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54 Cards in this Set

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What are the 3 regions of Utah?

Rocky Mountain region, Colorado plateau region, an Great Basin region.

What are 3 rivers in Utah?

The Colorado river, the Green river, and the Jordan river.

What are the two mountain ranges in Utah?

The Wasatch mountains, and the Uinta mountains.

What are the 4 body’s of water in Utah?

The great salt lake, Bear lake, Lake Powell, and Utah Lake.

What are the 5 national parks in Utah?

Arches NP, Bryce Canyon NP, Canyonlands NP, Capitol Reef NP, Zions NP.

What is the biggest body of water in Utah?

The great Salt Lake.

What historic site is in Utah?

Golden Spike National Historic Site.

What region do we live in?

The Rocky Mountain region.


A natural feature of the Earth’s surface.


A natural feature of the Earth’s surface.


A wide, flat, elevated landform with steep sides.


A natural feature of the Earth’s surface.


A wide, flat, elevated landform with steep sides.


A high, wide flat land form. (Bigger than a Mesa.)


A piece of land projecting out into a body of water.


A wide, bowl-shaped land region.


One of the seven main land masses of Earth.


Something to do with the ocean.


The weather pattern over a period of years.




How high above sea level a location is.


The physical features of an area.

Steppe climate

Transition climate between arid and wet climates.


Native or natural to an area.


The lines that go left and right on a map and measure how far north and south location is.


Lines that go up and down on a map and measure how Far East and west location is.

The five oceans of the world.

Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Southern Ocean, Arctic Ocean.

How much of the Earth is covered in water?

70% of the world is covered with water.

Percent of life that live underwater.


Where is the longest mountain range in the world?


Underwater, hot springs spout at what temperature?

They spout at 650 degrees Fahrenheit.

A swallow of sea water contains what?

1 million bacteria snd 10 million viruses.

Pressure at the bottom of the Ocean is equivalent to what?

A person trying to support 50 Jumbo jets.

The temperature at the bottom of the Ocean floor.

32-37 degrees.

Pacific Ocean

Largest Ocean, Larger than all of the land on Earth combined, Deepest part of any ocean is in the Pacific at the Mariana Trench (36,000 feet deep.), average depth is 12,500 feet, Most of the world’s islands are found in the Pacific. Over 25,000.

Atlantic Ocean

Covers about 25% of Earth’s surface, average depth is 11,000 feet, Mid-Atlantic Ridge divides the Atlantic into two major parts, many ports are located along the Atlantic Ocean, saltiest Ocean, water in the North Atlantic circulates clockwise; in the South it circulates counter-clockwise.

Indian Ocean

20% of all water on earth is in the Indian Ocean,major sea route connecting Africa and Asia to Europe and America, many shipping ports on shores, around 40% of the world’s off shore oil comes from the Indian Ocean, large ocean-has limited marine life, average=72 degrees, Average depth is about 12,700 feet.

Southern Ocean

Also known as Antarctic Ocean, has great influence on world weather patterns, large variety of marine life due to cold temperatures, has large oil and gas fields as well as other valuable minerals, covers only 6% of Earth’s surface.

Southern Ocean

Also known as Antarctic Ocean, has great influence on world weather patterns, large variety of marine life due to cold temperatures, has large oil and gas fields as well as other valuable minerals, covers only 6% of Earth’s surface. Average depth is 10,700 feet, icebergs exist year round, the temperature of the water ranges between 28-50 degrees, and there are only a few ports-those for research stations on Antarctica.

Arctic Ocean

Smallest and shallowest ocean, during most of the year, much of the ocean is covered in ice making it impassable, some ice is hundreds of feet thick, on average, it has the lowest saline level because of the low levels of evaporation, and little plant life is found, but some endangered species live in the ocean.

Extreme weather has always been part of Utah.

Floods, severe storms, wind, 1920 Lehi hail storm killed birds and chickens, 1971 Farmington wind storm.


The conditions at a specific time and place.

Climate is mainly...

...Temperatures and precipitation.

The three main major climate zones.

Tropical, temperate, and polar.

The range of the U. S. Climate zones.

Tropical to desert.

Driest state.


Second driest state.


Wettest state.


Second wettest state.


Utah’s three climate zones.

Highland, steppe, and desert.

Orographic lift.

An air mass is forced up which causes the mass to cool. A cooler air mass can hold less water, causing precipitation.


Sends out waves out and receives them back every 5-10 minutes. Can cover 140 miles.

Lake effect

Occurs when a strong, cold, northwesterly wind blows across a relatively warm lake.

Over 120 years, Utah’s temperature has risen...

3 degrees.