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61 Cards in this Set

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Sources of evidence

1. First Person Memory

2. Physical Continuity

How do we find out who is who?

Through evidence

If you remember doing some particular action and someone really did do it, this supports the claim that the person is you

First person memory

If the person who did it looks just like you, or even better if she is in some sense physically or spatiotemporally continuous with you that too is reason to think she is you

Physical Continuity

Certain number of people at a given time


Deals with the philosophical questions that arise about ourselves by virtue of our being people

Personal Identity

Contrasts with questions about ourselves that arise by virtue of our being living things, conscious beings, material objects or the like

Personal Identity

Properties to which we feel special sense of attachment or ownership

Who am I?

The persona you use when you're online

Digital Self

Advantage of Digital Self

• more control over your digital self

• build a consistent identity

• develop your own reputation

Disadvantages of Digital Self

• delusions of grandeur, narcissism, aggression, impulsitivity

• infatile regression and the tyranny of the emotion

• love and sex recaliberated

• illusion of knowledge

• internet addiction

Elements of the Digital Self

Your online behavior ➡️ your online voice ➡️ your online presentation

Frankl's concept is based on the premise that the primary motivational force of an individual is to find meaning in life


Logotherapy is from the greek word _____ which means ______

"Logos" which means reason

Basic principles of Logotherapy:

• life has meaning under all circumstances, even the most miserable ones

• our main motivation for living is our will to find meaning in life

3 ways to find meaning in our lives according to Frankl:

1. Through our actions.

2. Through our connections.

3. Though our sufferings.

The use of power gained from the assistance or control of evil spirits especially for divining Necromancy


The art, practices, or spells of a person who is supposed to exercise supernatural power through the aid of evil spirits, black magic, witchery


Sorcery may refer to

1. Magic

2. Witchcraft

3. Maleficium

A category of beliefs and practices considered separate form religion and science


The belief and practice of magical abilities


An act of witchcraft performed with the tention of causing damage or injury, the result of harm


Examples of sorcery

Barang, Semitic Sorcery

Used to describe malignant sorcery (usually a swarm of destructive insects)


Used to cause jealousy between a married couple, you could communicate with the spirit known as Ashmedai who was a notorius horn dog, and his behavior in their would cause them to split

Semitic Sorcery

The ability to manipulate supernatural forces in order to achieve any effect one desires


A concept used to describe a mode of rationality or way of thinking that looks to invisible forces to influence events, effect change in material conditions, or present the illusion of change


Are religious or solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order


Rituals came from the Latin word,

Ritualis, a type of custom/ceremony

They tend to be culturally associated and are ceremonies that are resistant to change and are passed down from generation to generation


Rituals as a means of communicating

Healing Rituals

Conducted by a healer who have been trained and have earned their status as a healer

Healing Rituals

During their rituals, they communicate with the spiritual world in the hope of finding the reason why he/she is causing illness and misfortune

Healing Rituals

Rituals as a means to symbolize transitions

Wedding Rituals

Used to acknowledge the transition of the bride and groom in their new social status of "married"

Wedding Rituals

The bride and groom after this will assume a new status within their own families

Wedding Rituals

Categories of Rituals:

1. Rituals as a means of communicating

2. Rituals as a means to symbolize transitions

Event of ritual significance, performed on a special occasion


Ceremony is from the word,


May mark a rite of passage


Examples of ceremonies

Weddings, funerals, graduation, etc.

The practice of magical skills and abilities


The most prominent types of Filipino Witches

1. Katalonan

2. Babaylans

3. Albularyo

4. Faith Healers

5. Psychic Healers

6. Mangkukulam

7. Mangtatawas

8. Manghihilot

9. Magpapaanak

10. Pagbubuhos

Explores how our social and economic context profoundly affect our mental health and well-being and how modern research can both contribute to and enrich our understanding to these wider discussion

Political Self

2 types of Influence under Political Self:

1. Normative Influence

2. Informative Influence

A type of social influence that is based on conforming to the positive expectations of others

Normative Influence

A type of influence based on accepting the information obtained from other as evidence of reality

Informational Influence

An important aspect of politics is the capacity to influence and lead a group of people


The process by which certain group members motivate and guide the group


Attributes of effective leaders:

• constantly stick to their goals

• have self-confident charisma

• have the ability to communicate in clear and simple language

• have enough optimism and faith in their group to inspire them to follow

It is an approach to purpose-driven leadership which initially has no formal agenda but eventually leads to a specific or important purpose or task

Open Space Technology

Principle of OST:

1. Whoever comes are the right people

2. Whatever happens is the only thing that could have happened

3. Whenever it starts is the right time

4. When it's over, it's over

Developing a Filipino Identity

1. Pakikipagkapwa Tao

2. Family Orientation

3. Mapagmahal

The shared sense of identity and consciousness of the 'other'

Pakikipagkapwa Tao

A principle that puts family at the center and focuses on their values, strengths, and relationship

Family Orientation

Affectionate, expends or shows diligent care and effort, painstaking


Other Filipino Characteristics:

1. Balat Sibuyas or Onion-Skinned

2. Poor Time Management

3. Shyness

A culture where social status, values and activities are centered on the consumption of goods and services

Consumer culture

In this culture, a large part of what yoy do, what you value, and how you are defined revolves around your consumption of stuff

Consumer culture

The consumption of goods and services tend to establish individual's ____ and _____

Personal and Social Identity

Example of products/services:

• branded clothes from luxury brands

• cosmetics and slimming products

• getting a masters degree

• imitations of luxury brands