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78 Cards in this Set

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Steps in breaking bad news?
1. Privacy and ask if want other people want others around
2. assess family's perception/knowlege (what do you think is going on
3. Ask how much they want to know
4. warn that is bad news, give information straightforward and simple, check for understanding
5. respond to questions/emotions empathically
6. summarize and create follow through plan (end of life discussion here if needed)
Pt w/ enlarged L side scrotum, increases on vasalva, negative transilluminaton.
ML Dx?
-dilation pampiniform plexus from incompitent valves testicular veins, more on L side "bag of worms"
70yo pt w/ shoulder pain, tender, worse when raising his arm 60degrees, but has full range of motion, worse on lifting overhead.
ML Dx?
Why pain?
Physical exam test?
Dx Test?
Confirmatory test?
Rotator cuff tendonitis
-pain from rotator cuff impingement
-Neer test (passive motion of arm above head, positive if pain and guarding during = impingement)
-Lidocaine injection w/ relief (if not relieved=rotator cuff tear)
What does alkalosis do to calcium level?
causes ionized calcium to lower (increased binding to albumin) but no change in total ca
Pt s/p cataract extraction 5 days ago, now w/ decreasing vision and dull ache of L eye. Eye is swollen, conjunctiva edematous, exudate in anterior chamber, decreased visual acuity.
ML Dx?
Dx Test?
Postop endopthalmitis
-up to 6wks after eye surgery w/ infxn of vitreous causing pain and decreased visual acuity w/ swollen eyelids
-gram stain and culture vitreous
-Intravitreal abx injection or vitrectomy
Pt wears contact lens, has sensation of "foreign body" on eye, blurred vision, photophobia, pain.
ML Dx?
Findings of exam?
Corneal Ulceration
-Common w/ contacts, recent trauma, ocular dz, red eye w/ ciliary injection, purulent exudates in conjunctival sac and ulcer on surface
Pt w/ sluggish bilat ankle reflexes, proximal muscle weakness, myalgia, elevated CK, difficulty getting up from chair.
ML Dx?
Why not others?
Dx Test?
Hypothyroidism (can present very early w/ CK elevated myopathy)
-differentiate from polymositis by decreased ankle reflexes (they would be normal in polymyositis->do muscle bx to dx this)
-TSH and T4
How to confirm cirrhosis?
Most common causes to look for?
Perc needle bx
-gynecomastia, spider angiomata, palmar erythema, nail changes, caput medusae, hair oloss, parotid swelling, testicular atrophy (ascites, caput med, nemorrhoids=portal htn)
-ETOH, hep B/hepC chronic infxn
Pt w/ several exophytic purple skin masses on lower abd, exam w/ tender hepatomegaly, CT abd w/ nodular enhancing intrahepatic lesions, liver bx w/ severe hemorrhage.
ML Dx?
Bacillary Angiomatosis (caused by bartonella henselae)
-immunocompromised, AIDS, chemo, organ transplant pts w/ constitutional sx, cut manifestations of large pedunculated exophytic papules (like pyogenic granuloma or cherry angioma) and similar visceral ones (ie. enhancing lesion that bled easily->caution on bx)
Initial tmt of anal fissure?
What if fails?
diet mod w/ hi fiber and fluids, stool softener, and local anesthetic
-surgery w/ lateral spinchterotomy
Conditions that can have blood smear w/ spherocytes w/ central pallor?
How to differentiate?
AIHA, hereditary spherocytosis
-Hereditary sphere: family hx (aut dom), positive osmotic fragility test, NEGATIVE coombs
-AIHA: no fam hx, POSITIVE coombs, jaundice, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly
Types of autoimmune hemolytic anemia?
What antibody causes them?
Warm: IgG, autoimmune (SLE, CLL, methyldopa, ribavirin), TMT=steroids, rituximab (CD20 ab), splenectomy, or immunosuppresives

Cold: IgM, autoimmune triggered by cold, mycoplasma, mono, TMT=warm pt and RBC transfuse
Pt w/ back pain, hematuria, blood smear w/ heinz bodies, took some drugs.
ML Dx?
G6PD deficiency (xlinked)
-oxidant stress (sulfas, fava beens, antimalarials, dapsone, infxn)
-RBCs susceptible to oxidant stress due to decreased glutathione from low G6PD
Anti-mitochondrial ab= ?
Cutaneous association?
Clinical lab features?
Primary biliary Cirrhosis
-autoimmune dz w/ immune-mediated destruction intrahepatic duct=bile stasis and cirrhosis
-Xanthomas and Xanthelasma (from fat collection)
-pruritis, jaundice, steatorrhea, HSM, up alk phsoph, bili, see lipid filled macrophages
Pt w/ rash for 2days, was healthy till 5days ago had fever, fatigue, HA. Then rash on face that progressed to trunk and extrem. Has tender auricular and post cervical lymphadenopathy.
ML Dx?
Rubella (RNA togavirus)
1. exposure via respiratory drop
2. fever malaise, tender suboccipital tendinitis (auricular lymph) after 14 days (adults get polyarthralgia)
3. rash (maculopapular) on face then spreads down (starts 1-5days after fever, lasts 3days)
-Acetaminophen for symptomatic relief (are infxious 1wk after), Live attenuated rubella vaccine protects as kid.
Steps tmt nonketotic hyperglycemic coma?
1. IV NS fluid replacement (sometimes 8-10L)
2. Regular insulin
3. Switch to 0.45% saline when hypovolemia stabilized
4. Add Potassium when K level reaches normal level
5. Switch to 5% dextrose when blood glucose less than 250 from insulin therapy (prevents cerebral edema)
Pt in tent w/ bat, cleaned hunted squirrel and rabbit, bitten by rat.
Next step?
Rabies ppx
-Bat is greatest rabies reservoir (only need human contact or salive, no need for bite)
-only rabies for animal bites if animal was rabid acting
Pt w/ MVC to ED, blood at urethral meatus, scrotal hematoma, hi riding prostate.
ML Dx?
Dx Step?
Posterior Urethral Injury (high ride and unable to void)
-Retrograde urethrogram
Alternative name pagets dz bone?
Finding in urine?
Osteitis deformans
-elevated urinary hydroxyproline, deoxypyridinoline, N-telopeptide, C-telopeptide
What is used to slow the long term progression of MS?
What about acute attack?
Interferon-beta (decreases freq relapse)
-Hi dose steroids
15yo boy w/ mild sensinoreal deafness bilat, hematuria and ptnuria w/ elevated BUN/Cr, renal bx w/ foam cells, EM of glomerulus w/ splitting of GBM and thickened alternating thin capillary loops.
ML Dx?
Alport's Syndrome
-look for sensorineural deafness, fam hx renal failure, recurrent episodes hematuria
Pt w/ hx smoking, ETOH, type 2 DM, HTN, w/ whitish patch on anterior floor mouth that cannot be scraped off.
ML Dx?
Risk of what?
-smoking, alcohol, ill-fit dentures
-Squamous cell cacinoma transformation
3yo boy w/ 2days decreased appetite, neck swelling, irritable, head rotated to R resists flexion.
ML dx?
Dx Test?
Acquired torticollis (wryneck)-neck twisting from asymmetric muscle activity
-Xray neck (to r/o cervical spine fracture or dislocation)
-find underlying cause: retropharyngeal abscess, URI, trauma, cervical lymphadenitis
Most common side effect in sickle cell trait?
Type of inheritance
How to detect?
painless microscopic or gross hematuria, isosthenuria (impaired concentrating ability w/ nocturia/polyuria)
-Aut recessive
-Hgb electrophoresis
23yo M w/ abd pain, naus/vom, brother w/ similar problem needed surgery, febrile, tenderness RUQ, liver span 7cm, spleen 2cm below costal margin.
ML Dx?
Suggestive findings?
Dx Test?
Hereditary Spherocytosis w/ acute cholecystitis
-aut dom disorder of spectrin scaffolding ptn in RBCs so not deformable and gets trapped in spleen's red pulp
-splenomegaly, family hx, chronic hemolysis causing jaundice and PIGMENTED GALLSTONES
-blood smear w/ spherocytes and increased reticulocytes, positive osmotic fragiliity test
-Folate supplement and splenectomy
10yo boy w/ bone pain, hepatosplenomegaly, anemia, low plts
ML Dx?
Dx Test?
Gaucher's Dz (have painful cortical erosions)
-gaucher cells w/ eccentric nucleoli and periodic acid-schiff PAS positive inclusions
65yo F w/ 6mo worsening SOB and dry cough, was completely normal before w/ no cardiac risk factors but HTN, has dry late inspiratory crackles and finger clubbing. CXR w/ honeycombing.
ML Dx?
Findings on PFTs?
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (unknown etiology) w/ chronic progressive SOB, dry cough, clubbing
-decreased TLC, FEV1, FVC, normal FEV1/FVC, normal to decreased PaCO2, increased A-a gradient (from congestion)
What does elevated Alk phosph w/ elevated GGT=
Elevated Alk phosph w/ normal GGT=
Which has stronger association?
Correlation coefficent -0.25, +0.35, -0.64
-0.64 (range from -1 to 1 w/ 0 being weak and closer to 1 or -1 being strong)
Lesion in upper thoracic spinal cord=?
paraplegia, bladder/fecal incontinence, absent sensation nipple down
lesion in lower thoracic spinal cord=
absent sensation umbilicus down
lesion supratentorially?
partial or complete hemiparesis
Most common predisposing factor for sinusitis?
Dx Test?
viral URI
-CT sinus (but usally dx clinical)
Pt had shingles, now treated, but still has pain in that area.
ML dx?
Postherpetic neuralgia
-TCAs (amitryptiline, nortryptiline)
abortion = fetal death b4 when?
20 wks
Pt w/ missed abortion suspected.
First step?
Pelvic U/S to dx absence fetal heart motion
-3 options: Dilate & curretage, medical w/ misoprostol or mifepristone, expectantly w/ AT HOME monitoring (don'tneed hsopital)
Patient w/ whatever story w/ unexplained unprovoked seizures.
1st dx step?
noncon CT brain
Pt in for c-section, given lumbar epidural anesthesia, now w/ BP 90/55, HR 120, normal fetal HR and contractions.
ML Dx?
hypotension as side effect of anesthesia
-from sympathetic fiber block causing vasodilation of lower extrem vessels leading to blood venous pooling causing decreased cardiac output, hypotension, increased HR
Pt sitting in arm chair, sudden LOC, no warning sign, had clonic jerks while unconscious, no hx this, PMH of MI 6mos ago, HTN, exam has mild holosystolic apical murmur radiating to axilla.
Cause of syncope?
Arrythmia: see structural heart dz (MR) , sudden onset w/out warning signs, meds likely thiazide diuretic causing electorlyte disturbance
Define HIT
When to suspect?
Dx Assay?
Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia
-Recent start of heparin >5days AND at least one of: plts<50% from baseline 5days prior, arterial or venous thrombosis, necrotic lesion at hep injection site, anaphylactoid rxn
-Serotonin Release Assay (gold standard), but start therapy immediately
-Stop heparin, start direct thrombin inhibitor (argatroban) or synthetic pentasaccharide (fondaparinux)
risk of TB reactivation in HIV pts?
10% per year
Finding on CXR in PCP
diffuse ground glass infiltrate
-fever, sob, dry cough
Urticaria in chest w/ acute onset SOB?
laryngeal edema causing upper resp obstuction (thik food allergy)
What is tecnetium 99m pertechnetate scan used for?
"meckels scan" detects gastric mucosa in meckel's diverticulum
24yo pregnant 26wk gestation complaining of aching and swelling both legs worse at night.
ML Dx?
Benign edema of pregnancy (occur in 1/3 pregnancies), make sure no hypertension (signifies pree)
-routine follow-up
Soccer player w/ travel to maine for soccer camp 1mo ago, now w/ swollen joint, states has had several "achy" joints but attributed them to working out.
ML Dx?
Findings expected in synovial fluid analysis
Dx Test?
Lyme dz (recent travel to northeast/upper midwest), the erythema migrans only occur in 80% pts and can be overlooked. Monoarticular arthritis w/ migratory arthralgias common in 60% as early disseminated wk-mos after.
-leuk count average 25000, w/ yellow color, negative gram stain (big give away)
-ELISA and Western blot testing
-oral doxycycline or amoxicillin
Pt w/ no bowel movement 3days no flatus, tender distended abdomen, several nbnb emesis. pH 7.3
ML Dx?
why pH?
SBO w/ bowel strangulation causing ischemic necrosis w/ lactic acidosis
-lactic acidosis
TMT of diabetic ulcer?
Stages diabetic ulcer
1. off loading (1/2)
2. debridement (1/2)
3.wound dressing (1/2)
4. abx (3)
5. revascularize (stage 4/5)
6. amputate (4/5)

1. superficial, full skin thickness involved, not underlying tissue
2. deep ulcer to ligament or muscle, no bone
3. deep ulcer w/ cellulitis/abscess/osteomyelitis
4.localized gangrene
5. extensive gangreen o f whole foot
What is role hCG in pregancy?
Maintenance of corpus luteum (secreted by syncytiotrophoblast to conserve corpus and maintain progesterone until placenta can do so). doubles every 48hrs until 6wks gestation. 2subunits: alpha (like TSH, LH, FSH) and beta (tested for)
What hormone responsible for promotion and maintenance of implantation to endometrium?
What hormone induces prolactin production from pituitary during pregnancy?
Pt w/ advanced HIV has pain and difficulty w/ swallowing.
ML initial Dx?
2wks later still w/ pain
Next step?
Finging linear irregular ulcers in esophagus.
ML Dx?
Dx Test and finding?
Candida esophagitis
-po fluconazole
-CMV esophagitis
-bx showing intranuclear and intracytoplasmic inculsions
-IV gancyclovir
Findings in HSV esophagitis.
What pop is it common in?
ulcers that are multiple small wellcircumscribed "volcano-like" cells w/ ballooning degenration and eosinophilic intranuclear inclusions
Pt w/ short stature, round fascies, cataracts, and short 4th metacarpal bone
ML Dx?
What else to expect?
Albright herediatry osteodystrophy
-pseudohypoparathyroidism w/ lo Ca, hi phosphate, increased PTH
Pt complaining of sx of claudication.
first step?
Findings and significance?
Gold standard for Dx?
-if 1.0-1.3 normal
-if <0.9 = 50% occlusion: give aspirin and cilostazol
-if <0.4 = limb ischemia (do contrast arteriography for intervention)
Contrast Arteriography
When is cervical mucus abundant, clear, and lifted vertically extends as long tthread? How long?
What is pH?
What else is seen on test?
Ovulatory phase, 6cm stretch (spinnbarkeit)
ferning on microscope
How is cervical mucus in follicular phase?
in mid and late luteal phases?
thick, scant, opaque, and acidic
-becomes progressively more thick and inhospitable

54yo male difficulty reading newspaper, has to hold it far away.
ML Dx?
Presbyopia (age related dz starting in 40s)
-loss of elasticity in lens (prevents accomodation of lens to focus on near objects)
What dz is primary polydypsia related to?
Pt w/ hx of ischemic stroke w/ loss of sensation on all R side, now wk later have transient pain in the R side also.
ML Dx?
location stroke?
Dejerine-Roussy Syndrome (thalamic pain phenomenon)
-VPL Thalamus
40yo asian male presents complaining of dark urine. has scleral icterus and jaundice skin. Urine dipstick positive for bilirubin. LFTs normal.
ML Dx?
Rotor Syndrome (benign condition of abnormal liver storage of conjugated bili, will have normal lfts)
-unconjugated bili does not get out via urine since tightly bound to albumin whereas conjugated bili does since loosely bound.
23yo woman complains of bilat breast pain 2days after 1st child, breasts are tense, warm, tender to touch.
ML Dx?
Breast engorgement (coccurs 24-72hrs after birth from milk accumulation)
-coll compresses, acetaminophen, NSAIDs
Pt w/ fatigue, +HbsAg, +HBeAg, + anti-HBcAg IgG ab, hi titer HBV DNA. has icterus and mild hepatomegaly, AST 60, ALT 120.
ML Dx?
Chronic Hep B
-if serum ALT >2x upper limit normal, then interferon or lamiivudine
15yo F comes in no menses yet, tanner stage 2, decreased femoral pulses.
Next step in Dx?
ML Dx?
Other common features?
Turner Syndrome
-Karyotype analysis (45XO)
-short stature, webbed neck, hypogonad (streak ovaries), lymphedema, hi-arched palat, congenital bicuscipid aortic valve, coarctation of aorta (decreased fem puls)
Pt w/ flail chest.
Positive pressure mech ventilation
-pain control and supplemental O2
7yo boy w/ femur fracture, hx of multiple fractures in past w/ minor trauma, decreased muscle tone throughout, blue sclera
ML Dx?
Other features/
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
-aut dom disorder type 1 collagen cause weak bone matrix
-blue sclera, early hearing loss, discolored blue/yellow teeth, weak (dentinogenesis imperfecta), bowing of bones w/ frequent fractures, hyperlaxity joints (type II most severe form)
Pt w/ acute pancreatitis of unknown cause now being treated.
Top 2 causes?
Next Step?
What to do prior to discharge?
-ETOH and gallstones
-RUQ ultrasound for gallstones
-if gallstone-cholecystectomy
55yo F w/ L ear pain, itchy, worse on chewing, has DM2, febrile to 101F, exam w/ granulation tissue L ear canal and discharge.
ML Dx?
Malignant Otitis Externa (MOE)
pseudomonas (sever ear pain, drainage, fever, granulation tissue->can progress to TMJ infxn or osteo)
-Ciprofloxacin (pseudomonal coverage)
12yo white boy w/ severe pain in L knee for wks w/ swelling, no erythema. bone XR w/ central lytic lesion distal femur, onion skining.
ML Dx?
Most common location?
Ewing's Sarcoma (hi malignant in 10-20yo white males)
-femur diaphysis/metaphysis>tibia>humerus
-surgery, radiation, and chemo
Pt w/ 2days fever, HA, malaise, myalgias, from arkansas had tick bite, AST/ALT 98/105
ML Dx?
Dx Test?
Ehrlichiosis (tickborne dz gram negative bacteria in southeast, cali, and midwest, in sprin/summer)="spotless rocky mountain spotted fever", mild elevated LFTs
-NO test, just treat!
TMT for legionnaire's dz?
TMT for rocky mountain spotted fever in pregnant woman?
baby w/ capillary hemangioma = ?
STRAWBERRY hemangioma (cherry in adults)
Differentiate meconium ileus from Hirschsprungs
Hirschsprungs: rectosigmoid obstruction, normal meconium
Meconium Ileus: ileum obstruction, inspissated meconium (thick as glue)

Consider these in any neonate w/out meconium passage 1st 2days birth
What is associated w/ meconium ileus?
Dx Test?
cystic fibrosis=will have sinopulmonary dz w/ opacification by age 8mos, chronic lung inflamation , recurrent pnas w/ GNR aerobes (pseudomonas) treated w/ aminoglycosides->sensorineural hearing loss over time
-Sweat chloride test
How to differntiate SJS from erythema multiforme minor?
-minor does not have oral involvement and usually happens after herpes simplex
-SJS=erythema multiforme major and has shock symptoms w/ "target" appearnce lesions everywhere
Differentiate toxic shock syndrome from SJS?
SJS has "target" rash
TSS has multi organ involvment, no targets, (need at least 3 organs for dx)
Pap smear w/ or w/out colpo and endocervical curretage q6mos until 3 negative samples (or HPV testing and cytology), then resum yearly screening until 65.

At 65, increase interval to q2-3yrs until 3consecutive negative smears w/ monogamous partner