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107 Cards in this Set

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Cells of the embryoblast (inner cell mass) can develop into __ and thus are ___?
Any cell of the embryo, but not trophoblast cells, thus they are pluripotent
What is the first microscopically visible sign of the cranio-caudal body axis?
The prechordal plate
What is a sarcococcygeal teratoma?
A remnant of the pluripotential primitive streak remains and causes a tumor with many types of tissues. (most common tumor in newborns)
What is the adult remnant of the notochord?
nucleus pulposus
Where does neural tube fusion begin and which direction does it proceed?
begins in the cervical region and proceeds cranially AND caudally
What does intermediate mesoderm form?
urinary system and part of the genital system
What does somatic mesoderm form?
along with ectoderm: the body wall, parts of the limbs, most of the dermis
what does splanchnic mesoderm form?
coverings of visceral organs
Before embryonic folding, where is the cardiogenic area located?
in front (caudal to) of the neural tube and oropharyngeal membrane
The adult remnant of the pleuropericardial folds is the ___?
fibrous pericardium
The adult remnant of the septum transversum is the ___?
Central tendon of the diaphragm
The adult remnant of the pleuroperitoneal folds is the ___?
Postero-lateral musculature of the diaphragm
The crura of the diaphragm is the adult remnant of what?
the mesentery of the esophagus
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia affects the ___ aspect of the diaphragm, which is derived from ___?
The posterior-lateral portion derived from the pleuroperitoneal membrane
Eventration results from ___ and has ___ affects?
results from faulty muscle development and produces a thin diaphragm that balloons superiorly into the thorax
Name the four periods of lung development? During which stage does surfactant start being produced (coincides with the earliest possible time for viable birth)?
4 periods: 1. Pseudoglandular 2. Canalicular 3. Terminal Sac 4. Alveolar; Canalicular stage is when surfactant starts
Arrange these in order of blood flow: ventricle, truncus arteriosus, aortic sac and arches, atrium, bulbus cordis, sinus venosus
sinus venosus -> atrium -> ventricle -> bulbus cordis -> truncus arteriosus -> aortic sac &arches
After looping, which parts of the primordial heart are found anterior?
ventricle, bulbus cordis, and truncus arteriosus
The adult remnant of the fetal atria are the __?
auricular appendages
The left sinus venosus becomes the ___?
coronary sinus
What forms the majority of the smooth adult left atrium?
incorporation of the pulmonary veins
The smaller membranous portion of the adult interventricular septum is formed by what?
aorticopulmonary septum
The aorticopulmonary septum is formed by what cell population?
neural crest
1st aortic arch forms
portions of the maxillary and external carotid arteries
2nd aortic arch forms
stapedial artery
3rd aortic arch forms
common carotid and portions of the internal carotid arteries
4th aortic arch forms
aortic arch on left and proximal subclavian artery on right
5th aortic arch
6th aortic arch
portions of right and left pulmonary arteries, and ductus arteriosus
The adult derivatives of the vitelline veins are:
1. Portal system of veins
2. Hepatic sinusoids and veins
3. Portion of Inferior Vena Cava
The left umbilical vein empties into the ___ in the fetus which becomes ___ in the adult.
ductus venosus, ligamentum venosum
The adult derivative of the left umbilical vein is the ___
round ligament of the liver
The adult derivatives of the anterior cardinal vein are:
superior vena cava, jugular, and brachiocephalic vein
Four sources of the IVC are:
1. right supracardinal
2. sub and supra cardinal anastomosis
3. right subcardinal
4. right vitelline
The thoracic duct is formed by:
The caudal portion of the right duct, the anastomis, and the cranial portion of the left fetal duct
The three fetal blood shunts are:
1. ductus venosus- liver bypass
2. foramen ovale- IVC -> RA -> LA
3. ductus arteriosus SVC-> RA->RV->DA->aorta
Turners syndrome commonly causes what CHD?
postductal coarctation
1/3 of persons with Downs sydrome have what CHD?
primum type ASD aka peristent atrioventricular canal
What is more common, membranous VSD or Muscular VSD?
What are the four classic malformations in Tetralogy of Fallot?
1. Pulmonary artery stenosis
2. VSD
3. Overriding Aorta
4. Right ventricular hypertrophy
What type of aortic coarctation is compatible with extrauterine life and why?
postductal coarctation b/c collateral circulation develops during the fetal period
A machinery like murmur is common in what CHD?
Patent ductus arteriosus
How do transcription factors activate transcription?
They bind co-activators or mediators that acetylate histone tails and cause them to decondense.
What do mutations in the TFIIH gene cause?
extreme skin sensitivity to sunlight
Wilms Tumor protein WT1 codes for what and its mutation causes what?
codes a repressor in the developing kidney; mutation cause kidney tumors
TGF-Beta superfamily includes what and is important in forming what body axis?
1.TGF-B's, BMP's, activin, and nodal
2.dorsal ventral axis
BMP-4 induces expression of what tissue layer
Noggin, chordin, and follistatin do what
prevent BMP-4 binding and allow ectoderm to differentiate into neural cells
Retinoic acid is critical for formation of what body axis?
rostral caudal
Cerberus protein promotes formation of what structures? Blocks function of what?
Head structures
Blocks Wnt8 and BMP4
Cholesterol is important for the function of what secreted protein?
Sonic Hedghog
Secreted factor important in dorsal-ventral axis formation
What secreted factor is noted as being critical for angiogenesis?
Ventromedial portion of the somites forms what?
sclerotome; vertebrae and ribs
Dorsolateral portion of the somites forms what?
myoblasts and dermis; dermomyotome
membranous Neurocranium forms what?
flat bones of the calvaria
cartilaginous Neurocranium forms what bones?
base of skull: body of sphenoid, ethmoid, lesser wing of sphenoid, petrous and mastoid parts of temporal bone
mebranous Viscerocranium forms what?
maxilla, zygomatic bone, mandibular process
Cartilaginous Viscerocranium forms what?
malleus, incus, stapes, styloid process, hyoid bone, laryngeal cartilages
What secreted factors influence sclerotome development and from where are they secreted?
SHH and noggin; notochord/floor plate
What gene is important in formation of the vertebrae from sclerotome?
FGF10 is important for what?
initiates outgrowth of the limb bud
What does the zone of polarizing activity produce and what does it do?
produces RA which initiates expression of SHH and controls Anterior Posterior axis
pia and arachnoid are formed from ___ cell line whereas dura is formed from___
neural crest; mesoderm
sulcus limitans separates what two parts of the neural tube
basal plate (efferent neurons) and alar plate (afferent sensory, somatic and visceral neurons)
neural crest cells that form dorsal ganglia have and neural crest cells that make up sympathetic ganglia have two different migration patterns, what are they?
1.precursors of dorsal root gangllia stay at same rostral-caudal level
2. sympathetic precursors migrate 2-3 somite lengths rostral or caudal
dienchepalon gives rise to what
hypothalamus, thalamus, epithalamus, posterior hypophysis, eye
mesencephalon gives rise to what
metencephalon gives rise to what
pons and cerbellum
myelencephalon gives rise to what
medulla oblongata
telencephalon gives rise to what
cerebral hemispheres
What fetal brain flexure is seen in the adult?
midbrain flexure
how are layers 1-6 of the neocortex ordered?
cobblestone lissencephaly is caused by what?
overmigration of neurons
what happens in periventricular heterotopia
neurons fail to begin the process of migration
where does adult neurogenesis occur?
olfactory bulb and hippocampus
name two ways in vivo that a modulator of neurogenesis affect the levels of new neurons
1. changes level of proliferation
2. the effect is on survival of new neurons
onuf's nucleus, a sexually dimorphic region does what?
innervates penile musculature
mutations that cause Pallister Hall syndrome (PHS) affect what family of secreted factors?
Hedghog family; reduce the transcriptional activation of HH pathway targets
hook em horns sign on brain CT indicates what?
agenesis of corpus callosum (septum pellucidum)
reelin does what
induces radial neuronal migration
optic nerve is myelinated by ___ type of cell, because it is really ___
oligodendrocyte, a tract of the CNS
what forms the epithelium of the iris? the stroma? the sphincter and dilator muscles?
epithelium and muscles- both layers of optic cup (neuroectoderm) continuous with pigmented and nonpigmented retina
stroma- neural crest
what supplies the developing lens with nutrients and what happens to these structures at birth?
hyaloid artery and tunica vasculosa lentis both degenerate
layers of the cornea come from what cell populations?
epithelium- surface ectoderm
middle layer- mesoderm
endothelium- neural crest
what is the key regulatory gene for eye development and how is it regulated to prevent cyclopia?

-SHH -> pax2 downregulates pax6
what cell populations form the tympanic membrane>
ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm form the 3 layers
retinopathy of prematurity is caused by what?
premature birth causes termination of formation of inner retinal vessels; can result in blindness
transcription factor that causes corneal opacity, color deficiency, deafness, and cysts of the lining of the 3rd and 4th ventricles
transcription factor that causes corneal opacities, anterior synechiae with secondary glaucoma, abnormal teeth and umbilicus
transcription factor that causes congenital glaucoma by formation of abnormal trabecular meshwork
Branchial arch 1- (think M)
name the nerve, muscles, cartilages, pouch, groove, and membrane structures
Mm of Mastication, Mylohyoid, Ant. digastric, tensors veli palatini and tympani; malleus, incus; pouch, groove and membrane form external and middle ear
Branchial arch 2 (think S)
nerve muscles cartilages pouch
Mm of facial expression, stapedius, stylohyoid, post. digastric; stapes, styloid process, part of hyoid; tonsillar sinus
Branchial arch 3
nerve muscles cartilages pouch
part of hyoid
inf. parathyroid, thymus
Branchial arch 4 and 6
nerves muscles cartilages pouch
superior laryngeal (4) and recurrent laryngeal (6) nerves
cricothyroid and intrinsic larynx muscles; superior parathyroid; parafollicular cells of thyroid
where are the openings for a branchial fistula
tonsillar sinus and side of neck
Branchial arch 1- (think M)
name the nerve, muscles, cartilages, pouch, groove, and membrane structures
Mm of Mastication, Mylohyoid, Ant. digastric, tensors veli palatini and tympani; malleus, incus; pouch, groove and membrane form external and middle ear
Branchial arch 2 (think S)
nerve muscles cartilages pouch
Mm of facial expression, stapedius, stylohyoid, post. digastric; stapes, styloid process, part of hyoid; tonsillar sinus
Branchial arch 3
nerve muscles cartilages pouch
part of hyoid
inf. parathyroid, thymus
Branchial arch 4 and 6
nerves muscles cartilages pouch
superior laryngeal (4) and recurrent laryngeal (6) nerves
cricothyroid and intrinsic larynx muscles; superior parathyroid; parafollicular cells of thyroid
where are the openings for a branchial fistula
tonsillar sinus and side of neck
where are the openings for a second arch fistula
passes between carotids and exits deep to platysma
where are the openings for a third arch fistula
pierces thyrohyoid and goes posterior to carotid
where is the opening for an external sinus typically found
anterior border of scm; discharges mucous
Defects of lower eyelids and deformed ears you think:
treacher collins
why should you never prescribe tetracycline to a child under age 8?
b/c it disrupts tooth formation which is completed by about age 8
anterior 2/3 of tongue is formed from what branchial arch? posterior 2/3? innervations?
anterior 2/3 from 1st arch; general sensation CNV special CNVII(chorda tympani)
posterior 2/3 from 3rd mostly and 4th arch special sensory and gen. by CN IX except on epiglottis CNX