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73 Cards in this Set

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Pudendal nerve block palpated

Ischial spine and sacrospinous ligament

Innervation of scrotum/labia and medial thigh is by

Genitofemoral nerve

Injury during pfannestiel incision is caused by injury to which nerve

Iliohypogastric nerve

Anterior and lateral thigh numbness after lithotomy positioning for delivery is caused by injury to which nerve

Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve

Deep inguinal ring is formed by opening of which layer

Transversalis fascia

Superficial ring is formed by which layer

External oblique aponeurosis

Spontaneous descent of testes into scrotum occurs by


Uncorrected cryptorchidism can result in

Testicular cancer and infertility

Testicular torsion us caused by occlusion of which artery

Gonadal artery-branch of abdominal aorta

In testicular torsion, twisting of spermatic cord results in compression of pampiniform plexus of testicular veins.

Initially haemorrhagic infarction as the arteries are spared

The external iliad travels underneath the inguinal ligament to become

Femoral artery

Internal iliac supplies which organs

Pelvic wall/viscera, buttock, female reproductive organs, bladder and medial thigh

Urogenital and anal triangles are seperated by what

Perineal body

Implantation of blastocyst occurs when

6days after fertilization

When is beta hCG secreted after fertilization

6-7days by syncyntiotrophoblast

Beta hCG is detectable in urine after how many days fertilization


Gametogenesis of primary oocytes arrest at what phase till puberty

Prophase of meiosis 1

Completion of meiosis 1 to form secondary oocytes during ovulatory cycle is due to stimulation by


Secondary oocytes halts at what stage prior to ovulation and fertilization

Metaphase 2

TDF responsible for gonadal differentiation into testes is produced by

SRY gene on chromosome Y

Leydig cells secrete which hormone

Testosterone which causes formation of Male internal genitalia

MIF secreted by which cells

Sertoli cells inhibits development of female internal genitalia

Male external genitalia in genetically female fetus (female pseudohermaphroditism) occur due to

Androgen excess

CAH with 21hydroxylase or 11 hydroxylase deficiency

Identical twins have

Monochorionic diamniotic placenta

Dizygotic twins have

Dichorionic diamniotic placenta

Epithelium type in ovary

Simple cuboidal epithelium

Epithelium type in fallopian tube

Simple columnar epithelium- ciliated cells transport egg/embryo

Epithelium type in uterus

Simple columnar epithelium

Epithelium type in cervix

Ectocervix- stratified squamous epithelium non keratinized

Endocervix- Simple columnar

Vagina epithelium

Stratified squamous non keratinised

Histopathology findings in endometriosis shows deposits of

Hemosiderin and endometrial glands/stroma

Heavy menstrual bleeding, dysmenorrhea, uniformly enlarged uterus


Adenomyosis can be diagnosed definitely by

Microscopic examination of hysterectomy specimen

Androgens synthesized in ovary are converted to estradiol by which cell type

Granulosa cells

Koilocyte (irregular stained cytoplasm with perinuclear clearing) . Pyknotic nucleus found in

HPV infection

HPV structure

Double stranded, non enveloped DNA

Predilection for skin and vagina/cervix

Intraepithelial neoplasia of cervical is caused by which HPV types

16 (inhibit normal function of p53) and 18

Greatest risk for developing CIN and cancer from HPV infection


FSH levels in menopause

Elevated (reduced estrogen and inhibin)

Physiologic increase in insulin resistance occurs in which trimester

2nd and 3rd trimester

Insulin resistance during pregnancy is due to which hormone

Human placental lactogen (hPL)

hPL secreted by what


hPL does what to pancreatic insulin production


hCG alpha subunit similar to LH hence causes

Stimulates LH surge by inducing ovulation

Menotropin causes

Acts like FSH by triggering the formation of dominant ovarian follicle

Prolactin synthesis is stimulated by and inhibited by

Stimulated by thyrotropin releasing hormone

Inhibited by progesterone

Functional layer of endometrium is called

Stratum functionale- consists of lamina propria, studied with tubular glands, spiral arteries and dilated capillaries

Coiled glands, with large cytoplasmic vacuoles, glycogen rich mucus, edematous stroma and prominent spiral arteries extending to endometrial surface

Secretory phase of menstrual cycle

Cuboidal granulosa cells in sheets or cords, yellow theca cells. Call exner bodies (cells in Rosetta pattern)


Granulosa theca ovarian sex cord tumors present with

Hyperestrogenism (endometrial hyperplasia, precocious puberty)

Hyperadrogenism (amenorrhea, hirsutism, deepening voice, Male pattern baldness, acne) found in what type of ovarian sex cord tumors


Squamous cell carcinoma of cervix arises at

Squamocolumnar junction of endocervix.

Condylomata acuminatum caused by HPV strain


Viral oncogenes of HPV are

E6- inhibits o54

E7- inhibits RB1

Oncogenic strains of HPV mostly transmitted by

Sexual contact


Cigarette smoking

Hormonal abnormalities in PCOS

High LH

Insulin resistance

High androgen production

Treatment of PCOS with COC

Minimize endometrial proliferation

Selective estrogen receptor modulator, prevents negative feedback inhibition on the hypothalamus and pituitary, causing increased FSH and LH


Positive whiff test (amine odor with KOH), clue cells seen in

Bacterial vaginosis (Gardnerella vaginalis)

Thin, off white discharge with fishy odour. No inflammation

Gardnerella vaginalis

Treatment of bacteria vaginalis

Metronidazole or Clindamycin

Thin, yellow green malodorous, frothy discharge. Vaginal inflammation

Trichimonas vaginalis

Treatment of trichomoniasis


Thick cheese/cottage discharge . Vaginal inflammation

Candida vaginitis

Lab diagnosis of candida vaginitis


Transient hypoglycemia in neonates of diabetic mothed is due to

High glucose levels which crosses the placenta. Maternal insulin not able to cross placenta. Compensatory rise in fetal insulin production and islet cell hyperplasia resulting in fetal macrosomia

Risk factors for cervical cancer

HPV infection


Early onset of sexual activity

Multiple or high risk sexual partners


Hx of vaginal or vulvar cancer

Low socioeconomic status

Tobacco use

Ductal carcinoma insitu (DCIS) types


Solid cribriform



Palpable nodularity, lesion composed of ducts distended by pleomorphic cells with central necrosis. Does not extend beyond ductal basal membrane

DCIS (comedocarcinoma)

Solid sheets of vesicular, pleomorphic, mitotically active cells with significant lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate

Medullary carcinoma

Shortness of breath, recent episode of hemoptysis. Vaginal bleeding after vaginal delivery. Lab studies show markedly increased beta hCG levels. Bilateral lung nodules on chest xray

Gestational choriocarcinoma

Disuliram like reaction found after taking alcohol in patients taking which drug


Adverse effect of tamoxifen

Endometrial hyperplasia/carcinoma

Venous thromboembolism