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80 Cards in this Set

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Acetaldehyde is metabolized by Acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, which drug inhibs this enzyme?
Disulfram & also sulfonylureas, metronidazole
Explain pH dependent urinary drug elimination?
Weak Acids>Alkinalize urine(CF3) to remove more -Weak bases>acidify urine to remove more
How do you treat coma in the ER (4)?
Airway -Breathing -Circulation -Dextrose(thiamine &narcan) -ABCD
In coma situations you rule out what (7)?
-Infections -Trauma -Seizures -CO -Overdose -Metabolic -Alcohol (IT'S COMA)
List some specifics of lead poisoning(4)?
A57Blue lines in gingiva& long bones -Encephalopathy & Foot drop -Abdominal colic / -Sideroblastic anemia
List the specific antidote for this toxin: Acetaminophen
List the specific antidote for this toxin: Amphetamine
Ammonium Chloride
List the specific antidote for this toxin: Anticholinesterases (organophosphate.)
Atropine & pralidoxime
List the specific antidote for this toxin: Antimuscarinic (anticholinergic)
Physostigmine salicylate
List the specific antidote for this toxin: Arsenic (all heavy metals)
Dimercaprol, succimer
List the specific antidote for this toxin: Benzodiazepines
List the specific antidote for this toxin: Beta Blockers
List the specific antidote for this toxin: Carbon monoxide
-100% oxygen, hyperbaric
List the specific antidote for this toxin: Copper
List the specific antidote for this toxin: Cyanide
Nitrate, hydroxocobalamin thiosulfate
List the specific antidote for this toxin: Digitalis
-Normalize K+, Lidocaine, & Anti-dig Mab
List the specific antidote for this toxin: Heparin
List the specific antidote for this toxin: Iron
List the specific antidote for this toxin: Lead
-EDTA, dimercaprol, succimer, & penicillamine
List the specific antidote for this toxin: Methanol & Ethylene glycol
-Ethanol, dialysis, & fomepizole
List the specific antidote for this toxin: Methemoglobin
Methylene blue
List the specific antidote for this toxin: Opioids
B51Naloxone / naltrexone (narcan)
List the specific antidote for this toxin: Salicylates
Alkalinize urine & dialysis
List the specific antidote for this toxin: TPA & Streptokinase
Aminocaproic acid
List the specific antidote for this toxin: Tricyclic antidepressants
List the specific antidote for this toxin: Warfarin
Vitamin K & fresh frozen plasma
What are the products and their toxicities of the metabolism of ethanol by / alcohol dehydrogenase?
-Acetaldehyde -Nausea, vomiting, headache, & hypotension
What are the products and their toxicities of the metabolism of Ethylene Glycol by / alcohol dehydrogenase?
Oxalic acid -Acidosis & nephrotoxicity
What are the products and their toxicities of the metabolism of Methanol by / alcohol dehydrogenase?
Formaldehyde & formic acid -severe Acidosis & retinal damage
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Adrenocortical Insufficiency
Glucocorticoid withdrawal
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Agranulocytosis (3)?
Cloazapine -carbamazapine -colchicine -PTU
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Anaphylaxis?
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Aplastic anemia (5)?
Chloramphenicol -benzene -NSAIDS -PTU -phenytoin
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Atropine-like side effects?
Tricyclic antidepressants
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Cardiac toxicity?
Daunorubicin & Doxorubicin
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Cinchonism (2)?
Quinidine -quinine
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Cough?
-ACE inhibitors (Losartan>no cough)
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Cutaneous flushing (4)?
Niacin -Ca++ channel blockers -adenosine -vancomycin
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Diabetes insipidus?
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Disulfram-like reaction (4) ?
metronidazole -certain cephalosporins -procarbazine -sulfonylureas
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Drug induced Parkinson's (4) ?
Haloperidol -chlorpromazine -reserpine -MPTP
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Extrapyramidal side effects (3)?
chlorpromazine -thioridazine -Haloperidol
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Fanconi's syndrome?
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Focal to massive hepatic necrosis (4)?
Halothane -Valproic acid -acetaminophen -Amantia phalloides
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: G6PD hemolysis(8)?
Sulfonamides -INH -ASA -Ibuprofen -primaquine -nitrofurantoin /-pyrimethamine -Chloramphenicol
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Gingival hyperplasia?
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Gray baby syndrome?
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Gynecomastia (6) ?
Cimetidine -ketoconazole -spironolactone -digitalis -EtOH -estrogens
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Hepatitis?
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Hot flashes?
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Oto and Nephrotoxicity (3)?
aminoglycosides -loop diuretics -cisplatin
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: P450 induction(6)?
Barbiturates -phenytoin -carbamazipine -rifampin -griseofulvin -Quinidine
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: P450 inhibition(6)?
Cimetidine -ketoconazole -grapefruit juice -erythromycin -INH -Sulfonamides
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Photosensitivity(3)?
Tetracycline -amiodarone -Sulfonamides
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Pseudomembranous colitis?
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Pulmonary fibrosis(3)?
Bleomycin -amiodarone -busulfan
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: SLE-like syndrome
Hydralazine -Procainamide -INH -phenytoin
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Thrombotic complications?
Oral Contraceptives
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Torsade de pointes (2) ?
Class III antiarrhythmics (sotalol) -Class IA (Quinidine)
How does a noncompetitive antagonist effect an agonist?_
Shifts the curve down -reduces Vmax
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Tubulointerstitial Nephritis (5)?
Sulfonamides -furosemide -methicillin -rifampin -NSAIDS (ex. ASA): Describe first-order kinetics?\nConstant FRACTION eliminated per unit time.(exponential)
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Osteoporosis (2)?
-Corticosteroids ?heparin
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Neuro and Nephrotoxic?
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Tubulointerstitial Nephritis (5)?
-Sulfonamides -furosemide -methicillin -rifampin -NSAIDS (ex. ASA): Describe first-order kinetics?\nConstant FRACTION eliminated per unit time.(exponential) FRONT: Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Stevens-Johnson syn. (3) ?\n-Ethosuxamide -sulfonamides
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Tardive dyskinesia?
Which drug(s) cause this reaction: Tendonitis and rupture?
Describe Phase II metabolism in liver(3)?
-acetylation, glucuron.,& sulfation -Conjugation -Polar product\n
Describe Phase I metabolism in liver(3)?
-reduction, oxy, & hydrolysis -H2O sol. Polar product -P450
\nSteady state concentration is reached in __#half-lifes\n
\nIn 4 half-lifes= (94%) T1/2 = (0.7x Vd)/CL
\n\nWhat is the definition of zero-order kinetics? Example?
\n\nConstant AMOUNT eliminated per unit time. -Etoh &ASA
\n\n\nWhat is the formula for Clearance (CL)
\n\nCL= (rate of elimination of drug/ Plasma drug conc.)\n
\n\n\nWhat is the formula for Volume of distribution (Vd)
\n\n\nVd= (Amt. of drug in body/ Plasma drug conc.)
\n\nWhat is the loading dose formula?\n
\n\n Ld= (CpxVd)/F Cp=plasma conc. F= Bioaval.
\n\n\nExplain potency in relation to full and partial agonists(2).
\n\npartial agonist can have increased, decreased, /A21or equal potency as full agonist. - Potency is an independent factor.
\n\n\nHow do spare receptors effect the Km?
\n\n\nED 50 is less than the Km (less than 50% of receptors)
\n\n\nHow do you calculate maintenance dose?
\n\nMd= (CpxCL)/F Cp= plas. Conc. CL=clear. F=bioaval.\n
\n\n\n\nHow does a competitive antagonist effect an agonist?
\n\n\nShifts the curve to the right -increases Km
Name the steps in drug approval(4)?
Phase I (clinical tests) -Phase II -Phase III -PhaseIV (surveillance)
\n\nExplain differences between full and partial agonists(2).\n
\nAct on same receptor - Full has greater efficacy\nCimetidine -ketoconazole -spironolactone -digitalis -EtOH -estrogens\n