophagitis)
Can be seen mos after bone marrow transplant pts
10yo boy w/ multiple episodes LOC while playing, immediate regain of consciousness w/out confusion, has impaired hearing since birth, fam hx of cousin w/ sudden cardiac death.
ML Dx?
Jervell-Lange-Nielson Syndrome=congenital long QT syndrome=Torsades de Pointes (look for pt w/ syncopal episode w/ NO post-ictal period, and hearing impairment and fam hx.)
-Propranolol immediately (if sx, propranolol + DDD pacemaker)
What drugs can you take/not take during stress test?
48hrs b4 hold: bblockers, ccbs, nitrates
48hrs b4 vasodilator stress: dipyridamole
12hrs b4 vasodilator stress: caffeine
Continue: ACEi/ARB, digoxin, statins, diuretics
Acute Migraine tmt?
Antiemetics (prochlorperazine, metoclopramide, chlorpromazine)
Triptans (only useful early b4 severe sx, b4 vomiting, photophobia)

PPx w/ propranolol
12wk old infant w/ umbilical hernia=think what?
Describe findings?
Congenital hypothyroidism (cretinism results)
-normal at birth (from maternal hormones present), then develop apathy/no emotion, hypotonia, weakness, large tongue, sluggish, abd bloatin, UMBILICAL HERNIA, jaundice, resp distress, noisy resp, hypothermia, macrocytic anemia (from hypoxemia)
-screening mandated in all states w/ serum TSH, T4
long-term neurologic sequelae of bacterial meningitis?
1. hearing loss
2. loss cognition
3. seizures
4. mental retardation
5. spasticity or paresis
1mo old infant to ED w/ projectile vom, fair hair and skin, eczematous rash, urine w/ mousy odor
ML Dx?
Dx Test?
Phenylketonuria (eczema rash/dermatitis, mental retard/seizure, growth retard, musty body odor, fair skin, normal at birth from maternal products)
-lack of phenylalinine dehydroxalase so phenylalanine builds up and tyrosine becomes essential
-blood phenylalanine levels or Guthrie test:urine coloration for phenylalanine metabolic products
-Diet lo in phenylalanine (no hi ptn, aspartam, nutrasweet)
Define an innocent murmur.
systolic ejection, less than or equal II/VI, varies w/ position, no other sounds, child asx
What causes zenker's diverticulum?
Not GERD! It is due to upper esophageal sphincter dysfunction and esophageal dysmotility causing incoodrination leading to herniation of mucosa via a pulsion mech, in pts>50
Initial management of suspected infective endocarditis?
Draw blood cx then start empiric abx (vanco/gent)
Triad of a glucagonoma?
Where does it occur?
hyperglycemia (pt may describe need to drink a lot from hypergluc), necrotizing dermatitis!, weight loss
What are the uncommon presentations of RA (2)?
Felty: RA, splenomegaly, Neutropenia
Caplan: RA, pneumoconiosis, Lung nodules
Pt P-ANCA + w/ bloody diarrhea and low back pain w/ sacroiliac inflammation.
ML Dx?
Ulcerative Colitis: will have e. nodosum, p-anca, pyoderma gangrenosum, arthritis (similar to AS),episcleritis, cholangitis as extracolonic findings
What electrolyte changes cause hyperactive DTRs?
When does this typically happen?
Hypocalcemia and hypomagnesimia: typically after surgery w/ lots of RBCs given (citrate can bind to ionized calcium decreasing its total) Remember hypoCa=Tetany
Na=weak & delirious
K=weak and paralyzed
When to think tropical sprue?
chronic diarrhea, pt from endemic area, malabsorption (B12, folate=megaloblastic anemia), borborygmi, hyperactive bowel sounds
Dx w/ bx showing blunt villi and lots of eosinophils/lymphocytes/plasma cells et.
What is best to influence long term prognosis of STEM?
restore coronary blood flow (PTCA or thromoblytic)
Summarize differences of mineralization in rickets vs. osteomalacia vs osteogenesis imperfecta vs osteoporosis vs pagets
Rickets: defect mineralization bone and cartilage
Osteom: defect mineralization bone only
Osteo I: defective formation collagen (type 1=bone, tendon, ligament, skin, sclera) give bisphosphonates
OsteoP: low bone mass and normal mineralization
Pagets: disordered skeletal remodeling
What is Friedreich ataxia?
Aut recessive, b4 22yo, spinocerebellar ataxia w/ neuro (gait ataxia, falling, dysarthria) w/ concentric hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, DM, scoliosis, pes cavus, "hammer toes" (death by cardio and resp)
-"Fiedrich is Fratastic (frataxin): he's your favorite frat brother always stumbling, staggering, falling, but big hearted and big toed
What is the main long term complication of vesicoureteral reflux?
renal scarring->can cause ESRD in young children
What is respiratory quotient on ventilator?
CO2 produced: O2 consumed per time
=1 if mostly carbohydrate major nutrient (>1 if excess)
=0.8 if protein
=0.7 if fatty acid
TMT of GBS=?
IVIG or Plasmapheresis
Screening for diabetes in pregnancy?
-If pregestational DM: switch to insulin (NPH and lispro), do EKG, 24hr urin for baseline renal collecting Cr clearance and ptn, HbA1C, eye exam
-if normal: at 24 and 28wga, give 50g 1hr oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)->if >140->do 3hr 100g OGTT, if any level > than expected=Gest DM: tmt 1st line w/ diet and excercise->if fails to gets fasting <95 or 1hr postprandial <140: start insulin w/ NPH/aspart
McCune-Albright Syndrome?
4Ps: precocious puberty, Polycystic ovaries, Pigmented cafe-au-lait spots, Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia of bone

think "the young girl w/ big boobs and cafe au lait spots"
TMT of UTI in pregnancy (drugs contraindicated?)
Nitrof, amoxicillin, amox-clavulonate, cephalexin
Contrai: tetracyclines, fluoroquin, bactrim
Stages of labor?
Stage 1 (onset labor->fully dilated): 20hr prima, 14hr multiparous (broken into latent and active phases)
-Latent: 0-4cm dilation (variable, 6hr prima, 4hr multi)
-Active: 4-10cm dilation (1cm/h4 prima, 1.2cm/hr multi)
Stage 2: fully dilate->baby delivered (30m-3hr, 5-30min)
Stage 3: baby->placenta (0-30min both)
Signs of placental separation?
In stage 3: gush of fresh blood, umbilical cord lengthens, uterine fundus rises, uterus becoming firm
Define protracted cervical dilation?
Arrest of cervical dilation?
Arrest of fetal descent?
Protracted: less than 1cm or 1.2cm/hr in primi and multi
Arrest dilation: no dilation 2hrs
arrest descent: no descent 1hr
(add an hour to these if epidural anesthesia)
What is the proper presentation of fetus in delivery?
LOA: Left occipitoanterior position
What are adequate contractions in delivery?
3-5contractions lasting 40-60sec per 10min
Workup of asymptomatic primary hyperparathyroidism?
Need surgery if: serum Ca>1mg than max limit OR <50yo OR bone min density <T-2.5 anywhere OR reduced renal function eGFR<60ml/min
-If need surgery: do sestamibi scan (if negative or equival->bilat neck exploration w/ intraop PTH level and gamma probe, if +scan w/ adenoma->resect)
Differentiate neurofibromatosis 1 and 2
1: cafe au lait, macrocephaly, short stature, feeding problems, learning difficulty, later: fibromas, neurofibromas, Wilms tumor, leukemia, pheocrhomo
2: hilateral acoustic neuromas, cataracts, and neurofibromas
When thinking tumor in abdomen palpable in child, what to and how to differentiate?
<1yo: neuroblastoma (crosses midline, has urine metabolites of catecholamines, HTN, fever hepatomegaly, ewight loss)
2-5yo: Wilm's (HTN, HEMATURIA, abd pain, vomit)
Where do medulloblastomas vs astrocytomas occur?
medulloblastoma: cerebellar vermis
astroctyoma: cerebellar hemispheres
Conotruncal abnormalities (truncus arteriosus, tet of fallot)=what congenital thing?
CATCH-22 syndromes: DiGeorge and velocardiofacial syndromes
What should be added to breast milk in all premature babies?
iron supplement
What should you do if pregant F has chronic hepatitis 2/2 hep C virus?
Vaccination against hep A and Hep B! (both are safe in pregnancy)
-breast-feeding is safe if hepC infected mother