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27 Cards in this Set

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For the familial dyslipidemias, what is the dysfunction and what is the key clinical finding/presentation?
Type 1 = ↓ ApoCII
- acute pancreatitis
Type 2 = ↓ LDL-R
- achilles tendon xanthoma
Type 3 = ↓ ApoE 3&4
- palmar xanthoma
Type 4 = ↑VLDL synthesis
- eruptive xanthoma
What are the anabolic and catabolic effects of prednisone?

Anabolic = Liver (for gluconeogenesis)

Catabolic = muscle weakness, skin thinning, impaired wound healing, osteoporosis, immunosuppression.
What is the most serious SE of digoxin toxicity? What are some associated clinical signs/symptoms?
Ventricular Tachycardia (d/t HyperK+)

a/w: blurry yellow vision, anorexia (d/t nausea/vomiting/diarrhea)
What are the beta-lactamase inhibitors?
Clavulanic acid
What are the stages of seratonin synthesis from an amino acid?
1) Tryptophan converted to 5HTP by tryptophan hydroxylase

2) 5HTP → Seratonin (5HT) by amino acid decarboxylase

3) 5HT → 5HIA by MAO (monoamine oxidase)

This is why SSRI + MOA-I can lead to seratonin syndrome.
What are the symptoms of serotonin syndrome? What is the antidote?
D-ouble D-own on 5-HT (+ clonus)

1) HTN
2) Hyperreflexia
3) Hyperthermia
4) Tremor
5) Tachycardia

Tx = cyproHepTadine (5HT1 & 2 blocker)
What are the SSRI's?
S-eratonin C-an F-ix P-TSD:
- Sertraline
- Citalopram
- Fluoxetine
- Paroxetine
What are the 2 major products of Tryptophan?
B3 (Niacin) & Seratonin
What is the most commonly injured nerve in the leg, how is it injured, and what are the consequences?
COMMON Peroneal (L4-S2)
aka Fibular n.

Damaged d/t:
- Fibular neck fracture
- Lateral leg trauma
- Tight casts!

Motor - Loss of:
- Superficial = foot eversion (lateral leg muscles)
- Deep = foot dorsiflexion (anterior leg muscles)

Sensory - loss of:
- Leg (anterolateral)
- Foot (dorsum & b/w the 1st and 2nd digits)
What are the drugs associated w/ SJS?
Stevens-Johnson syndrome (toxic epidermal necrosis - EM involving skin and mucous membranes)

Steven had a RASH after Johnson had a seizure* & gave him a PEC SLAPP:
E- ethosuximide*
C- carbamazapine*

S- sulfa drugs
L- lamotrigine*
A- allopurinol
P- phenytoin*
P- phenobarbitol*
What lipid-lowering agents actually increase TG's? What is 1st line Tx for HyperTG?
Bile Acid Resins
- cholestyramine
- colestipol
- colesevelam

1st Line Tx = Fibrates:
- gemFIBrozil
Which thyroid disease often follows a flu-like illness? What are the findings? What's the histology?
De Quervain's (Subacute) Thryoiditis

Dx = ↑ESR, ↓I-uptake, tender/pain, signs of thyrotoxicosis

Histo = granulomatous inflammation (mixed cellular w/ occasional multi-nucleated giant cells)
What is the most common cause of a painful thyroid?
Subacute granulomatous thyroiditis (de Quervain's)

Virally induced (coxsackivirus, mumps)
No adenopathy
What is the tx for Wilson's Dz?
Penicillamine = Cu Chelator
What is Nesiritide and what is it used for?
Nesiritide is a BNP analog that causes vasodilation (cGMP) and used in Acute Decompensated Heart Failure.

"ABcD of Nessie"
What serum markers is PBC associated with?
↑ Anti-Mitochondrial Ab's (IgM)

Cause CD8 Tc mediated destruction of triad bile ducts (granulomatous inflammation)

Get pruritis b4 jaundice (late)
If a patient has a lung transplant and gets interstitial pneumonia, what infectious agent would you expect? What would you see on Bx?
CMV - HHV-5 (dsDNA, linear, enveloped)

See "Owl's Eye" inclusion bodies
What is the cause and the presentation of ataxia-telangiectasia?
ATM gene mutation → defective DNA repair & sensitivity to ionizing radiation

- ataxia (cerebellar defects)
- telangiectasias
- IgA deficiency → URI's
What are examples of mitochondrial inheritance diseases?
1) Leber hereditary optic neuropathy

2) MERRF = myotonic epilepsy w/ ragged red muscle fibers

3) MELAS = Mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes
What is secretin, where is it made, and what does it do?
From: S Cells of duodenum
(d/t ↑ acid)
Action: ↑ pancreatic HCO3- secretion (also ↑ bile secretion & ↓ HCl from stomach)

↑HCO3- neutralizes acid in the duodenum and allows pancreatic enzymes to function
What is differential cyanosis and what is a/w it?
Cyanosis only of the lower extremities.

d/t PDA → unoxygenated blood entering the aorta BELOW the sublcavian artery

Closed = Indomethacin

Opened = PGE
What is the cause and treatment of rose gardener's disease?
Sporothrix schenckii

Tx = KI or itraconazole
What is the name for a sudden loss of neurological function (sensory or motor) w/ no identifiable physical cause? (usually following acute stressor/life event)

Somatoform disorder affecting predominantly young women.
What are the structural genes of HIV and their products?
1) env → gp160 which makes:
- gp120 = attachment
- gp41 = fusion & entry
2) gag → p24 = capsid protein
3) pol → RTranscriptase
What is the pathophysiology of centroacinar emphysema?
Heavy smoking causes macrophages to secrete proteases and recruit PMN's; PMN elastase destroys alveolar walls → ↑ lung compliance

"Pink Puffer" w/ barrel-shaped chest.
Pursed-lips to ↑ airway pressure
What are the causes of cold AIHA?
Cold agglutinins (IgM) are from:
- Mycoplasma pneumoniae
- Infectious Mononucleosis (EBV)

I hate when it's CoLLd in MY-AA-MI
What is a Marcus Gunn Pupil?
An AFFERENT pupillary defect d/t:
- CN II damage (unilateral e.g. MS)
- retinal detachment

No pupillary constriction in either eye if light shone into affected eye.

Consensual constriction if light shone in "good" eye.