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84 Cards in this Set

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Excessive dopamine levels

Hence antipsychotics antagonize dopamine as side effect


Low NE and 5HT

Hence SSRIs and SNRIs work

Solitary nucleus receives input from which cranial nerves?

7,9 and 10

Therefore involved in reflexes initiated through vagus or glossopharyngeal nerves

Carotid sinus reflex

Gag reflex


Murmur types

Mitral valve

Left 5th inter costal mid clavicular

Holosystolic= regurgitation

Stenosis= diastolic

Murmur types

Tricuspid valve

Left 4th intercostal parasternal line

Holosystolic= regurgitation

Stenosis= diastolic

Murmur types

Aortic valve

Right 2nd intercostal parasternal line

Stenosis= systolic

Regurgitation= diastolic

Plummer vinson syndrome

Anyone with iron deficiency anemia that also has: glossitis and esophageal webs

Fatigue, menorrhagia, sob

Decreased fine touch suggests what deficiency and which area affected?

Fine touch and pinprick sensation are mediated by the dorsal columns and spinothalamic tracts.

Suggest Vit B12 def or Neurosyphillis

Hyperkalemia can cause

Peaked T waves and wide QRS complexes



Nausea and vomiting

Etiology of hyperkalemia:

Insulin deficiency

Beta 2 adrenergic antagonist



ACE inhibitors

Glucagon can be used to treat what overdose?

Beta blocker toxicity

Stimulates cAMP which is independent of adrenergic receptor

Acromegaly testing

Test for screening and monitoring?

Test for confirmation of Dx?

Screen with IGF-1 which has a long half life and its produced by liver after stimulation of GH. IGF-1 is main mediator of GH action.

To confirm Dx a GH suppression test following an oral glucose load following a positive screening for IGF-1

HLA related ds

DR3 = Graves

DQ2/DQ8= Celiac ds


DR5= Pernicious anemia and Hashimotos

Testicular germ cell tumors

most common?


Painless + malignant + large nucleus to cytoplasm ratio + similar to dysgerminoma in females

Tumor marker= ALP

Testicular germ cell tumor

Yolk sac tumor

Endodermal sinus+ yellow mucinous+ Shiller- Duval bodies resemble primitive glomeruli+ high AFP

Testicular germ cell tumors


Disordered trophoblasts

Mets to brain and lungs


Any tumor or ds with increased bHCG can have hyperthyroidism symptoms bc of the alpha chain structure

Testicular germ cell tumor

Embryonal carcinoma

Hemorrhagic necrotic tumor

Painful+malignant+MC mixed cell tumor+ increased AFP and hCG

Testicular NON germ cell tumors

Mostly benign

Leydig cell tumors

Golden brown

Gynecomastia+ precocious puberty+ increased estrogen and androgens+ Reinke crystals

Testicular NON germ cell tumors

Sertoli cell tumor

Sertoli+ Androblasta from sex cord stroma+ estrogen increase


Testicular lymphoma

NHL in older men in testicles

From metastasis

Aggressive and hemorrhagic

Polyhydramnios is associated with

25 cm or more of amniotic fluid pockets

Anencephaly, gesttional diabetes or duoden atresia which is accompanied by double bubble sign (trisomy 21)

CMV on AIDS pt causes

Retinitis(cotton whool)+ esophagitis (linear)+ colitis+ pneumonitis+encephalitis w the classic owl eye inclusion bodies

AIDS pt with CNS lymphoma=

EBV causing B cell lymphoma

MAC in AIDS pt shows as

Nonspecific systemic symptoms and focal lymphadenitis= MAC

Tx with azythromycin + Rifabutin

Congenital complete heart blcok

Seen in Sjogrens syndrome

Associated with SS-A(Ro) SS-B (La)

Bundle branch block

After MI

Wide splitting and a bifid R wave (rabit ears) in leads V1 V2 between bundle of His and Purkinje fibers

Thiamine deficiency

Triad : confusion+ophtalmoplegia+ataxia along w lactic acidosis

Confirmed deficiency by# decreased activity of transketolase activity in RBCs

Scurvy confirmation test

Vit C deficiency is confirmed through WBCs ascorbic acid levels

Sarcoma botryoides or embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma

Grape like bunches out of vagina in 8yo or less females

Skeletal muscle origin+desmin positive

Tumor marker


Marker for both benign and malignant neuroendocrine cells

Inclusing pheochromocytoma

merkell cell cancer

CD15 and CD30 tumor markers

Mark HL Reed steinberg cells lymphoma

Cyrokeratin is a marker for

Epithelial cell malignancies such as:

HCC, Adenocarcinoma of stomach, squamous cell carcinoma and more

Pyogenic granuloma

Rapidly growing benign capillary hemangioma which cam ulcerate and bleed associated with trauma and pregnancy

Trache anatomy

Starts at C7 ends at T4/5 in the carina

Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia

According to the name there is less Ca urine excretion and hypercalcemia.

1ry Parathyroidism vs FHH= PTH has hypercalciuria and is part of MEN 1 which have to undergo parathyroid excission

Acyclovir MOA

Treats herpes and its a lrodrug that gets converted by thymidine kinase to acyclovir monophosphate and in turn to acyclovir triphosphate by host cell kinases

Tuberous sclerosis inheritance and features

TSC gene

Hypopigmented macules

Mitral valve regurg


Dystonia is treated with

Anticholinergics like benztropine and diphenhydramine

What is healing by 1ry 2ry and 3ry intention?

1° sutures bringing the two sides close for healing

2° granulation tissue

3° granulation and then closing wound like in grafts

Fronto-temporal dementia

Personality Behavioral, memory and language inpairment

Fronto-parietal dementia

Language and cognitive deficiencies

Drugs that cause gingival hyperplasia



Narcolepsy tx

Methylphenidate which is a inhibitor of reuptake of NE and Dopa

Acute interstitial nephritis pathognomic finding

Eosinophilia in urine

Acute pyelonephritis finding

WBC casts and bacteria

Acute tubar necrosis finding

Muddy brown casts


Treats NMS by blocking calcium release from sarcoplasmic reticulum through binding to ryanodine receptor

Erythema multiforme

Type 4 HSN by HSV specially HSV2

Polyarteritis nodosa features and tx

Segmental Necrotizing vasculitis assoc w HepB and no lung involvement.

3 phases of vasculitis: Fibrinoid necrosis

Fibroblast proliferation

Nodular fibrosis

Temporal or giant cell arterities

Multinucleated giant cells with nodular thickening of the intima and fragmentation of internal elastic lamina

Von hyppel lindau

Cavernous hemangiomas

Hemnagioblastomas of retina and cerebellum producing EPO


Renal cell carcinoma

Pancreatic tumors

Heparin induced thrombocytopenia

Antibodies against platelet factor 4

DKA derrangements explained

Hyperkalemia: acidemia (ketones) drive cells K/H exchange and insulin tendency to drive K intracellularly is missing

Hyponatremia: hyperflycemia induces osmotic diuresis

Hyperammonemia: muscle degradation

Insulin synthesis

Preproinsulin: cytosol

Proinsulin: RER

Insulin + C peptide: inside secretory granules to be secreted

Sweating is part of which nervous system and how to tx hyperhidrosis


Tx: syatemic anticholinergic (Ocybutinin), local botulinim or surgical sympathectomy at T2 level for axilla 😓

Hodgkin lymphoma is associated with which paraneoplastic syndromes

Cholestatic liver ds

Alcohol induces pain

Skin lesions


Nephrotic syndrome

Small cell lung cancer is associated with which autoimmune syndrome

Lamber Eaton

Mullerian agenesis

Absent pr rudimentary uterus and upper vagina but normal ovaries

Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome in male

X linked mutation of androgen receptor

Absent uterus and upper vagina

Cryptorchid testes

Minimal or absent pubic hair

Primary carnitine deficiency

Muscle weakness


Hypoketotic hypoglycemia

Elevated muscle TGs

Acyl CoA synthase deficiency therefore FA cant be converted into Acyl CoA to go into mitochondria and make ketones

Medium chain Acyl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency


Hypoketotic hypoglycemia after prolonged fasting

Von Gierkes is a glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency

Fasting hypoglycemia seen as well in MCAD and Primary Carnitine def BUT here there are no problems making ketone bodies there is just excessive glycogen bc it cannot be broken

Translation in Eukariotes vs Prokaryotes

Kosak : Eukaryotes : 5'cap initiation

Shine Delgarno : Prokaryotes : translation initiation

KEu 5cap


Apoptosis in eukaryotes

Caspases result in eukaryotic initiatiob factor degradation leading to interruption of translation therefore the proteins needed for apoptosis that need to be translated do so by Internal Ribosome Entry

Chrons likes which part of the GI most?

Terminal Ileum...

Ily (I love you) Ileum

Tx of hepatic encephalopathy

Lactylose which is a disacharide degraded by colonic bacteria to form lactic acid and acetic acid... Acidifying the GI contents increasing osmotic peristalsis

R/L recurrent laryngeal nerves innervate which muscles

All muscles of larynx except CRYCOTHYROID

Histology of graves

Hystology of hashimoto

Hystology of follicular adenoma

Skin callous is a thickening of which layer of skin

Stratum corneum of epidermis

Pt with atrophic glossitis+macrocytic anemia+peripheral neuropathy+hypothyroidism)

Hashimotos+ Pernicious anemia cause obce u have an autoimmune ds another one is easier to get

Low IF, low vit B12, hypochlodria, increased gastrin bc of loss of negative feedback

Cool clamy skin

Alpha 1 vasoconstriction


TNF alpha is responsible for systemic effects like





Septic shock

Idiopathic increased intracranial pressure specially targets which cranial nerve

CN6 is very sensitive to increase in pressure bc it passes through Dorellos canal

These pts hace increased intracranial pressure but normal CSF

Also called pseudotumor cerebri: tx wt loss and acetozolamide

Very long chain fatty acids and some branched chain FAs cannot undergo mitochondrial beta oxidation therefore

They are metabolized within peroxisomes

When peroxisomes are absent these VLCFA accumulate in tissue

Zellweger syndrome=peroxisomal ds = unable to form myelin

Urea cycle

Pinpoint pupils =

Opioid toxicity

Tx w Naloxone

Essential tremor is tx with

Propranolol and Primidone

Phenobarbital is an active metabolite of Primidone

Lactase deficiency can be primary or secondary name the differences

1* lactase (beta galactosidase) deficiency

2* association w celiac sprue or viral gastroenteritis due to lactase containing microvili in small intestine being damaged

How many calories per gram

Protein or Carb =4

Alcohol= 7

Fat =9

Thiamine dependent enzymes

Pyruvate dehydrogenase

Alpha keto glutarate dehydrogenase

Heparin binds to ...

ATIII + Plasma proteins like acute phase reactants whose levels vary by patient

Heparin also binds to PF4 also which can neutralize the anticoagulant effect of heparin

Chemical antagonism is

A drug that binds to another drug to inhibit it

Ex protamine which is + charge and basic binds to heparin - charged forming an inactive complex

21 hydroxylase deficiency

Chromosome 6 HLA locus

Causing congenital adrenal hyperplasia