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41 Cards in this Set

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-the body

-physical extremities and internal organs work together for the body to perform many of its function

The self as Impacted by the Body

functions gradually change through an _______________

individual's aging

physical efficiency generally peaks between the ages ___ and ___, and then slowly declines into the middle age

20 and 30

how individuals percieve, think and feel about their body and physical appearance

Body Image

refers to everything about a person that others can observe (height, weight, skin color, clothes, hairstyle)


it is related to self-esteem

body image

2 types of body image

Internal (personal) and External (society)

first to figure out how genes are passed from parents to offspring in plants, including humans

Gregor Mendel

obsession with beauty: health concerns

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

an important aspect of several pathologist in psychology, particularly eating disorders

Body Image Disturbance (BID)

the attitudinal component which refers we think and feel about the size and/or shape of their body, which if not correctly processed, will result to __________

body dissatisfaction

defined as a serious mental illness where people are of low weight due to limiting their energy intake


During _________ in the African country of Tahiti, it was recorded were set aside in a special place for fattening purposes

19th Century

the advent of social media out of pressure on us to look even better

The filtered self

The Sexual self

-Sexual development


-human sexuality

-sex vs. gender

-sexual orientation

-sexually trabsmitted diseases

-family planning

a lifelong process that starts at the moment of conception

Sexual Development

a central aspect of being human throughout life encompasses; ______


-gender identities and roles

-sexual orientation





much more than sexual feelings or sexual intercourse

• an important part of who a person is and what he/she will become

• being attractive, being inlove, being in a relationship

Human Sexuality

Five circles of sexuality

1. Sensuality

2. Sexual Intimacy

3. Sexual Identity

4. Reproduction and sexual health

5. Sexualization

awareness and feeling about your own body and other people's bodies. Allows us to enjoy the pleasure in our bodies


ability to be emotionally close to another human being and to accept closeness in return

Sexual Intimacy

a person's understanding if who he/she is sexually, including the sense of being male or being female

Sexual Identity

a person's capacity to reproduce and the behaviors and attitudes that make sexual relationships healthy and enjoyable

Reproduction and sexual health

aspect of sexuality in which people behave sexually to influence, manipulate, or control other people. Often called "shadowy" side of human sexuality.


The chemistry of ______, _______, and __________ lies in our brains, which are the humans most important sex organ

lust, love, attachment

3 stages of romantic love

1. lust

2. attraction

3. attachment

sex hormones (present to male and female) being the main responsible for "sex drives"


the "infatuation stage" is driven mainly by dopamine and norepinephrine, coupled with a decrese in seretonin levels


chemicals that make you happy

seretonin, dopamine, oxytocin, norepinephrine

long term __________ between two people involves the hormones oxytocin (know as love hormone)


information sent to the brain by the nerve cells is essentially the same as that sent when a sexual partner touches that spot when a physician touches a breast or a penis

Erogenous Zone

parts of Erogenous Zones


• Back & neck

• ears

• breast

• lower back

• clitoris & vagina (women)

• inner thigh

• public hairline (men)

• penis & scrotum (men)

• perineum (men)

4 basic principles of family planning

1. Responsible Parenthood

2. Respect for Life

3. Birth Spacing

4.Informed Choice

refers to our sexual preferences towards males, females, or both

Sexual Orientation

one's concept of being male, female, both ot neither and is "entirely determined by socialization(nurture), not biological factors(nature)"

Gender Identity

sexually attracted to members of same sex

Homosexual (gay/lesbians)

secually attracted to people of both sexes


sexually attracted to members of the opposite sex

Heterosexual (straight)

can be sexually attracted to any sex or gender identity


not sexually attracfed to any sex or gender


sexually transmitted infection (STI) or venereal disease(VD) threaten everyone who is secually active prostitutes, drug users, and prominous individuals are at higher risk thay others

Sexually Transmitted Disease(STD)