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81 Cards in this Set

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pearls...labor and delivery
Labor/delivery- don't give Motrin (it effects the closing of the PDA). Can give regualr tylenol, sudaphed, and plain claritin. Can give 5mg Ambien, can give morephine 15mg/ phenergan 25mg IM. Spinal Headache: treat with blood patch (take 10cc of blood from arm) and inject into the hole so no fluid leaks out.
pearls...IV in foot
25mg/hr Demerol,Ativan 1g (would make you DRT) Phenergan 25mg IV. She had been on a lot of drugs when admitted she was in drug withdrawal. Foot IV in an adult can cause fleabitis and clots. A clot in the leg goes to the lungs.
severe emotional disorder that often impairs mental function to the point of significant disability regarding ADLs. A hallmark of psychosis is a loss of contact with reality.
Affective disorders (mood disorders)
characterized by changes in mood and range from mania to depression. Bipolar disorder.
unpleasant state of mind chiefly characterized by a sense of dread and fear
DSM-IV 6 major disorders of anxiety
Obsessive-Compulsive disorder (OCD)
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
Panic disorder
Social phobia
Simple phobia
Biochemical Imbalance Concept of Mental Illness
Abnormal levels of endogenous chemicals in the brain known as neurotransmitters
Catecholamines – dopamine, norepinephrine
Indolamines – serotonin and histamine
GABA – gamma-aminobutyric acid
Antianxiety Agents
Benzodiazepines – anxiolytic effect by depressing activity in the brainstem and limbic system. Increase the GABA Action and have specific receptor binding sites.
Antihistamines – sedating effects (Atarax and Vistaril).
Miscellaneous – BuSpar (non-sedating and non-habiting forming).
Versed – only IV for moderate sedation
Physostigmine (cholinergic)
Used for overdose of antihistamines
Used for overdose of tricyclic antidepressants
IV – 0.5 – 3mgs (do not give faster than 1mg/min)

Romazicon used for benzodiazepine overdose
0.2 mg over 15 seconds and may repeat 0.2 mg every 60 seconds for 4 additional doses or a cumulative dose of 1 mg.
Antimanic Drugs
Lithium –narrow range of therapeutic index
Very Toxic – must have lab work
Maintenance ranges are 0.6 – 1.2 mEq/L
Mania – levels can be 1.0 to 1.5 mEq/L
Half-life is 18-24 hours
Many medications used in conjunction to lithium (valporic acid, ACE inhibitors).
Recommend po dose of lithium is 600-1200 mg/day.
Difficult for compliance because do not like the “down” feeling.
Explaining Depression
Biogenic amine hypothesis
Permissive hypothesis
Dysregulation hypothesis
New Generation Antidepressants
Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Luvox, Celexa, Lexapro, & Cymbalta – SSRIs (4-6 weeks to work)
Less side effects than tricyclic drugs and MAOIs. SSRIs have little or no effect on the Cardiovascular system.
Inhibit serotonin reuptake and have weak effects on norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake
2 generation
Desyrel and Wellbutrin
3 generation
Effexor, Remeron
Black Box Warning
In 2005 – Regular monitoring for worsening depressive symptoms
Monitoring of suicide ideations
SSRI – first line therapy now
Replacing TCAs and MAOIs
Side Effects of New Generation Antidepressants
Weight gain
Sexual dysfunction
Serotonin Syndrome – delirium, agitation, tachycardia, sweating, muscle spasms, hyperreflexia, shivering, coarse tremors, and extensor plantar muscle spasms.
Tricyclic Antidepressants
Orthostatic Hypotension
Geriatric – dizziness, postural hypotension, constipation, delayed micturition, edema, and muscle tremors.
TCA – notoriously lethal. (Elavil). Effect the heart and causes lethal dysrhythmias and seizures.
Elavil, Endep (amitriptyline) Adult – 15-300 mg/day
Aventyl, Pamelor (nortriptyline) Adult- 25-100mg/day
1st generation of antidepressants but have move to the last of the line
Very toxic and many side effects
Nardil and Parnate
Interact with food containing tyramine and cause hypertensive crisis
Can not use Demerol with MAOIs – hypertensive crisis
Antipsychotic Agents
Phenothiazines are the largest group of antipsychotic drugs.
Block dopamine receptors in the brain, thus decreasing the dopamine concentration in the CNS.
Side Effects – agranlocytosis and hemolytic anemia, exfoliative dermatitis, drowsiness, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, extrapyramidal symptoms, tardive dyskinsea.
Side Effects of Antipsychotics
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome – life-threatening adverse effect that may include high fever, unstable blood pressure, and myoglobienmia.
Extrapyramidal symptoms – involuntary motor symptoms similar to pseudoparkinsonsism
Tardive dyskinesia – late onset of contractions of oral and facial muscles, involuntary tongue thrusting and wave like movement of the extremities. Usually after long term therapy.
Antipsychotic Drugs
Atypical Antipsychotic Drugs
Antipsychotic Interactions
Antacids decrease absorption
Antihypertensive have an added effect
CNS depressants have an added effect
Tannic acids (tea, grapes, wine) decrease absorption
First Generation Antipsychotic Agents
Atypical Antianxity Agents
Antipsychotic Nursing Assessment
Check for suicidal tendencies
B/P readings
Level of consciousness (Mini-Mental Status Examination for level of orientation, attention and calculation ability, recall testing, and language skills.)
Lab: CBC, Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, serum electrolytes, glucose levels, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), liver function studies, serum Vitamin B12, and thyroid studies. Dementia – CT and MRI
Eye problems may occur with benzodiazepines
Lithium contraindicated in patients with renal disease, liver disease, organic brain syndrome brain trauma, schizophrenia, severe dehydration, cardiac disease, pregnant and lactating women, and in children younger than 12 years of age.
It takes approximately 3 weeks for therapeutic blood levels
Don’t use TCAs if you have narrow angle glaucoma, pregnancy, or myocardial infarction. Many drug interactions with TCAs, i.e. cimetidine, kava, any other CNS depressants.
Phenothiazine/Antipsychotic Drugs Teaching
Postural hypotension
Protect from sun. Solar erythema due to photosensitivity
Dental Care
Avoid extreme temperature because of risk of hyperthermia leading to heat prostration and also drop in B/P.
Report any signs of infection, i.e. sore throat, malaise, fever, bleeding
Follow up visits and labs
endogenous chemicals in the brain
gamma aminobutyric acid- the cholinergic neurotransmitter acetylcholine
most commonly used as an anxiolytic and as an adjunct for the treatment of depression.
Half life:1hr
Onset: 1-2hr
most commonly used for the treatment of alcohol withdrawal, the relief of anxiety, and a preoperative drug. When giving IM use provided dilutent. DON'T use dilutent when giving IV.
Half Life: 9-34 hrs
Onset: 30-60min
Peak: .5-4 hrs
Duration: 12-24hr
one of the most commonly prescribed benzodiazepines. It is indicated for the relief of anxiety, alcohol withdrawal,and seizure disorders, for sedation, nad as an adjunct of skeletal muscle spasms. Can cause hepatic problems b/c active metabolites collect in the liver and may cause prolonged sedation, respiratory depression, or coma.
a widely used benzodiazepine. It is currently approved for use in the management of anxiety disorders for the short term relief of acute anxiety, and as a preoperatve medication to provide sedation and light anestheia and to diminish patient recall (amnesia). It has also shown efficaccy in the prevention and treatment of chemotherapy-related nausea and vomiting and the symptoms of acute alcohol withdrawal.
Half-life: IV 12-16 hrs
PO 12-16hrs
Onset: IV rapid
PO 15-45 mins
Peak: IV 15-20 mins
PO 2hr
Duration: IV 4hr
PO 12-24hrs
The antimanic effect of lithium effects are not fully understood. The therapeutic level is close to the toxic level but there is increased tolerance in manic phases. There are no absolute contraindications to lithium treatment and the adverse effects depend on serum levels. Levels that exceed 1.5 mEq/L to 2.5 mEq/L begin to produse toxicity
Signs of Lithium toxicity and adverse effects
gastrointestinal discomfort, tremor, confusion, somnolence, seizures and possibly death. The most adverse effects is cardiac dysrthymias. Other effects include drowsiness, slurred speach, epileptic-type seizures, choreoatheataxia, ataxia, and hypotension, may cause hypothyroidism.
valporic acid
(depakot, depakene)
anticonvulsant, used for seizure disorders for many years, but more recently it has been used for mania. Normally reserved for preventive drug therapy maintenance against manic episodes.
biogenic amine hypothesis (BAH)
widely held hypothesis about the cause of depression.
permissive hypothesis
hypothesis advanced to explain the etiology of affective disorders.
Dysregulation hypothesis
a new leading theory attempting to explain the etiology of affective disorders.
carbamezepine drug interactions
increased carbamezepine levels, toxicity, ocular changes, vertigo, tremor
MAOIs Drug interactions
hyperthermia, diaphoresis, shivering, tremor, seizures, ataxis, autonomic instability
TCAs Drug interactions
sedation, decreased energy, lightheadedness, dry mouth, constipation, elevated TCA levels
increased warfarin levels
bupropion (wellbutrin, zyban, wellbutrin SR)
second generation
PO: 200-400mg/day, divided
Indications: Depression (Wellbutrin) smoking cessation (Zyban)
fluoxetine (Prozac, Sarafem)
PO, SR: 150-450 mg/day, divided bid-tid
Depression, OCD, bulimia nervosa, premenstrual dysphoric disorder
sertaline (zoloft)
PO: 25-200mg/day taken qd
depression, OCD, panic disorder, PTSD
paroxetine (Paxil)
PO: 10-50 mg/day, taken qd
depression, OCD, pnic disorder, social anxiety disorder, GAD
venlafaxine (effexor)
Third Generation
PO: 75-375 mg/day divided bid
depression, GAD (XR form)
fluvoxamine (Luvox)
50-300 mg/day, with larger does divided bid
third generation
15-14mg/day qhs
citalopram (celexa)
20-40 mg/day taken qd-qAM or qPM
escitalopram (lexapro)
10-20 mg/day
depression, generalized anxiety disorder
duloxetine (cymbalta)
30-60 mg/day
depression, pain from diabetic neuropathy
fluvoxamine (Luvox)
50-300 mg/day, with larger doses divided bid
used to treat OCD
mirtazapine (Remeron)
Third Generation
15-45 mg/day qhs
used to treat depression
citalopram (celexa)
20-40 mg/day taken qd-qam or qpm
used to treat deoression
escitalopram (Lexapro)
10-20 mg/day
used to treat depression, generalized anxiety disorder
duloxetine (cymbalta)
30-60 mg/day
used to treat depression, pain from diabetic neuropathy
Tricyclic Antidepressants: Adverse Effects: cardiovascular
tremors, tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, dysrhythmias
Tricyclic Antidepressants: Adverse Effects: Central nervous
anxiety, confusion, extrapyramdal effects, sedation
Tricyclic Antidepressants: Adverse Effects: gastorintestinal
nausea, constipation, dry mouth
Tricyclic Antidepressants: Adverse Effects: Hematologic
Tricyclic Antidepressants: Adverse Effects: other
blurred vision, urinary retention, weight gain, impotence
TCA overdoses are notoriously _____.
It is estimated that 70% to 80% of patients who die from TCA overdose do so before reaching the hospital.
amitriptyline (elavil, endep)
Adult: PO: 15-300 mg/day divided
Elderly: PO: 100-150 mg/day divided
used to treat depression
MAOI's adverse effects: cardiovascualr
orthstatic hypotension, tachycardia, palpitations, other arrythmias, edems
MAOI's adverse effects: central nervous
dizziness, drowsiness, restlessness, insomnia, headache, ataxia, hallucinations, seizures, tremors, confusion
MAOI's adverse effects: gastrointestinal
anorexia, abdominal cramps, nausea, dry mouth
MAOI's adverse effects: other
blurred vision, impotence, skin rashes, respiratory depression
Food and Drink to Avoid when taking MAOIs NOT PERMITTED
aged cheese (cheddar, swiss...), smoke/pickled meats (herring, sausage,corned beef...), aged/fermented meats (chicken or beef live pate, game fish, or poultry), yeast extract, red wines, italian broad beans (fava beans ha ha silence of the lambs!),
Food and Drink to Avoid when taking MAOIs LIMITED AMOUNTS
meat extracts, pasteurized light and pale beer, ripe avocado
Food and Drink to Avoid when taking MAOIs PERMISSIBLE
distilled spirits (vodka, gin, rye...), american and mozzarella (cottage and cream cheese), chocolate and caffeinated beverages, fruit (figs, bananas...), soy sauce, yogurt, sour cream
phenelzine (nardil)
PO: initial dose 45-90 mg/day divided tid followed by dose reduction to minimal effective dose after therapeutic effect achieved
used to treat depression and panic disorders
tranylcypromine (parnate)
20-60 mg/day divided bid
used to treat depression
clozapine (clozaril)
25-900 mg/ day with larger doses divided tid
used to treat psychotic disorders
risperdone (risperdol)
PO:1-8 mg/day qd-bid
IM depot form (Risperdol Consta): 25-50 mg IM every two weeks
used to treat schizophrenia, bipolar mania
olanzapine (zyprexa)
5-20 mg/day qd
used to treat schizophrenia, bipolar mania
quetiapine (seroquel)
25-800 mg/day with larger doses divided bid-tid
aripiprazole (Abilify)
10-30 mg/day once daily
used to treat schizophrenia, bipolar mania