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94 Cards in this Set

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Pt s/p CABG POD 12, now febrile, puss from drainage site in sternum, chest pain. CXR shows widened mediastinum.
ML Dx?
Acute Mediastinitis (in cardiac surg w/ sternotomy, usually 2wks post op occurs)
-Drainage, surgical debridement and reclosure, prolonged abs therapy
Pt s/p CABG POD 6 now w/ Afib w/ RVR on EKG for 12hrs.
Next Step?
Goes on for 36hr.
Next Step?
-rate control w/ beta blocker or amiodarone (normal after CABG 40% pts, self resolves w/in 24hrs)
-Cardioversion and anticoagulation
Light's Criteria?
What for?
On tap, if ONE of following = exudative effusion:
pleural ptn: serum >0.5
pleural LDH: serum >0.6
pleural LDH > 2/3 normal serum LDH range
noncomplicated vs. complicated vs. empyema pleural effusion?
All exudative:
complicated if pleural glucose <60 (used by bacteria), LDH elevated (from neutrophil lysis), pH <7.2 cx are usually negative
Empyema if FRANK PUS (progresses from complicated)
Type of pleural effusion seen in heart failure?
bilateral transudative effusion
Type of pleural effusion in hypoalbuminemia?
Causes of hypoalbuminema?
bilateral transudative effusion
-Cirrhosis or proteinuria
Other non pna causes exudative effusion?
-Drug-induced lupus (procainamide, INH, hydralazine)
-rheumatoid pleurisy
G3P2 via c/s, F at 38wk gestation w/ sudden intense lower abd pain, vaginal bleeding, variable decels on fetal HR, fetus shifts from 0 to -2 station.
ML Dx?
Risk factors?
Red flags?
Uterine Rupture
-prior c sections, abd trauma (has scar that ruptures), less than 1% risk, but 9% if old vertical technique c/s
-presenting part retracts back (O to -2 station, no longer able to palpate head occiput)
-Delivery w/ emergent C-section
Risk factors for placental abruption?
cocain use, HTN (greatest), smoking, prior abruption
-sudden abd pain 3rd trimester (80% have vag bleeding but could be retroplacental)
Indicator of Vasa Previa?
sinusoidal fetal heart rate pattern
Postpartum F, fever, tender uterus, foul-smelling lochia.
ML Dx?
40yo w/ new onset diabetes, hepatomegaly, hurting joints (arthropathy)
Think what?
Dx Test?
Confirmatory Test?
Hemochromatosis (abnromal fe depo in liver, pancreas, heart, pituitary ->hyperpigment skin, hepatomegaly/risk HCC, "bronze" diabetes, arthropathy, restrictive heart failure, hypogonadism)
-Iron Studies
-Liver bx
-Defuroxamine, phlebotomy
Pt w/ forehead w/ fine loose yellow greasy looking rash
ML Dx?
Associated conditions?
Seborrheic Dermatitis
-inflammed sebaceous glands (scalp, face/eyebrows/nasolabial fold/external ear, chest, umbilicus, body folds)
-Parkinsons, HIV
-topical antifungals (may be related to pityrosporum ovale)
cheeks and nose w/ red hue and telangiectasia worse when working out
ML Dx?
Rosacea (rosy hue, telangiectasia on cheek, nose, chin worse w/ heat, workout, emotion, hot drink)
Pt w/ 4 circular patches w/ central clearing and scaly borders on trunk, constant itchy)
ML Dx?
Dx Test?
Tinea Corporis infxn (ring shaped scale patch w/ distinct borders that are itchy)
-dermatophyte Trichophyton rubrum
-microscopic exam w/ KOH shows hyphae
-Terbinafine (2% antifungal lotion/cream), or Griseofulvin (systemic tmt)
Pt w/ oval scaly plaques numerous following cleavage lines of trunk crinkled like cigarrette paper, had larger patch earlier.
ML Dx?
Pityriasis Rosea (large patch was herald patch)
Pt found unresponsive brought to ED w/ low BP, HR 120, RR 33, febrile, O2sat 79%, CXR w/ RUL infiltrate, BUN/Cr 51/2.1, AST/ALT 2500/2300, Alk phosph 162, tBili 1.2
What's going on?
Pt w/ pneumonia in septic shock
-Shock Liver (ischemic hepatic injury since huge jump in AST/ALT->only time they get this hi)
-prerenal kidney failure
G2P1 hispanic F 30wks gestation w/ intense pruritis , no abnormalities on exam, no jaundice, skin excoriations seen, AST/ALT 500/500, Alk phosph 800, GGT 60, tBili/dBili 2.4/1.1.
ML Dx?
What needs to ruled out?
Complications of Dz?
Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (jaundice in 20% pts only, pruritis usually in palms/soles), resolves w/ good prognosis
-rule out viral hepatitis w/ hep panel
-ursodeoxycholic acid or cholestyramine
-gallstones in future, baby w/ meconium-stained amniotic fluid and prematurity
-Early delivery when fetal lung mature
Pt w/ hyperkalemia, ekg w/ wide complex rhythm at 32/min w/out P waves.
Next Step?
What it does?
Later Steps?
Calcium Gluconate
-antagonizes effect K on heart cell membrane (but short lived)
-Insulin & glucose, sodium polystyrene sulfonate (kayexalate), beta 2 agonist (albuterol)
Pt w/ severe noncardiac chest pain. Esophageal manometry showing multiple contractions in middle and lower esophagus.
ML dx?
Diffuse esophageal spasm
32yo female w/ bloody nipple discharge. no mass.
ML Dx?
Intraductal papilloma
-U/S (usually will show nothing since only picks up masses >1cm dm and these are usuallly less than 2mm)
firm mobile breast mass in 25yo F painless.
ML Dx?
Fibroadenoma (15-25yo F, benign, no change w/ menstrual cycle)
70yo male w/ back pain for 3mos, hx HTN on HCTZ, recent hearing loss w/ hearing aid, exam w/ anterolateral femoral bowing.
ML Dx?
Findings on labs?
Paget's Dz
-occurs in 3% adults >40, increased bone turnover from osteoclast hyperfunction ->mosaic pattern of lamellar bone. Sx = enlarging hat size, CN 8 entrapment cause hearing loss, bone/joing pain, fractures, skeletal deforms)
-normal Ca, PO4, elevated Alk phosph
Most common thyroid gland malignancy?
Risk factors?
Worst prognosis thyroid ca?
When to suspect thyroid lymphoma?
Papillary Carcinoma of thyroid
-neck irradiation, family hx
-Anaplastic thyroid ca
-Pt w/ Hashimoto's thyroiditis
What is relative risk used for?
-what is significant value RR?
association in cohort studies
-RR>1 positive association risk factor to outcome (farther from 1= greater association
-RR<1 no associatio
3rd trimester pregnant F w/ painless vaginal bleeding?
placenta previa
Triad of preeclampsia?
HTN, proteinuria, edema
Pt playing in sandbox, now w/ pruritic serpiginous reddish brown lesions on skin moving arm slowly every day.
mL Dx?
Cutaneous Larva Migrans (creeping eruption)
-from ancylostoma braziliense (dog or cat hookwarm), helminthic dz, infx from soiled cat/dog feces, especially in sand/sandbox in tropical regions/south USA
Pt w/ clenched fist human bite wound "fight bite"
Amoxicillin-clavulanate (since polymocrobial and need gram+ and - and anaerobe coverage)
Pt w/ lung abscess
abx tmt?
63yo Pt fatigued, HTN treated w/ lisinopril, osteoarthritis treated w/ naproxen, Hgb 8.6, ESR 15, MCV 17.
ML Dx?
Likely Cause?
What is expected on Fe studies?
Significance of ESR?
Fe deficiency anemia
-Naproxen induced bleeding ulcer/gastritis
-normal ESR = not chronic (anemia of chronic dz)
-lo serum Fe, lo serum ferritin (since body stores low), hi TIBC (since usually inverse relationship w/ body stores Fe), lo transferrin sat (= Fe/TIBC = lo/hi = lo)
Fe studies in anemia chronic dz?
lo serum Fe, hi ferritin, lo TIBC, lo to normal transferritin sat
-Elevated ESR (inflammatory condition which causes elevated ferritin as acute phase reactant)
30yo school teacher w/ 3days fever, chills, sore throat, now w/ muffled voice, enlarged tender lymph nodes on L, uvula deviated R
ML Dx?
Next Steps?
Peritonsillar Abscess
-initially tonsillitis, but develops to abscess (suggested by "hot potato voice" and large unilateral lymphadenopathy)
-Needle peritonsillar aspiration and IV abx (if can't remove all pus->surgery)
-parapharyngeal space spread and involve carotid sheath
Pt w/ pulselessness and pallor in arm 2days after treatment for DVT
ML Dx?
HIT from unfractionated heparin causing abnormal intravascular thrombosis (look for thrombocytopenia w/ hypercoagulation)
Greatest risk factor for TB?
Nursing home, healthcare, prison workers
What changes in thyroid function during pregnancy?
increased TOTAL T4 & T3, normal FREE T4 & T3, normal TSH (may have mild decrease TSH but in normal range)
-due to elevated thyroid binding globulin (TBG) and stimulation of TSH receptors by chorionic gonadotropin
Differentiate ligamentous tear from meniscal tear?
meniscal = pop w/ joint swelling slowly over days
ligament = maybe pop w/ immediate joint swelling w/ blood (since highly vascular)
sudden eye pain, vomiting, Eye hard as rock =
When does it usually occur?
acute angle closure glaucoma (55-70yo pts)
-in dark movie theater, stress time, drugs (anything causing pupillary dilation)
-closure of pre-existing narrow anterior chamber angle
-IV acetazolamide (w/ po admin also) to lower intraoc pressure followed by laser peripheral iridotomy (permanent tmt)
Trauma to eye w/ severe pain and photophobia
ML Dx?
Exam test?
Corneal abrasion
-Slit lamp w/ fluorescein shows corneal abrasion
gradual peripheral vision loss w/ tunnel vision and cupping of optic disc =
open angle glaucoma (insidious onset)
Differentiate partial vs. complex seizures?
Differentiate simple partial vs. complex partial vs. partial w/ 2ndary generalization?
Partial starts w/ discrete focus, complex involves all brain from beginning.
-simple partial is no LOC, pt remembers events
-complex partial has LOC, aura (which is simple partial seizure basically), automatisms, and post-ictal state
-partial w/ generalization starts like complex partial or simple partial but goes to tonic clonic activity (evident by blood-tinged sputum = bitten tongue), has post-ictal (may have loss bladder/bowel)
physical findings lumbosacral strain?
straight leg raise negative, no neuro deficit, local tenderness
-NSAIDS and EARLY mobilization
Main cause of death in subarrachnoid heamorrahge?
TMT to prevent?
vasospasm of brain base arteries cause ischemia and infraction
-calcium channel blockers (nimodipine)
22yo pt w/ fever, sore throat, fatigue preventing going to class, posterior/anterior cervical lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, exudatve tonsillitis.
ML Dx?
Dx Test?
Infectious Mono (glandular fever/kissing dz)
-hi fever, lymphadenopathy (usually posterior), pharyngitis
-Monospot test (heterophile antibody test), if negative does not rule out mono so then do EBV-specific ab test
Most common complication peptic ulcer dz?
15yo w/ amenhorrhea, normal breast/pubes/axillary hair development, blind vaginal pouch, no uterus or adnexa, U/S shows 2 ovaries
ML Dx?
Mullerian Agenesis (uterus and fallopian tube and proximal vag)
-46 xx
BNP in pt SOB tells you what?
elevated = heart failure (expect to hear 3rd heart sound from dilated L ventricle)
not elevated = non cardiac
Infxn where in neck most likely to involve mediastinum?
Retropharyngeal space -> acute necrotizing mediastinitis (tmt w/ debridement of mediastinum)
boy wakes up w/ red eye asymptomatic.
ML Dx?
what do?
Subconjunctival hemorrhage
nothing, observe, check bp
HTN, excess rubbing, violent coughin spells
Empiric tmt for IV-drug abuse related endocarditis?
Measurment of association in case control study?
-what is case control
Exposure Odds Ratio
-When select pop w/ disease and compare to pop w/out dz are asked about exposures
Measurement used in cross-sectional studies?
Prevalence odds ratio
Pt w/ altered mental status to ED, hx of viral gastroenteritis 4days prior, has been drinking a lot, some weight loss over past 2 mos, really thirsty, respirations 28/min deep and rapid.
ML Dx?
Dx Test?
fingerstick glucose
-stuporous pt w/ rapid breathing (kusmauls) w/ hx weight loss, polydypsia, polyuria = DKA (brought on by GI infxn)
What drugs cause interstitial nephritis?
Classic findings?
Sick Drugs Ravage Poor Nephrons = sulfas, diuretics, rifampin, penicillins (including cephalosporins), NSAIDS
-fever, rash, arthralgias, hematuria, CVA tenderness
-stop the offending drug
F to OBGYN for 1st prenatal visit 10wks pregnant.
Screening recommendations?
Diet recommendation?
RPR or VRDL for syphilis (all pregnant women on 1st prenatal screening. if positive->confirm w/ FTA-ABS & tmt w/ penicillin)
-eat diet rich in folic acid or supplement (no need to check folic acid though)
What is breastfeeding failure jaundice?
What feeding is normal?
exaggeration of physiologic jaundice since baby is not getting enough nutrition, the enterohepatic circulation increases causing increased resorption of unconjucated bili.
-occurs first week life
-15-20min each breast 8x/day for >4 wet diapers mixed w/ 8-12 stools/day loosing <10% birth weight in 1st wek
-dehydrated infant (less wet diapers and >10% weight loss)
-improve breastfeeding techniques
What is breast milk jaundice?
-factor in human milk increases bilirubin enerohepatic circulation
-starts 3-5days life but goes for more than 3rd wk life or further out
-stop breastfeeding if bili elevated temporarily
3wks after birth, baby w/ clay-colored stool, dark urine, enlarged liver.
What lab to expect?
ML Dx?
elevated conjugated hyperbilirubin
-Biliary Atresia
When do you see ABO incompatibility mom and baby?
what types?
in first 24hrs life
-mom is O and baby is anything
Any baby w/ elevated bilirubin is treated.
re-evaluate bili in 12-24hrs
-Kernicterus (devastating neuro consequence)
TMT of uncomplicated cystitis?
2nd line
-Bactrim or Nitrofurantoin
-cipro or levofloxacin
Cause of normal pressure hydrocephalus?
decreased CSF absorption at the arachnoid villi or obstructive hydrocephalus->backup pressure->dilation ventricles
22yo w/ resting tremor, muscular rigidity, clumsy gait for several months, now w/ slurred speech drooling, hepatomegaly, AST/aLT 250/250, liver bx w/ portal fibrosis and hepatocyte necrosis.
ML Dx?
Dx Test?
Wilson's Dz
-aut recessive dz in younger, copper deposition in liver, basal ganglia, cornea (liver dz presentation in kids, brain dz presentation in young adult)
-low serum ceruloplasmin, increased urinary copper, slit lamp exam eyes w/ kayser-flescher rings
Pt w/ thickened and swollen hands and feet, coarse facial features, prominent frontal bone and jaw.
ML Dx?
Risk of what?
-pituitary adenoma producing excess GH. Hi GH cause hi IGF-1 that leads to excess growth bone and soft tissue
-Congestive heart failure (#1 cause death), others=cardiomyopathy, HTN
Asian pt w/ insensate hypopigmented patch of skin?
ML Dx?
Dx Test?
mycobacterium leprae->chronic granulomatous dz affecting peripheral nerves and skin, after insensate hypopigmented plaque prosgresses to muscle atrophy w/ crippling deformity hand (seen in face, ears, wrist, but, knees, eyebrows)
-acid fast bacilli on SKIN BIOPSY
What causes anion gap met acidosis?
Methanol-buildup of formaldehyde/formic acid->eye
Uremia-ESRD unable to get rid of H+ as NH4+
DKA-DM1, alcoholic, starvation
Paraldyhyde or Phenformin
INH or Iron tablets
Lactic acidosis-hypoxia, mitochondria dysfunction
Ethylene Glycol-buildup oxalate and glycolic acid
Salicylate poisoning-see primary resp alkalosis
HIV pt w/ tuberculin skin test 6mm after 48hrs.
Next step?
if negative next step?
What to check b4 starting?
-INH and pyridoxine for 9 mos (pyridoxine is ppx to neuropathy of INH)
-Liver fxn (pyridoxine doesn't protect from INH hepatotox)
3 major complications of anterior wall MI and differentiate?
-Pericardial Tamponade (LV wall rupture): hypotension, JVD, distant heart sound, pericardial rub, pulsus parodoxus
-Papillary muscle tear: Mitral regurg (pansystolic loudest at apex radiate to axilla), SOB, bibasilar crackles of pulm edema
-Intraseptal rupture: pansystolic murmur heard best at LEFT STERNAL BORDER w/ THRILL
Differentiate restrictive vs obstructive lung dz on PFTs
-Differentiate pulm fibrosis from ankylosing spondylitis
-Both have decreased FEV1 and FVC, but FEV1/FVC >80% in restrictive, <80% in obstructive
-ankylosing spondylitis has >FRC from fusion of CVA joints causing restriction of chest wall motion. All other restrictive has <FRC
2yo child w/ MCV 70, Hgb 9.5
How tell btwn Fe deficiency or Thalassemia?
What is retic count in Fe def?
Red Cell distribution width (RDW) is <20% in thalassemia or ACD and >20% in iron deficiency
-retic count is low
Cause of GVHD
activation of donor T lymphocytes
-targets skin (rash), intestines (bloody diarrhea), liver (jaundice w/ up LFTs)
Pt w/ hepatic vein thrombosis found to have blood disorder.
ML Dx?
Confirmatory Testing?
Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH)
-flow cytometry for CD55 and CD59
-initial CBC shows lo Hgb, lo haptoglobin, hi LDH, elevated bilirubin = intravascular hemolysis
-From abnormal GP1 anchor ptn on rbcs preventing binding CD55 and CD59 that normally prevent rbc destruction
What pt population gets G6PD deficiency?
African American males
Most important path marker in tmt of invasive breast ca pt?
tmt if present?
HER2 oncogene
-oncogene amplification by FISH of immunohistochemical stain
-Herceptin (trastuzumab-targets the oncogene)
rupturing bullae over body and in mouth.
ML Dx?
Dx test?
pemphigus vulgaris (IgG intercellulary in epidermis against desmogleins)
-Immunofluorescent micrscopy to IgG
-Steroids and immunosupressives (azathioprine, prednisone, methotrexate)
23yo Mississippi guy for pre-employment visit found to have 1cm nodule in R lung field. asymptomatic
ML Dx?
Histoplasmisis (ohio and missipppir river valleys) dimorphic fungus 5% pts symptomic, guano droppings (if sx leads to chronic cavitary pulm histoplasmosis which is progressive fatal dz affecting old COPDers or immunocomprised)
-Not cancer since nonsmoke and under 35yo
Pt playing golf in hot weather, w/ sudden dizziness unable to stand, vomiting, occipital headache, temp 100F, BP 210/100
ML Dx?
Cerebellar Hemorrhage (acute onset HA occipital, vomiting, ataxia) w/ fever from hemorrhage
-evacuate hematoma immediately
F pt w/ low abd pain, nocturia, urgency, frequency, relieved by urinating, dyspareunia, extreme pain on bimaunal exam. no cervical motion tenderness.
ML Dx?
Dx Test and finding?
What must be ruled out?
Interstitial Cystitis (painful bladder syndrome): chronic pelvic pain worse w/ bladder filling, spicy food, excercise, intercourse w/ urgency/frequency/nocturia relieved w/ urination
-Cystoscopy w/ submucosal petechia or ulcers
-UTI via U/A and Ucx (both negative)
pregnant F dxed w/ high glucose at 12wks gestation.
ML Dx?
1st recommendation?
At followup still hi glucose
2nd recommendation
-Gestational diabetes (increase risk miscarriage, preterm birth, stillbirth, pree)
-dietary mod
-goal fasting glucose 75-90
Baby risk in Gest diabetes mom?
-hypocalcemia-due to PTH suprresion by DM mom
-hypoglycemia-hi baseline insulin produciton
-hyperviscosity (from polycythemia->due to fetal hypoxia from increased metabolic rate of hyperglycemia0
Pt returned from foreign country w/ chest pain worse on inspiration in L side and one x hemoptysis, HR 120, RR 29
ML Dx?
THink PE w/ pulmonary infarction (causing hemoptyis)
fat boy w/ severe knee pain, limping started acutely.
ML Dx?
What is seen in physical exam?
Dx Test and finding?
SCFE (from obese load on forming growth plate of femoral head that is weak cartilage w/out bone strength yet)-most common presentation at knee referred from hip
-loss of abduction and internal rotation hip as well as external rotation thigh whil hip is flexed
-Lateral frog let xray of hip
-surgical pinning of slipped epiphysis where it lies
Pt w/ recurrent nasal discharge, congestion, constant sensation dripping down back of throat, food tastes bland, has sickle cell trait, hx of wheezing after taking naproxen.
ML Dx?
Aspirin Exacerbated Respiratory Disease (AERD)
-asthma, chronic rinosinusitis w/ nasal polyposis, bronchospasm or nasal congestion after taking NSAIDs/Aspirin, bland tast from congestion
Pt comes to ED w/ sudden loss of vision in L eye, hx HTN, fundoscopic exam w/ swollen optic disc, retinal hemorrhage, dilated veins, cotton wool spots
ML Dx?
Central Retinal Vein Occlusion (CRVO)
-associated w/ coagulopathy, hyperviscosity, chronic glaucoma, or atherosclerosis risk factors
-see "blood and thunder" on fund exam w/ description
differentiate central retinal vein vs. artery occlusion
vein: sudden vision loss, "blood and thunber" w/ swollen optic disk, retinal hemorrhage, dilated veins, cotton wool spots
Artery: painless vision loss, pale optic disc, cherry red fovea, boxcar segmentation blood in retinal veins
5mo old w/ rash face hands chest, scratching areas, erythematous, erosions, scaling, excoriated papule and plaques, symmetrical, diaper area spared
ML Dx?
Atopic Dermatitis (affects face, scalp, extensors, but skips diaper)
-bland emollients, topical anti-inflammatory ointment
Steps in evaluating hyponatremia?
Serum osmolality: normal vs. Hi (>295) vs. low (<280)
-Normal = hyperptnemia vs. hyperlipidemia
-Hi >295 = hyperglycemia vs. exogenous solutes (mannitol, radiocontrast)
-For low serum osmol->EC volume: hypovolemic vs euvolemic vs. hypervolemic
=hypovolemic: UNa <10->nonrenal salt loss (dehydrated, vomit, diarrhea)
=hypovolemic: UNa >20->renal loss (diuretic, ACEi, mineralocorticoid deficiency)
=Euvolemic: UNa>20, Uosm<300->psychogenic polydipsia vs. beer potomania
=Euvolemic: UNa>20, Uosm >3000->SIADH
=Hypervolemic: CHF, hepatic failure, nephrotic syndrome
Pt w/ bloody diarrhea, afebrile, w/ abd pain.
ML Dx?
Enerohemorrhagic E.Coli
ingest uncooked beef
-HUS and TTP
Pt that is an IV drug user, now w/ low back pain that is tender to gentle percussion, no neuro deficit, good leg raise.
ML Dx?
Dx Test?
Vertebral Osteomylitis (iv drug user, sickle cell, immunosuppresed pts)
-long term IV abx
Pt w/ ED, no nocturnal erections, poorly controlled diabetes, on doxazosin for HTN
4 rules of TMT?
Sildenafil (PDE5i)
1.contraindicated w/ nitrates (cause hypotension)
2.can cause priapis
3.drugs that interfere w/ metabolism are erythromycin and cimetidine
4. if w/ alpha blocker (doxazosin) give at least 4 hrs apart to reduce chance hypotension
Most common cause pna in HIV?
still strep pneumo!
Pt w/ headaches or chronic pain now w/ confusion x2 days, drinks 2-3shots whiskey past mo since dxed w/ prostate ca. exam w/ hepatomegaly. AST/ALT 6000/7000 bilii t/d 5/4
ML Dx?
Drug induced liver damage (think acetaminophen for pain)
Pt w/ recent DVT found to have elevated homocystein level.
Pyridoxine (B6), folate, B12->all needed for conversion homocystein to cystein to methionine, homocystein can cause clotting, thrombosis
Findings of biopsy of paget's dz breast?
Related dz?
large cells w/ clear halos.