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43 Cards in this Set

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Cause of an INO (internuclear opthalmoplegia)
Is commonly caused in MS, and is due to demyelination of the medial longitudinal fasciculus
Dx patient with an eczematous rash on the breast that does not improve with topical treatment
Paget's disease, most which have underlying breast adenocarcinoma. Migration of neoplastic cells through the mammary ducts to the nipple surface.
Types of agents that are helpful in COPD
beta agonist, muscarinic antagonist (anti cholinergics)
Tx of choice in a patient with stable angina and hypertension
Dx patient with blurred vision, frontal headaches, and occasional falls, and blurry vision when leaning forward, with BP of 162/95
Intracranial htn. Cushings reflex, hypertension and bradychardia is typical. Needs CT or MRI.
Indications for excisional biosy
Always narrow margins if suspected melanoma, then 1 cm if the lesion is 1 mm deep or less. Need sentinal biopsy if more
Characteristics of renal changes in patient with hypertension
arterisclerotic lesions of affarent and efferent renal arterioles and glomerular capillary tufts.
Characteristics of renal changes in patient w DM
increased extracellular matrix, basement membrane thickening, mesangial expansion, and fibrosis.
Most common side effect of hydroxychloroquine
Retinopathy. Need eye exam every 6 months.
Dx pateint with clear KUB but positive US stones, with low urine pH
Low urine pH is indicative of hyeruricosuria, and radioluscent stones are more like due Uric acid stones. Need to hydrate first, then alkanization of the urine, with low pruine diet. Give patient potassium citrate to alkalanize the urine.
Type of nephropathy associated wtih Hodgkins lymphoma
Minimal change disease.
Sequence of esophageal studies
barium, endo, motility.
MGMT of patient found to be HCV positive during pregnancy
Vaccinate them to hep A and hep B. Chance of vertical transmission is 2-5%. Breastfeading is fine, do not treat with ribavarin (plus treatment is only for chronic), dont need condoms for sex, incidence is pretty low.
MGMT of patient who is vaccinated for rubella and gets vaccinated
reassurance. there have been no cases of congenital rubella syndrome.
MGMT of amurosis fugax suspicision
need to ultrasound the neck, as it is a sign of emboli causing ischemia to the eye, most likely coming from the carotid bifurcation
Dx patient with aldosterone secretion adenoma or bilateral adrenal hyperplasia
Conns syndrome, present with patient with hypokalemia and hypertension, typically old patients
Most common cause of secondary hypertension in kids
Is fibromuscular dysplasia. Phys exam shows a hum or bruit at teh costovertebral angle due to well developed collaterals, renal artery is affected, R more than L, and string of beads is seen.
Cause of vitiligo
From the depigmentation caused by autoimmune destruction of melanocytes. Inherited version is called piebaldism.
Tx of choice for trigeminal neuralgia
What kind of drug is trihexylphenidyl
anticholinergic. Causes dry mouth, constipation, urinary retention, flushing, vision changes, confusion
Differentiate patient with heat stroke vs heat exhaustion
heat stroke patient will have thermolegulation failure, super high body temp, altered mental status, hypotension, tachycardia. In heat exhaustio, youll be hypotensive, COOL skin, confsion and muscle spasm.
Most common cause of adrenal insuficiency in patients with hashimotos
Autoimmune adrenalitis.
Infections causes of primary adrenal insufficiency
CMV, fungal, TB.
Congenital cause of adrenal insufficiency
adrenoleukodystrophy, can cause AI, seen in young males, and has long chain fatty acids within adrenal glands.
Most common mechanism of hypotension in pateint with acute pancreatitis
caused by intravascular volume loss secondary to local and systemic enotehilia injury, leading to vascula permeability, leaking lamsa into peritoneum.
MRI changes in patient with pseudotumor cerebri
Empty sella and slit like ventricles. Other symptoms include headache that is pulsatile in nature, awakens one from sleep, whooshing sound in ears, sluggish pupillary reflexes. LP is indicated after neuroimaging is done. LP is recomended unless there is noncommunication hydrocepalus or space occypying lesion. LP will show increase opening pressure (>20 cm of water). Sixth nerve palsy should be only sign.
Dx patient with acute inflmmation of the gallbladder in the absence of stones
Usually due to acute acalculous cholecystitis, usually seen in patients after extensive burns, severe trauma, proonged TPN, prolonged fasting, mechanical ventilation.
Conditions which would predispose you to amyloidosis
Multiple myeloma or a chronic inflammatory disease such as rheumatoid arthritis
Type of nephrotic syndrome most common in African Americans, patients with obesity, or heroin use and HIV
focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
Dx patient with lesion in teh femur, 14, that has onion skin appearance, followed with a moth eaten or mottled appearance and extention into soft tissue
Ewings sarcoma. Treat with surgery, radiation and multi drug chemo.
X ray showing fusiform defect with scalloping, occuring in fifth decade of life
Dx patient with severe intermittent pain, tenderness, and sensitivity to touch, found in the subungual region
Glomus tumor. is benign, mostly women.
Spindle cell neoplasm that shows an osteolytic lesion with ragged edges, presenting as a painful mass
Common side effects of tetracyclines
Can cause phototoxic drug eruption, which show as exaggerated sun burns. Results from the production of ROS from metabolites reacting to UC radiations.
Antiviral therapy for influenza
THINK (wizard of) OZ: oseltamivir, and zanamivir.
Tx for CMV
Tx strategy for suspected aortic dissection
TEE. Aortagrams are not recommended anymore. HTN should be controlled before TEE is attempted.
Mechanism of hypocalcemia after blood transfusion
Chelation due to the elevated levels of citrate in the stroed blood. Can chelate calcium or magnesium.
Dx pateint with drop in PCWP, drop in PA pressure, drop in RA pressure and extremties are warm
Septic shock.
Dx patient with normal PCWP, super high PA and RA pressures
MAssive pE.
Damaged tendons in de Quervain tenosynovitis
Abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollic brevis
MGMT of patient with suspected infective endocarditis
Draw blood cultures, treat wtih empiric ABX, and then get a TEE.
Treatment of choice for patient w ALS.
Riluzole, a glutamate inhibitor.