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100 Cards in this Set

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Cat or dog bite causing cellulitis:
* Pasteurella multicoda
Cat scratch fever:
* Bartonella henselae
Painful ulcer on penis is d/t:
* Haemophilus ducryei (chancroid)
Painless ulcer on penis is:
* Treponema pallidum (syphilis)
Organism culprit of otitis externa from swimming:
* Pseudomonas aeroginosa
A person with B-12 deficiency can't convert what to what?
* Can't convert methylmalonyl CoA to Succinyl CoA
What is the treatment of choice for dracunculus medinensis infections?
Niridazole. Found on pg. 159 (2008) and pg. 160 (2009).
Lowenstein-Jensen agar is needed to culture which organism?
M. tuberculosis. Found on pg. 141 (2008) and pg. 138 (2009).
Potential complication of a Group A beta hemolytic organism that is sensitive to bacitracin:
* Strep pyogenes (can cause strep pharyngitis and lead to MITRAL stenosis and vegetations)

Strep pyogenes can also cause impetigo
Antibodies are ineffective against paramyxoviruses (Parainfluenza, Rsv, Measles, Mumps) because:
* Synctia formation
A patient with decreased IgA will be at risk for:
* Increased Atopy (allergic stuff) d/t isotope switching to IgE
A pt with a severe pneumonia whose sputum grows a gram + rod on a charcoal agar has:
* Legionella pneumophila (Legionaires disease)
How does strep pneumoniae mediate its attachment in the nares to eventually become meningitis?
* an IgA protease
How is pseudomonas gain antibiotic resistance?
* Mutated porin protein
Virulence of strep pneumo?
* Capsule and IgA protease
Virulence factor of the organism that causes pharyngitis and rheumatic fever:
* M-Protein (Strep pyogenes-- Group A Beta hemolytic strep)
Features of rheumatic fever (strep pyogenes M-protein):
* No "Rhem" for SPECCulation:

Sub-q nodules, Polyarthritis, erythema, Chorea, Carditis
A pt with active Hep B will have this important antigen for transmissability:
* HBeAg
Structure of the common cold virus:
* Rhinovirus is ssRNA and naked
Cells most responsible for acute response to a bacterial infection:
* PMN's (T and B cells are responsible for an inflammatory response to acute infection)
Pt with abdominal distension, no N&V, reports having "funny-looking" stools has:
* Schistasoma (fluke from snails) infection which infects the PORTAL system
What type of virus is rotavirus (diarrhea in kids)?
* dsRNA (Reovirus)
Pt from Arizona who is exposed to rat feces while cleaning who presents with an ARDS (pneumonia-like symptoms) has:
* Hantavirus (ss - RNA) -- Bunyavirus
Pt with pneumonia that's organism it cold agglutin positive has:
* Atypical pneumonia via Mycoplasma pneumonia

Tx: Erythromycin
Immune response to filarial parasites:
* IgE mediated degranulation of mast cell and histamine on the organism
1st antibody PRODUCED during a bee-sting reaction:
* IgM (IgM is ALWAYS the 1st Ab produced)

Remember that IgE is premade
Best tx for a strep pneumo pneumonia?
* Azithromycin
Only segmented viruses:
* Influenza virus and Rotavirus (3 segs for the Hantavirus-- Bunyavirus)
To confirm dx of HIV you do a western blot and it must be positive to 2 of what 3 antigens:
* gp120, gp24, gp41
Organism that is a gram neg diplococcus (kidney bean) that causes septic arthritis and has a PILI:
* Neisseria gonorrhea (ferments glucose)
Best test to rule-in a GBS meningitis in a baby:
* GBS (Strep agalactiae) will have a positive CAMP test
A woman who become pregnant after being treated for TB, what is the drug that did this?
* Rifampin (Inhibits DNA-dependent RNA polymerase)

Isoniazid (inhibits mycolic acid biosynthesis)
Pt with flu-like symptoms who is an avid surfer from Hawaii probably has:
* Leptospirosis (spirochete)

Water + Tropics + Flu = Spirochete with hooks -- Leptospira
Heterophile positive Mono (sore throat + cervical lymphadenopathy):
* EBV (which is a herpes virus dsDNA)

Heterophile (-) = CMV (herpesvirus dsDNA)
dsDNA viruses:
* HSV1/2, CMV, EBV, HHV8, VZV (Herpesviruses); Adenovirus (pinkeye); JC-virus; HPV; Poxvirus

ssDNA virus = Parvovirus B19
Only ssDNA virus:
* Parvovirus B19
Optochin sensitive:

Bacitracin sensitive:

Novobiocin sensistive:
* Optochin: Strep pneumo (alpha-hemolytic, IgA protease)

Bacitracin: Strep pyogenes (group A, Beta hemolytic, M-Protein with exotoxin Lysogeny)

Novobiocin: Staph epidermidis
Only 2 organisms that can cause food poisoning within 2hrs:
* Staph aureus (salty foods-- ham/potato salad)

Bacillus cereus (reheated rice)
Toxins that inactivate EF2:
* Pseudo aero and Diptheria (cornye dipth)
A sequelae of a pseudomonal infection is:
* Ecthyma gangrenosum

Pseudo aeroginosa-- oxidase (+) and has an Exotoxin A and inactivates EF2 like Coryne diptheria
A girl with recurrent staph aureus and aspergillosis infections has:
* Chronic granulomatous disease (deficiency of NADPH oxidase of Neutrophils)
Stinky sputum from the lung:
* Anaerobic Klebisiella pneumonia
Any pt with aids that has an encephalitis with GIANT CELLS think:
* Either HIV or HSV encephalitis

HSV encephalitis will be bitemporal though
A preggo woman who has a flu-like illness and then has a spontaneous abortion probably has ingested:
* Aged cheese or unpasteurized milk (Listeria monocytoges-- and its Actin rockets are responsible)
Organisms that do lysogeny:
* ABCDE (shigA-like toxin, Botulinum toxin, Cholera toxin, Diptheria toxin, and Erythrogenic toxin of Strep pyogenes)

Botulism toxin
Cholera toxin
Diptheria toxin
Erythro toxin of Strep pyogenes (Bacitracin sensitive, M-Protein)
Fishy vaginal discharge with Clue cells:
* Gardnerella (tx: Metronidazole)
Causes yellow/green, FROTHY, vaginal discharge with itching:
* Trichomonas vaginalis-- has trophozites on wet mount

Tx: Metronidazole
2 organisms that can cause cervicitis or pelvic inflammatory disease:
* Chlamydia and Neisseria gonorrhea (gram neg diplococci-- creamy purulent discharge)

Chlamydia tx: Erythromycin or Tetracycline
Disorder following an infection that is will show an increased CSF protein with a normal cell count:
* Guillain-Barre syndrome (Acute idiopathic polyneuritis)

Inflammartion and demyelination of PERIPHERAL NERVES, ascending weakness, it affects the motor fibers of the ventral roots
Only infection caused by a cylindrical, large, white worm:
* Ascaris lumbricoides (get from ingesting its eggs in feces)

Tx: Mebedazole
Tapeworm from undercooked pork:
* Taenia solium (ingestion of larvae encysted in pork)

Ingestion of its eggs causes "swiss cheese" appearance in brain

Tx: Praziquantel
How does an organism develop vancomycin resistance?
* By formation of novel cell wall peptide bridges

Vanco depends on its ability to bind D-ALA D-ALA in the cell wall (resistance is when the wall becomes D-ALA D-lac)
Only antibody that can be produced in full blown aids because it doesn't need T-cells:
* IgM (IgA, IgG, and IgE all need T-cells which isn't there in AIDS)
Organism that causes acute epididymitis/orchitis in sexually active males:
* Neisseria gonorrhea (gram neg diplococcus) or Chlamydia trichomonas
The wood tick can cause what 2 disorders:
* Tularemia (Francisella) and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (Ricket ricketsii)
A kid presenting with difficult breathing, drooling, and stridor has:
* Epiglotitis (via Haemophilus influenzae B-- not common d/t Hib vax)
When does genital herpes reside?
* Sacral ganglia (HSV-2)

HSV-1 = trigeminal ganglia
A person with syphilis who doesn't get treated will have what positive screening tests:
* The FTA will be positive, but over time the VDRL will decrease
Chlamydia can cause a conjunctivitis by eye seeking flies, how does it transmit its itracellular pathogen:
* An Elementary Body (enters via endocytosis)

Once inside its the RETiculate body

Tx: Macrolides (erythromycin, azithromycin) or Tetracycline
Important (-) ssRNA viruses that are NON-Segmented are

(-)ssRNA that has 8 segments is:
* Non-seg: Paramyxovirus (Parainfluenza, RSV, Measles, Mumps) and Rhabdovirus (Rabies)

8 segments: Orthomyxovirus (Influenza)
Naked ss(+)RNA viruses are:
* Picornaviruses-- "PERCH" (Polio, Echo, Rhino, Coxsackie, HAV)


Calciviruses (HEV and Norwalk)
HIV drug user who presents with prolonged fever and diarrhea has:
* Myco Avium Complex
Pathologic factor for an e-coli produced prostatitis (uropathogen):
* P-Pili
How does hepatitis cause hepatocellular carcinoma:
* Integration of the viral genome

(Remember viral hepatitis = ALT>AST and EtOH hep is AST>ALT)
2 commonly implicated organisms that can cause a fatty streak (atherosclerosis):
* Chlamydia pneumophila and CMV (dsDNA virus)
A exhibiting signs of TB infection but had a previous untreated TB episode would have what lung findings:
* A single lesion in the APEX of the lungs (TB reactivation 2 degree TB)

Primary TB infection will infect the hilar lung area and the LOWER upper lung lobes
What is the best way to dx, treat, and identify the causitive agent in an AID's pt with an atypical pneumonia with cyanosis:
* DX: Fluorescence Ab
Treat with: Trimethoprim Sulfa
Identify with: Silver Stain

Organism = Pneumo jirovecii
HPV responsible for cervical cancer:
* HPV 16 and 18
Important body structure that is a resevoir for HIV:
* Follicular Dendritic Centers in the germinal centers of lymph nodes
What would Histoplasmosis, Blastomycosis, and Coccidioides look like in the body:
* Histo = Tiny yeast forms in Mac's (in the body)

Blasto = Free, round budding yeasts

Coccido = Spherules containing endospores
Best treatment for chlamydia:
* Macrolide (Azithromycin or Erythromycin) Bind 50s and inhibit protein synthesis
Maternal rubella infection can cause what in the fetus:
* Cataracts, PDA, MR, deafness
Homozygous mutation of what receptor can make someone immune to HIV?
* Homozygous Chemokine Receptor 5

HIV Immunity = CCR5 mutation
Where does pox virus replicate (mollocosum contagiosum)?
* Cytoplasm
The name of the toxin produced by clostridium perfringens (gram +rod) is:
* Alpha toxin (produces myonecrosis)
Used by chlamydia to replicate:
* Reticulate body = Replicate

Elementary body = Enters
Best way to dx a crytococcal meningitis:
* Latex agglutination (not india ink-- not as sensitive as latex agglute)
Most common causative agent of bacterial prostatitis:
* E. coli
Aids pt with a positive silver stain from brochioalveolar lavage has:
* Pneumo jirovecii (EXTRACELLULAR atypical fungus)
Pt with altered consciousness who dies and his brain has eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclusions has:
* Rabies-- Negri bodies (ss - RNA bullet shaped capsid)

Migrates up the axons
Contains the hair cells for hearing:
* Organ of Corti
Test that is best for determining if someone has been exposed to some viral pathogen (such as varicella before):
* ELISA is best
AIDS pt with punch-out lesions all over the esophagus probably has:
* Herpes simplex infective esophagitis
Chloramphenicol causes aplastic anemia, what would it do to the bone marrow?
* It would be hypocellular with predominance of fat and marrow stroma
Causes subactue sclerosing enchephalitis:
* Measles (rubeola)

(Lots of neuro/behavior changes occur)
How would you prevent a neonate from getting a GBS meningitis from the mom during delivery?
* Give her IV ampicillin during labor
What causes the lesions seen with burn patients infected with a pseudomonal infection?
* Elastases (cause pseudomonal septicemia)
Delivery of bacterial info from one organism to another via a phage is:
* Transduction

(Transposons jump via plasmids)
B-12 deficiency (megaloblastic anemia) with a tapeworm infection (eating seafood/fishing etc.) is:
* Diphyllobothrium latum
Oral flora that can produce a lung abscess/pneumonia:
* Fusobacterium, Bacteroides, Peptococcus
Aids pt with ring-enhancing brain lesions that show bradyzoites:
* Toxoplasma gondii (protozoan from poorly cooked PORK)
Infective agent in honey that gives kids a flaccid paralysis:
* SPORE of Botulinum toxin
Neonate who develops pneumonia following a conjuctivitis has:
* Chlamydia trachmontis pneumonia
A yeast the forms pseudohyphae describes:

Silver stain fungus think:
* Candida infection

Silver stain: Pneumo jirovecii
Kid with itchy butt worms, and the scotch tape test is positive for oval eggs that are flat on one side has:
* Enterobius vermicularis (pinworm)

Tx: mebendazole
A pregnant woman with a parvovirus B-19 infection might cause what in her fetus?
* Aplastic anemia -- leading to non-immune hydrops
How does herpes virus move in the neurons:
* Retrograde movement using dynein
Best way to dx a candida infection:
* Germ-tube test
A man with explosive, watery/bloody, diarrhea, after eating undercooked food has an infection with:
* Campylobacter jejuni (best test is it grows at 107 F)
Best test for checking HIV viral load:
* HIV reverse transcriptase PCR